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Conference 7.286::sports_91

Title:CAM::SPORTS -- Digital's Daily Sports Tabloid
Notice:This file has been archived. New notes to CAM3::SPORTS.
Created:Fri Dec 21 1990
Last Modified:Mon Nov 01 1993
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:290
Total number of notes:84103

107.0. "Whatever happened to..." by PNO::HEISER (welcome to the TONE ZONE) Wed Feb 20 1991 20:09

    do you ole timers remember 'Deen (no, the noter)?  He's here taking a
    class and asked about SPORTS.  He wanted to know if Mr. T was in here
    still causing trouble.  Of course I told him the troof(tm) ;-)
107.1CARROL::LEFEBVRESupport the liberation of KuwaitThu Feb 21 1991 11:385
    Whatever happened to Captain Video (aka Pete Henrickson)?
    He doesn't show up on elf.
107.2STAR::YANKOWSKASPaul YankowskasThu Feb 21 1991 11:446
    >	do you ole timers remember 'Deen (no, the noter)?  
    I sure do, tell him the nutcake on node RIPKEN says hi!
107.3CAM::WAYHe got ju-ju eyeballThu Feb 21 1991 11:471
Who could forget TURBO::OUTTA_CONTROL!
107.4ANGLIN::SHAUGHNESSYCarolina BlewThu Feb 28 1991 21:125
    'Deen is a_interesting guy.  From Camaroon.  He musta been pretty
    elated during the World Cup.  Tail him I said hi, and that he should
    write.  He's living down in The Valley Of The Sun now ain't he?
107.6CAM::WAYWhen Nick returns: Mother of all PartiesFri Mar 01 1991 12:4221
107.7UPWARD::HEISERwelcome to the TONE ZONEFri Mar 01 1991 14:236
    Re: 'Deen
    yes T, he lives here now.  He works for the Maricopa County MIS dept.
107.8DECXPS::TIMMONSI'm a Pepere!Fri Mar 01 1991 14:389
    And, whatever happened to:
    "Steve On Sports" McGauly (sp?).  Boy, his reports used to generate
    some heat!  :*)
    Digger, you were one of his biggest fans.  Do you know?  :*)
107.9LeE HOw cOuLD I fORgEt?CUBIC7::DIGGINSWhat the hell is that?Fri Mar 01 1991 16:2310
    Oh yes, that great sports journalist, Steve"I wear double
    runners"McCauley!! How could I forget Steve! Easily......
    Actually forgoing Steve's unbelievable lack of writing ability,
    he's a great guy. I used to work with him back in the ol'TPL 
    days in Nashua. If your reading this dude, I'm only joshin ya'!
107.10NRADM::GALVINo..........|||| CandlepinsFri Mar 01 1991 17:448
    Good old "SOS". I worked with Steve way back in 1976, in what is now
    MSO1.  In them days it was the HH Scott building, and we had the best
    indoor football games DEC could by.  I miss SOS, but not Steve :-)
    We played on the same softball team for years.....El Tiante McAulay. 
    Where are you big guy?
107.11SOS RIPPLE::DEVLIN_JOIS this the Sox year??Fri Mar 01 1991 20:147
    Before I left the Mill, SOS was hanging around there - my buddy was a
    softball umpire, and SOS would come over at least once a day and talk
    about this call or that call - drove us nuts!   Last I heard he got
    beaten in the election for President of the Mill League.
107.13WMOIS::RIEU_DRead his lips...Know new taxes!Sat Mar 02 1991 00:232
    SoS used to get all his stuff right outta The Glob.
107.14LAGUNA::MAY_BRMOR offense rules!Mon Mar 04 1991 13:202
    The Department of Defense gets its stuff outta the Glob?  And Dick
    Cheney has been getting such rave reviews lately...
107.15BOSOX::TIMMONSI'm a Pepere!Tue Mar 05 1991 09:405
    A glob of what?
107.16CAM::WAYGonna tell Aunt Mary 'bout Uncle JohnTue Mar 05 1991 11:0612
107.17Original busdriver - maybe makin $$$ ????CSTEAM::FARLEYHave YOU seen Elvis today??Thu Aug 01 1991 02:528
    IT *HAS* been a while.....
107.18CAM::WAYHigh-Toned Son of a BitchThu Aug 01 1991 11:0519
>    WardleVANE????
>    IT *HAS* been a while.....
He's been working REALLY hard lately.  I get mail from him every once in
a while telling me how much he loves his new kid and his Golden

Last time I talked with him, he was also extolling the virtues of his
beemer, tellin me that Perrier was great despite the antifreeze in it,
and the brie doesn't bind you up.  He asked if I'd like for him to put
me on the Ambercrombie & Fitch mailing list, and he told me why rugby
shirt collars should be worn up....

