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Conference hydra::amiga_v1

Notice:Join us in the *NEW* conference - HYDRA::AMIGA_V2
Created:Sat Apr 26 1986
Last Modified:Wed Feb 05 1992
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:5378
Total number of notes:38326

3041.0. "SNAP" by DICKNS::MACDONALD (WA1OMM 7.093/145.05/223.58 AX.25) Tue Oct 24 1989 15:09

I downloaded SNAP last night. It is basically a better SNIPIT with the
ability to cut and paste columns, words, lines, and graphics. It runs as
background task ready for use with the left and right Amiga keys and
mouse buttons. I'll upload to the system tonight.

3041.1LEDS::ACCIARDITue Oct 24 1989 22:1311
    Paul beat me to it... I DL'd SNAP and must agree that it's a great
    cut/past tool.  It's main advantage over Snipit is the ability to
    automatically adjust it's 'cut' zone to any character cell.  Snipit
    required the user to manually adjust the vertical offset to cut text
    from most VT-100 emulators.  SNAP does it automatically.
    SNAP also creates a cute 'crawling ant' outline around the highlighted
    text, as the Mac does.
3041.2snap+ ??SALEM::LEIMBERGERWed Oct 25 1989 06:165
    Does anyone know how this compares to Snap + .Snap + was on the
    last compute resource disk.I haven't had time to play with it yet,but
    I am curious as to how they differ.
3041.3Version 1.3DPDMAI::ANDERSONAThis space for rentThu Oct 26 1989 01:537
    The one I got (you guys are fast) was from Mikael Karlsson Aug 18, 1989
    Version 1.3.  What date/version  is on Snap+ ?.
    I like the ants
3041.4SNAP V1.3 is availableDICKNS::MACDONALDWA1OMM 7.093/145.05/223.58 AX.25Thu Oct 26 1989 02:592

3041.5ARC or ZOO ??HPSTEK::SENNAThu Oct 26 1989 07:232
    Does anyone have this in arc or zoo format? No offense but I like to
    use diskmaster to dearc. 
3041.6WJG::GUINEAUThu Oct 26 1989 11:0111
-RMS-E-FND, ACP file or directory lookup failed
-SYSTEM-F-INVLOGIN, login information invalid at remote node

Looks like your DECNET account is screwed up...

3041.7SNAP versus SNAPLEDS::ACCIARDIThu Oct 26 1989 11:316
    Um, there was a freely distributable program called SNAP (Small Nodal
    Analysis Program) that simulated the time response of electrical
    circuits.  Is it possible that these two SNAPs are being confused?
3041.8Add to DMDICKNS::MACDONALDWA1OMM 7.093/145.05/223.58 AX.25Thu Oct 26 1989 13:547
>>    Does anyone have this in arc or zoo format? No offense but I like to
>>    use diskmaster to dearc. 

Why not add LHARC to DiskMaster like I did!
BTW, V1.0 of LHARC with everything everone has been asking for, should
be available this week.
3041.9Snap+= screengrabberSALEM::LEIMBERGERFri Oct 27 1989 06:1815
    I checked,an snap+ is a screen grabber.It will grab screens with
    the menu button selected,allow you to cycle through intuition screens,
    and is said to handle all types of screens.
    >Why not add LHARC to DiskMaster like I did!
    	I dont have Diskmaster,or a hard drive.Long ago I reached the
    point where I have to sacrifice something off my workbench disk
    if I want to add another utility.This is AFTER I went to Arp to
    save space.While you may consider LHARC to be the new standard,at
    this time it accounts for a small percentage of files on the net.
    >>>BTW, V1.0 of LHARC with everything everone has been asking for,
    >>>should be available this week.
    Does this mean you will have it available to run on the VAX like
    arc,and zoo.
3041.10Time is MoneyDICKNS::MACDONALDWA1OMM 7.093/145.05/223.58 AX.25Fri Oct 27 1989 12:5226
    >Why not add LHARC to DiskMaster like I did!

>>    	I dont have Diskmaster,or a hard drive.Long ago I reached the
>>    point where I have to sacrifice something off my workbench disk
>>    if I want to add another utility.This is AFTER I went to Arp to
>>    save space.

My reply was not directed to you, but rather to the chap who indicated
he liked to use DiskMaster to deARC.

>>While you may consider LHARC to be the new standard,at
>>    this time it accounts for a small percentage of files on the net.

Hmmm ... I don't believe I ever said that it was a new standard. It
happens to compress more efficiently than anything else available. Time
is money. LHARC is also the "standard" being adopted by PLINK and
Compuserve. Time is money.

    >>>BTW, V1.0 of LHARC with everything everone has been asking for,
    >>>should be available this week.

