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Conference napalm::guitar

Title:GUITARnotes - Where Every Note has Emotion
Notice:Discussion of the finer stringed instruments
Created:Thu Aug 14 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:3280
Total number of notes:61432

1467.0. "Kramer Guitars" by JUNCO::AUSTIN () Fri Sep 08 1989 23:41

    I'm going to be buying my first guitar next week, a Kramer 210(Floyd
    Rose II Double Locking Tremolo, two humbucking pickups designed
    by Seymour Duncan).  Does anyone else out there have a Kramer? 
    I'm buying it from Mr.C's in Marlborough, along with a Dean Markey(sp)
    amp(I don't know the model #, but it's just a practice amp with
    20 watts).  They said they would sell me the package(w/cord and
    strap) for $460.  Is that a good price?  I really love the sound,
    look, and feel of the guitar.  I've looked at alot of others and
    this one impressed me the most out of all the others in my price
    range.  I'm just a beginning guitarist, so it's been hard for me
    to shop for a guitar and know what's a good deal and what's not.
    If you have any experience with Kramers, I'd appreciate your inputs.
1467.1mines blackSALEM::TAYLOR_JMon Sep 11 1989 19:002
    Kramer-simply the best-If you like the sound,price and have looked
    at comparble axes go with the kramer
1467.2survey sezDISCVR::JONEILLWed Sep 13 1989 10:309
    I'd be interested in hearing feed back about Kramer also. I've 
    recently started to play bass and one of the basses I looked as
    was a Kramer bass at Daddy's. The price was right and the guitar
    was beautiful, white and black with gold trim. It played real easy
    too. I had a good bassist check it out for me and he was impressed.
    (thanks Fred) I now have an old Gibbson Epiphone but when Im ready
    for a real bass, I think I'm going back for the Kramer.
1467.3Go 4 it ...ASAHI::SCARYPretty neat username, huh ?Wed Sep 13 1989 10:467
    I'm a die-hard Kramer fan (Focus 3000) so I'd give just about any
    Kramer fiddle a thumbs up !   The basses play nice too, but they're
    quite expensive.

1467.4Buy mine, I'll cut you a deal !ASAHI::COOPERInsert Heavy Metal phrase here....Wed Sep 13 1989 17:146
    I like Jerry's axe.  To me though, I might add that the less expensive
    models (like the "Striker" series) have crappie pickups.  I've got
    a Striker...  I love it...'Cept for when you plug it in...IMHO.
    Wanna buy mine ?
1467.6VLNVAX::ALECLAIREFri Sep 15 1989 14:201
    My BC Rich blows my baretta out of the water.
1467.7sureSALEM::TAYLOR_JFri Sep 15 1989 15:018
    agagagagagagagagagaga   ha ha ha ha  that was a good one
           BC rich   
                 ......Havent laughed like that in awhile
1467.8Tactless, funny, but tactless ;^)ASAHI::COOPERInsert Heavy Metal phrase here....Fri Sep 15 1989 15:468
    My Charvel's blows by BC Rich out of the water...
    ... which in turn will blow my Kramer out of the water !

    When does it end ?  Do I have to buy and ESP to blow my Charvel
    out of the water, which...Well, you get the idea...
1467.9DNEAST::BOTTOM_DAVIDThe sea refuses no river...Fri Sep 15 1989 16:423
And my strat blows everything on earth away....