Phoe shit schelp,

107.19shhhHPSRAD::RIEURead his Lips...Know new taxes!Thu Aug 01 1991 11:113
       ***whispering*** at least we haven't been subjected to Jest
    newletters yet.
107.20BOSOX::TIMMONSI'm a Pepere!Thu Aug 01 1991 14:443
    denny, don't wake him up, for cripes sake
107.21CAM::WAYHigh-Toned Son of a BitchThu Aug 01 1991 15:3127

What's the deal with the Dinz?

I mean, the guy used to be in here as much as I was, and we used to have
to own a Dinsdale Decoder ring.

Nexted thing we know, he makes The Bet.  We ride the s__t outta him for
a while, then almost have to inflict bodily harm to get him to wear
the damn Cam "My Mother had relations with buffaloes" Neely shirt, and
nexted thing you know Dinz has found inner peace and is never heard from

I mean, what gives?  Is the boy hiding out in some Buddhist Monastary
in Tibet, wearing safron robes, bald-haided, chanting and smoking

Is he holed up in some camp someplace proclaiming the Revered Sun Myung
Moon to be the Messiah?

Is he terminally locked in front of an endless tape loop of Seka doing
her thang, while he does the Pee Wee Thang, bloodshot eyes gazing
sightlessly on the screen, a bottle of Old Granddad in his one free

Where's the Dinz???  Where's the DINZ????????
107.23Seka must be about 80 by now!HPSRAD::RIEURead his Lips...Know new taxes!Thu Aug 01 1991 16:162
        I think it's the latter 'Saw. At least he's going out wif a smile.
107.24DASXPS::TIMMONSI'm a Pepere!Fri Aug 02 1991 10:037
    The last time I talked to him, about 2-3 months ago, Dinz was VERY busy
    at work.  He said that he was exercising a great deal and was in the
    best shape of his life, and felt very good.  He didn't have much time
    for anything but work during the day.
    I'll have to give him a call to check-up on him.  I don't want him to
    turn into another TURBO::CONTROL
107.25friday, I'm out here next week yahoo... MAXWEL::CHILDSFrankie & Dinz-Love Story 2 1/2Fri Aug 02 1991 10:175
 Saw I just talked to Dinz he sends hugs and kisses and says he'll see you

107.26CAM::WAYHigh-Toned Son of a BitchFri Aug 02 1991 10:597
>    The last time I talked to him, about 2-3 months ago, Dinz was VERY busy
>    at work.  He said that he was exercising a great deal and was in the
>    best shape of his life, and felt very good.  He didn't have much time
>    for anything but work during the day.
So I *was* right.  It *WAS* the Seka thing....
107.27Son of Spooge Roolz!CARROL::LEFEBVREA who a say dere ain't no Jah?Fri Aug 02 1991 15:004
    Dinz is alive and well, and was last seen mopping up the basement of
    the Bush League.
107.28CBROWN::TIMMONSI'm a Pepere!Fri Aug 02 1991 15:279
    I just talked to him, too.  Seems he working two jobs and doesn't have
    much spare time.  Also, the person who was working with him at DEC took
    the package, and now Dinz has to do all of their work.
    Anyway, he said he'll be back in here as soon as his new keyboard
    arrives.  Someone swapped most of his keycaps and he's scared to death
    to try and write anything.  He's a RON right now.
107.30CAM::WAYCall her up on the spank lineFri Aug 02 1991 16:2818
>    Anyway, he said he'll be back in here as soon as his new keyboard
>    arrives.  Someone swapped most of his keycaps and he's scared to death
>    to try and write anything.  He's a RON right now.