>>    Does this mean you will have it available to run on the VAX like
>>    arc,and zoo.
Dunno what purpose that would serve 'cept maybe to allow viewing the doc
3041.11VMS LHARC - YES!!AYOV28::ATHOMSONC'mon, git aff! /The Kelty ClippieFri Oct 27 1989 13:0813
    I agree that we need a VMS version of LHARC, and -.1 has hit one of the
    reasons - to view the .doc files ; is it worth downloading? Another
    reason I have is to unpack/repack files. Because I have no access to a
    modem, I must download via 'sneakernet', i.e. VAX->Vaxmate carry the
    disk home, then PC->Amiga. This restricts the maximum downloadable
    single file size to about 700 blocks (360k disks on the PC). In order
    to download larger files (e.g. almost all of the fish disk archives -
    average size 800 - 1250 blocks) I must unpack the big file and re-pack
    into two or more smaller files. With Zoo and Arc, I can do so easily
    but with LHARC and WARP I can't. (In fact because the walker demo is
    a .WRP on the net I still haven't seen it....).
    					Alan T.
3041.12TALLIS::MCAFEESteve McAfeeFri Oct 27 1989 19:4211
    Yes, snap is much nicer than snipit, but unfortunately it won't
    recognize the 16 point font I use in interlace mode.  It does
    recognize a fairly nice 11 point siesta font I picked up somewhere
    Thanks Paul.
    - steve
    BTW  Anybody have a larger siesta font (13-16 points).
3041.13LHARC->ARCSALEM::LEIMBERGERSat Oct 28 1989 06:3910
    	In reference to your stating"Lharc is the new standard" I was
    refering back to note 2976.Sorry about any confusion.I also realize
    you were replying to another noter,didn't mean to interrupt the
    conversation,I ment to imply that many of us cannot adjust to LHarc
    as easily as some.I have to do my downloading at work to a single
    drive 1000.If I can I will try to get LHarc downloaded,and then
    I could change the Snap files to ARC format,and upload these to
    the net.
3041.14ZOO formatWJG::GUINEAUSat Oct 28 1989 13:185


3041.15thanksSALEM::LEIMBERGERSun Oct 29 1989 15:262
    Thanks john...
3041.16Snap V1.4 uploaded to TAPEBOMBE::MOOREEat or be eatenWed Feb 14 1990 06:4944
    I uploaded a new version of Snap to TAPE""::USER2:[UPLOAD]SNAP14.ZOO
    Below is the header from USENET...
                          <<< FRSOLD::AMIGA_BINARIES >>>
                      -<  comp.binaries.amiga - postings >-
Note 141.0  v90i062: Snap 1.4 - cut, store, and paste between window  No replies
FRSOLD::ZIMMERMANN "cs.odu.edu!Amiga-Request"       948 lines  13-FEB-1990 11:34
Path: shlump.nac.dec.com!decwrl!lll-winken!brutus.cs.uiuc.edu!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!xanth!cs.odu.edu!Amiga-Request
From: Amiga-Request@cs.odu.edu (Amiga Sources/Binaries Moderator)
Newsgroups: comp.binaries.amiga
Subject: v90i062: Snap 1.4 - cut, store, and paste between windows, Part01/02
Message-ID: <11379@xanth.cs.odu.edu>
Date: 11 Feb 90 22:54:08 GMT
Sender: tadguy@cs.odu.edu
Reply-To: micke@slaka.sirius.se (Mikael Karlsson)
Lines: 935
Approved: tadguy@cs.odu.edu (Tad Guy)
X-Mail-Submissions-To: Amiga@cs.odu.edu
X-Post-Discussions-To: comp.sys.amiga
Submitted-by: micke@slaka.sirius.se (Mikael Karlsson)
Posting-number: Volume 90, Issue 062
Archive-name: util/snap-1.4/part01
Snap is the perfect tool for the lazy typer. Isn't it irritating when you
look at something on the screen and think: "That is what I'm going to type."?
What if you could just point at it and get the computer to type it for you?
That's where Snap comes to the rescue.  Another thing that irritates me is
that I'm sitting in front of THE computer and still I must have pen and paper
available to scribble down something from the screen that I know I will need
later. Snap provides a solution to that problem also. Just frame it and Snap
creates a window with a copy of the screen contents. Perfect for snapping
text from later on. 
Important changes:
o You can't use the new Snap to turn off the old version.
o Delays are now specified in milliseconds.
o You can now change parameters without removing and re-installing Snap.
o Use 'snap -Q'/'snap quit' to remove Snap.

3041.17VIRUSX and SNAP?STAR::ROBINSONThu Mar 22 1990 17:097
     Does anyone have VirusX 4.0 working with SNAP? I see mr guru when
     snap attempts to load at the end of my startup-sequence. I haven't
     tried all the variations yet - I thought I'd ask before playing
     the PD-utility-swap-and-configure game. I have a vague recollection 
     that this was discussed somewhere, but I couldn't find it.
     Thanks in advance.
3041.18DICKNS::MACDONALDWA1OMM 7.093/145.05/223.58 AX.25Thu Mar 22 1990 22:281
    That combo works okay here.
3041.19Snap? Can't get a peep out of it...AISG::LANDINGHAMGuy M., DLB5-3/E5, 291-9268Tue Feb 19 1991 01:2026
I have tried to use Snap on several occasions and have never been able to get it
to do *anything*.  Does anyone know if it's incompatible with any of the

	- GMC
	- PopCLI
	- QMouse

Am I correct in that all I have to do to get basic text cut/paste is:

	1> snap

	- move mouse pointer to start of text
	- hold down L-AMIGA and LMB
	- drag to enclose text
	- release LMB then L-AMIGA

	- move to paste point
	- press and hold L-AMIGA
	- press/release RMB

Is this sequence correct?  Should I be seeing an outline around "selected" text?