1467.10Chavels = stick + stringsRAVEN1::BUTKUSMy mom says I'm specialFri Sep 15 1989 19:1621
    	I promise I won't say anything about Coop's Charvel's.
    	except : Bwaa-ha-ha!!!!!! 8^)
1467.11ASAHI::COOPERInsert Heavy Metal phrase here....Fri Sep 15 1989 19:516
    Mike used to think Ibanez stunck...
    ... Until he bought one.  Now they rule right Mike !
1467.12RAVEN1::BUTKUSMy mom says I'm specialFri Sep 15 1989 21:567
    	No that's not true I think most Ibanez's s*ck I love
    	 the model that I have...and it roolz!!!
1467.13They all blow ..... 8^)ASAHI::SCARYPretty neat username, huh ?Sat Sep 16 1989 03:031
1467.14VLNVAX::ALECLAIRESat Sep 16 1989 15:109
    OK OK my BC Rich Bich Blows my kramer out of the water, but it 
    cost me 3 times as much. And it'll blow any Strat, Charvel, Gibson,
    ESP, anything anything anything out of the way. Period. The end.
    No Comparison. Segovia wrote once that his Hauser was the greatest
    guitar in the world years ago. Today there is my Rich Bich, which 
    not only is the greatest guitar that was ever and will ever
    be made but is the Greatest Rich Bich ever made. 
    But for a reasonably priced guitar, some kramers are OK.
1467.15...and it'll be said againCSC32::G_HOUSEDoes a bear wear a funny hat?Mon Sep 18 1989 16:0613
    It's been said in here a thousand times...
    Guitars are very personal, what does it for me will probably make
    someone else want to toss it.  I have a Charvel that I really like, I
    have a Hamer that I like, I have a Strat that I like.  I've played
    Kramers, Ibanezes, Fenders, Gibsons, and other that I liked.  I've
    also played guitars by most of the above manufacturers that I couldn't
    The bottom line is that if you play the guitar and you click with it,
    it's probably gonna work for ya.  
1467.16VLNVAX::ALECLAIREMon Sep 18 1989 17:0510
    This is true. I still haven't found anything better for me than  
    this RichBich.  If I ever do, I'll store the Rich. And it plays alot
    better in the 'snob' seating position than standing, too heavy in the
    head. But still, the thing tore my wongers off when I played it at
    first, like total shock or orgasim. It sounds unreal. 
    If I had any brains I'd be sure to recommend buying a Kramer or not
    for the sound of the particular guitar instead of brand-names.
                                             BTW    %-) who is this guy?
1467.17Real Heavy Metal From KramerAQUA::ROSTChickens don't take the day offSun Sep 24 1989 00:0317
    Kramer has yet another new guitar feature.....metal inserts!  This
    isn't really a new idea, The Yamaha SBG2000 that Carlos Santana used to
    use had a large brass plate installed underneath the bridge and the Leo
    Quan Badass bass bridges had a large brass "foot" that stuck into the
    body.  In all cases, the idea is/was to increase the natural sustain of
    the guitar.
    The Kramers come in three styles.  The first has the metal totally
    enclosed within the body.  The second style has a small strip of metal
    visible on the edge of the body.  The third style has the metal on the
    *outside* of the body, sort of like a decorative pickguard.
    Curious as to how popular these turn out.
1467.18Curious about the NightswanICS::BUCKLEYWhat would you want with a wabbit?Tue Jul 10 1990 14:425
    ANyone in here ever play one of those Nightswan models?  Again,
    like my Washburn note, I've seen them around, and they have caught
    my interest, but have yet to play one.
1467.19Add water make its own sauce!DASXPS::PLAFONDJust gooo for it!Fri Jul 20 1990 18:369
     Nightswan! Many times,My friend Steve had one neck is very
    skinny.But the Full Shred is the nuts.Not a Kramer person
    but it a great guitar.
    			What up Buck!
    				How's things going.
    			Well got to go home see everyone on Monday!
1467.20ICS::BUCKLEYCocked & Loaded!Fri Jul 20 1990 19:107
    Hey PI,
    Things are going good...didn't go with the Kramer (not a Kramer person
    either...), went with another Ibanez!  Oh well, it works for me!
1467.21VLNVAX::ALECLAIREBob's Belly BombsFri Jul 20 1990 22:165
    What kind of wood is the body made from?
    toe whose's Kramer has a new jack and BAAAAAAAAAAD action,
    1 way trem tho
1467.22Eddie V's new axeSALEM::TAYLOR_JWed Dec 26 1990 12:253
     I heard that Kramer is going out of business 
 and that Eddie the V will be endorsing Musicman guitars.
     I wonder if the value of old Kramers will go up ?
1467.23Eddie "designed" a new music manCOOKIE::S_JENSENBOT: member by declarationWed Jan 02 1991 19:4210
I saw an add in either Guitar Player or Guitar World that shows Eddie with his
new "I-got-to-design-it" guitar, by Music Man.  The add says something like,
"I used to endorse brand X, but I got to *design* this one, ..big difference",
with a picture of eddie, guitar, and ought-to-be-patented grin.

Wonder if it's any good?  Did anyone ever try that Steve Morse model Music Man?
If so, how was it?  I don't think anyone carries them around here, at least I 
haven't seen them.

1467.24I wouldn't want one...GOES11::G_HOUSEJoin the Brotherhood of ToneWed Jan 02 1991 21:4610
    I saw that ad too, it's in the new issue of Guitar World.  I thought
    the new Eddie guitar was pretty ugly looking.  