Just for Dinz:


Dinz don't need any punctuation marks, cause he don't use them anyhow [8^)]

107.31I heart practical jokesHAVASU::HEISERmy head's in MississippiFri Aug 02 1991 20:064
    I have one of them keyboards, found it in someone's office after
    everyone left.  It's been getting some use around here ;-)
107.32BOSOX::TIMMONSI'm a Pepere!Mon Aug 05 1991 09:4411
    I actually did it once, to a guy who was new in the group and who was
    one of those 1-finger typers.
    I swapped the E and R keycaps.  Awhile after he came in, he stopped
    over and said, "They must've cancelled my account."  I asked why, and
    he said he couldn't log on.  The E and R were in his password, which he
    couldn't see.  Said he tried to log on aboaut 10 times but it kept
    telling he he wasn't authorized.  After I told him what I did, he
    almost wet himself from laughing.  Ya gotta know your victim.  :*)
107.33WMOIS::BARROWSJThe day is too short to be selfishFri Aug 09 1991 17:217
    I did the same thing once, except I was working 10:30-9:00 and she
    was working 8:30-5:00.  What was even funnier is she went to the
    work coordinator because she couldn't log in; the coordinator made
    a typo and somehow got her logged in!  I guess I don't have to tell
    you what happened when she logged out and tried to log back in...
107.34CSLALL::TIMMONSI'm a Pepere!Mon Aug 12 1991 10:363
    Ha ha, it's a great gag, alright.
107.35Seka is overrated ....EARRTH::BROOKSSay it ain't so Pee Wee !Mon Aug 12 1991 12:361
107.36The poop on Seka...RIPPLE::DEVLIN_JOPETA - a useless organizationMon Aug 12 1991 15:1315
    re SEKA:
    She's getting on in years.  She did ROOLZ as Hawkster said.  Not
    overrated, Doc.   Serena was overrated.
    Believe it or not, I saw Seka and a few of the other 'stars' on some
    cable show.  Talking about 1st amendment, AIDS, etc...  Seka left the
    professions to become a director of 'Adult Entertainment' and other
    'art' movies.   She quite because of a few of Aids.  (However, she did
    make a few movies in the last couple of years....)
    The show was funny, expecially the seriousness they showed when talking
    about some of the 'subjects'.  Pretty funny.  
107.37EARRTH::BROOKSSay it ain't so Pee Wee !Mon Aug 12 1991 16:2015
    Maybe she'll do one with Geogre Burns .... :-)
    Would you explain this sentance JD ?
    > She's quite a few of because of AIDS ...
    or something like that.
    And I still say she doesn't look like she could hold a candle (from
    what I saw on ET) to a Vanessa Del Rio.
    I saw her on ET (it was about the boom in adult vids, M. Chambers and
    Nina Hart (?) were shown as well) ....
    Can you say "mancruncher" ?
107.38What ever happened to Kay Parker???RIPPLE::DEVLIN_JOPETA - a useless organizationMon Aug 12 1991 16:2920
    Doc -
    Seka said something like she was a fraid of AIDS, so she got out of the
    porn star business.
    Vanessa Del Rio - main, she got one hell of big butt.  Marilyn Chambers
    was the best.  
    Ya know what surprised me?  That the porn actors, directors, stage
    hands, etc., have to belong to the same unions and organizations as the
    rest of the movie industry.  Seka has the same voting rights as Clint
    Eastwood, for example.  
    I'd imagine the Wardrobe person doesn't get much of a workout during
    the production of those films.  
    Didn't seen ET.  I think I saw it on Larry King or somewhere like that
    (it was about a year ago)...
107.39Mr. Greenfield Scores A TD !!!SHALOT::HUNTWho invented liquid soap and why ???Mon Aug 12 1991 17:277
107.40CARROL::LEFEBVREKnows his way around a G stringMon Aug 12 1991 18:224
    Speaking of Marilyn Chambers, I can't play pool anymore without
    chuckling over the scene in _Insatiable_.
107.41EARRTH::BROOKSSay it ain't so Pee Wee !Wed Aug 14 1991 01:3037
    re .40
    I have never looked pool tables the same way since Mark !
    They showed that movie (_Insatiable_) on campus my junior year (believe
    it or not it was a fund raiser (I'm not sure what else it raised :-)
    for a guy who had his bike stolen from one of the dorms. Needless to
    say, the money they raised was enough to send the guy to the Tour De
    France .... :-)
    I asked this guy what he thought of the movie (cuz unfortunatly, I was
    in MA when it was shown), his line was classic :
    "Marylin wasn't as good as she thought she was ...."
    Question : How old is she anyhow ? And what is this "Ivory Snow"
    connnection ?
    re JD/Wardrobe
    Rollward JD.
    I saw Marlyin Chambers on E.T. as well, she's married, preganant (I
    think), and has red hair now. She's also in 'legit' movies. I think
    fear of AIDS (and a healthy bank account) made her leave the industry.
    The interviewer asked her about John Holmes, and she didn't B.S.
    Said she freaked bigtime when she found out what he died of. I'm sure
    70% of the industry must have done the same. That's a hell of a feeling
    to have.
    BTW, what ever happened to Vanessa ? She was plain *big*, bodacious,
    totally excellent .... this one guy wanted to be buried with a life
    sized poster of her ....
107.42AnswersCNTROL::CHILDSWay to go John DalyWed Aug 14 1991 10:048
 age is a guess somewhere around 45 give or take a few years. Connection 
 to Ivory is she was on the cover of their washing detergent holding a
 baby and I think may have even appeared in a short lived TV ad for them..