Thanks for any help!

3041.20Does snap identify itself?CFSCTC::CARRGuru: a 4-letter word to Amiga ownersTue Feb 19 1991 01:4115
    Re: -.1

    Your sequence is correct. One question. When you type 'snap' do you
    get the following?

    Snap 1.4 c 1990 Mikael Karlsson

    (where the c is the copyright symbol - the above pasted via snap,
    although the c was originally a ')' - lse's not too fond of the copyright

    I use snap and Qmouse all the time with no problems. Don't know about 
    the other tasks you listed.

3041.21Yes, I get the startup msgAISG::LANDINGHAMGuy M., DLB5-3/E5, 291-9268Tue Feb 19 1991 12:006
Re: .-1

Yes, I get the startup notice.  Should I be able to grab characters from a CLI
window?  How about a term window (I've tried VLTjr).  Should I see an outline
while grabbing characters?  I don't see anything, can't get anything to be
3041.22HKFINN::MACDONALDVAXELN - Realtime Software PubsTue Feb 19 1991 12:0511
    SNAP works with just about everything that uses standard fonts.
    I use it regularly with VLTJr. There are some qualifiers that can be
    used, which I do use (but I don't recall what they are since I run SNAP
    from my startup-sequence).
    There are a couple other SNAP clones that were built from SNAP's code.
    One is OSNAP. Another is POWERSNAP. You might try either of those. It
    just occurred to me .. do you have clipboard.device in your devs:
    Also, is there a handler for SNAP?
3041.23Works ok for meDECWET::DAVISSay what?Tue Feb 19 1991 14:597
    The only problem I've had with Snap is that it "snaps" about
    10 lines above what I want to cut in a "MuchMore" screen.  Other than
    that It works fine with everything I run, even Pen Pal.  I start it,
    with no qualifiers, in my startup file.  No help, just an affirmation.
3041.24WJG::GUINEAUthe number 42 comes to mindTue Feb 19 1991 15:323
I find snap will not work with certain fonts.

3041.25SNAP and VLTjrCSSE32::SMITHReality, just a visible imagination?Tue Feb 19 1991 17:3318
I use SNAP with VLTjr all the time.  I use the default fonts in VLT and Pearl in
my CLI windows.  Yes you should see an outline that follows these rules:

	LAMIGA + LMB press and hold - drag a dashed outline the test
	LAMIGA + LMB 1 quick press  - select character under pointer
	LAMIGA + LMB 2 quick press  - select word under pointer
	LAMIGA + LMB 3 quick press  - select line under pointer
	LAMIGA + RMB 1 quick press  - paste selected text

I'm running DJclock instead Qmouse which gives both mouse control, blanking and
POPcli functionality.  What is GMC?  I suggest you try SNAP with you other
PDutilities turned off to isolate the offending one.  I'd suspect perhaps you
Qmouse setup may be interfering with mouse button presses.


3041.26BARD::mcafeeSteve McAfeeTue Feb 19 1991 18:157
One thing to remember.  SNAP aligns it self based on where you first press
down the mouse button.  So you should press near an easily recognizable
character.  Starting selection in a blank area is not a good idea.  Also
starting selection on some less interesting characters like period can
cause problems with some fonts.

3041.27SNAP Buggette or FeatureDICKNS::MACDONALDVAXELN - Realtime Software PubsTue Feb 19 1991 18:155
    One bug in SNAP that bothers me is if I am outlining a sentence and the
    cursor accidently bumps up to the previous line, I have to start again.
    Why can't the start of the select point always be at the location of
    the LAMIGA/LMB click?
3041.28Try L-AMIGA I TOOK::KEEGANPeter KeeganTue Feb 19 1991 19:365
The version of snap that I use with VLTjr defaults to a paste key sequence of:
Left-Amiga/I  ('I' for insert).  I believe this can be redefined with a 
command line option.

3041.29SNAP dies on meMADRE::MWMWed Feb 20 1991 00:5911
    Yes, you can redefine the paste key sequence. I use Left-Amiga Y (and
    compose-Y under X :-).
    However, I find that SNAP dies regularly when I close a snapped
    graphics window. This started happening with KS 37.?? on the 3000.
    Anyone else running that have this problem? How about those using the
    various things based on SNAP?
3041.30DICKNS::MACDONALDVAXELN - Realtime Software PubsWed Feb 20 1991 01:444
    Here's how I execute SNAP from my startup-sequence:
    SNAP -c20 -r -u1
3041.31New releaseBOMBE::MOOREAmiga: Where 'multimedia' REALLY beganFri Jun 14 1991 21:231
    SNAP v1.61 uploaded to TAPE::AMIGA:[UPLOAD]SNAP_161.ZOO