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Conference bgsdev::multimedia_services

Title:Multimedia Services
Notice:Latest kit is always in hitujr::"/pub/"
Created:Fri Jul 02 1993
Last Modified:Thu Jun 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:505
Total number of notes:2097

503.0. "ESS audio support for UNIX?" by OSLLAV::JENSH (Jens Holwech, SBU Workstation Sales Support, Norway (DTN 872-8543)) Wed May 21 1997 16:37

Just having unpacked & booted my first Personal Workstation 433au machine, 
I'm wondering how to enable the ESS audio device? MMS reports that it 
cannot find any audio device. MMS V2.2 (UNIX V4.0C) was FIS installed.

The ESS device works ok from NT.


503.1I don't think you can get audio yet under UNIXKOLOR::MCGOWANTom McGowan,PK02-1/J80,DTN 223-2076Wed May 21 1997 18:379
    We were told that the current version of MME does not support the
    audio board supplied with the MX5, so audio won't work. We included
    MME 2.2 in the FIS image anyway; to leave it out would mean you wouldn't
    get the video features either. I'm not sure when support is to
    be added, but I suspect we'll find out via your cross-posting in the
    MME notes file.

 - tom, FIS Engineering
503.2FT kit avail next weekNNTPD::"dancy@zko.dec.com"Chip DancyThu May 22 1997 15:374
A field test kit of MMS V2.3 will be available next week.  It will include
support for the MX5 audio.  I would appreciate it if you would participate
in the IFT.
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