    It's kind of a bulbous Tele looking kind of thing.  The one in the
    photo had a flame maple top and a maple neck.  I think there were two
    humbuckers, one knob (volume, presumably), and a pickup selector switch
    on it (in what I considered a clumsy location, the lower section of the
    body toward the front).
1467.25PNO::HEISERhell is for wimpsThu Jan 03 1991 16:384
    I saw it too and I agree with Greg.  Makes me appreciate my Ibanez even
    more ;-)
1467.26You guys are amazing :)COOKIE::S_JENSENBOT: member by declarationThu Jan 03 1991 18:183
I don't know how you guys do it.  I simply cannot tell from a picture.  I'd have
to pick it up and play on it for a while before I could decide whether I like
it or hate it. 
1467.27Gotta have priorities, dudeGOES11::G_HOUSEJoin the Brotherhood of ToneThu Jan 03 1991 21:482
    It's because you play things that play/feel good and we play things
    that *look* good...
1467.28CSC32::H_SORedline? What redline?Thu Jan 03 1991 21:552
    Yup!  We're poseurs!  8*)
1467.29all together nowPNO::HEISERhell is for wimpsFri Jan 04 1991 20:377
    I think it is a joint effort.  If it plays well and looks good, I'll
    enjoy it more.  If it doesn't at least look good, I won't pick it up.
    EVH's Music Man may play well, but it is butt ugly and I wouldn't be
    happy with it.
1467.30I'd play itICS::BUCKLEYSheena is a punk rocker!Sun Jan 06 1991 15:501
    I saw it today, and it wasn't that ugly!!
1467.31Eddie "trust me" Van HalenRICKS::CALCAGNIWomen and rhythm sections firstSun Jan 06 1991 16:4610
    Is it just me, or was anyone else kind of annoyed with this ad?
    I can imagine I was just a pup, saved all my pennies for a Kramer
    just like my idol, Eddie's.  Then one day, there's Eddie thumbing
    his nose at me, saying "sucker!".  Oh yeah, but "you can trust me now"
    I know endorsements are a joke, but I just found this one particularly
    What'll it be next year?  "I designed the guitar I used to play, but I
    BUILT this one"?
1467.32They should name the mag Guitar Irk ;^)ICS::BUCKLEYSheena is a punk rocker!Sun Jan 06 1991 18:063
    I was annoyed, but only to an extent...Nuno Bettencourt interviews
    annoy me WAY more than the EVH/MM ad...however, both have SERIOUSLY
    bad attitudes IMHO.
1467.33DNEAST::BOTTOM_DAVIDvictim of unix...Mon Jan 07 1991 12:278
Personally I don;t put any stock in any endorsements. Most of these guys
change brands as fast as their contract runs out and the next company
down the line offers more $'s. For example look at Howard Lesse, he's 
endorsed at least 5 different amps and several guitars in the last few years.
And allowed the stupidest quote I've ever heard "This guitar actually makes
my amps sound good!" how droll...Reb Beach is endorsing Peavy now...ad nauseum.

1467.34ICS::BUCKLEYSheena is a punk rocker!Mon Jan 07 1991 12:5117
    Reb Beach and Peavey?!?!?  Oh puhleeze!
    Reb Beach		Amps		Guitars
    			KH		Kramer
    			Laney		Ibanez
    			Marshall	Peavey?
    Other Endorsements abusers are:
    Marty Friedman
    Jason Becker
    The Warrant dudes
    Leslie West
    Paul Gilbert
    Vito Brata
1467.35PNO::HEISERhell is for wimpsMon Jan 07 1991 14:377
    Re: -1
    gotta pay the bills somehow ;-)  Most of us would be real tempted to do
    the same.  We could do all these endorsements so we could go out and
    buy Roland and TC Electronic units ;-)
1467.36The question is . . . do they use em?HPSRAD::JWILLIAMSWed Jan 09 1991 14:388
The burning question has always been whether or not the endorsed product sees
any use by the artist endorsing it. I see it as kind of like the stickers
on drag racers. You expect a cetain level of honesty. If it were acceptable
for an artist to endorse any old hunk of junk, that would piss me off.

If they endorse it, they better play through it, and they better like it.

1467.37oh c'mon!ICS::BUCKLEYnot a trace of us left...Wed Jan 09 1991 14:452
    I just saw an ad for Reb Beach endorsing Carvin...this dude is outta
1467.38PNO::HEISERhell is for wimpsWed Jan 09 1991 15:118
    Even my wife got a chuckle out of EVH's ad! ;-)
    Re: Reb Beach
    My new guitar instructor is the first guitarist that didn't ask me
    "What's a Kitty Hawk?".  He's familiar with Reb.
1467.39ESKIMO::AUSTINSat Apr 13 1991 14:014
    Have any of you played/bought one of the new Kramers(Nightswan or
    Stagemaster)?  Do they play and sound as good as they look?
1467.40GSRC::COOPERMajor MIDI Rack Puke (tm)Sat Apr 13 1991 16:334
    I've played a nightswan.  No.  :)
    A lot of money too.
1467.41look are only paint deep!KURMA::IGOLDIEThe Incendiary PreacherSat Apr 13 1991 18:157
    Are these the range endorsed by the guitarist from Enuff z Enuff?(1
    single coil and 1 humbucker)pity they don't play so good they look very
1467.42"I like to keep things sustained."SALEM::STIGFri Sep 25 1992 11:362
    I have a Kramer Sustainer which comes with a floyd rose. It kicks
    butt...It's a very solid guitar.