 great line by your friend and so true....

107.43HPSRAD::RIEURead his Lips...Know new taxes!Wed Aug 14 1991 12:323
       She wasn't 'holding' the baby, she IS the baby. It's her picture.
    They show that Ivory box in a lot of her movies.
107.44Thanks Denny, I feel young again ;^)CNTROL::CHILDSWay to go John DalyWed Aug 14 1991 12:350
107.46FDCV06::KINGThe good things in life cost $$$$$$!!!!!!Wed Aug 14 1991 14:077
    Marilyn was the BABY, and not the mother. Its a rated X movie Hawk and 
    there is a sequel...
    The hot tub scene was *NICE*...
107.47CARROL::LEFEBVREKnows his way around a G stringWed Aug 14 1991 14:267
    Squawk, Marilyn and Seka get acquainted in the aforementioned hot tub
    Or so I'm told.
107.49HPSRAD::RIEURead his Lips...Know new taxes!Wed Aug 14 1991 15:202
       ...and don't fergit 'Insatiable II' while you're at it.
                                                Denny 8^P
107.50"Insatiable" is a must seeSHALOT::HUNTWho invented liquid soap and why ???Wed Aug 14 1991 15:5812
 "Insatiable" is Chernobyl hot.   Lock all the doors, close all the
 curtains, send the kids off to see "101 Dalmatians", and then lock
 and load, buddy.
 If you make it back out alive, we'll want 8x10 glossies right away.
 The pool table scene is absolutely incredible.   I could die a happy
 man if only ... whew, never mind.
 Bob Hunt
107.51CARROL::LEFEBVREKnows his way around a G stringWed Aug 14 1991 16:233
    Bob, take a shower, man!
107.52Ivory Snow yanked the boxes after Green Door was releasedVAXWRK::SCHNEIDERSome folks trust in reasonWed Aug 14 1991 19:137
    The guys who said Marilyn was the young mother on the Ivory Snow boxes
    win the prize.
    Insatiable, huh?  Never saw it, but did see Up and Coming a few years
    back.  Also, a must see.
107.54SHALOT::HUNTWho invented liquid soap and why ???Wed Aug 14 1991 19:548
 I laugh at the X-rated titles that are an obvious attempt to cash in
 on the popularity of mainstream entertainment.   You know, things
 like "Flashpants", "Top Buns", or similar ...
 They're a panic as they even attempt to mimic the "real" plot with
 loose adapations and loose clothing, too, of course.
 Bob Hunt
107.55HPSRAD::RIEURead his Lips...Know new taxes!Thu Aug 15 1991 13:445
       Sorry but you're wrong Dano. That box came out in what, the late
    40's or early 50s? if she was the mother she'd now be about 50-60 years
    old. You're slipping, she was the kid. It's a fack!
107.56HPSRAD::RIEURead his Lips...Know new taxes!Thu Aug 15 1991 13:474
       BTW Marilyn was on one of the cable movie channels lasted week. I
    think the movie was 'Breakfast in Bed' it was made in 1990. She's
    obviously around 40something.
107.57FDCV06::KINGThe good things in life cost $$$$$$!!!!!!Thu Aug 15 1991 14:066
    That's righr Denny, M.C. was the BABY and not the mother!!!!!!!!!!!
    Will the dummy who keeps on stating that MC was the mother please
    take a hint here....
107.59RIPPLE::DEVLIN_JOG-strings make me fretThu Aug 15 1991 15:0915
    Marilyn Chambers was the mother.  If you happen to watch one of her
    'art' films ;-) you'll notice that usually, in the background during
    one scene, they sneak in a box of ivory snow.  
    She was the mother, and not the baby.  Ivory Snow was incensed when it
    was found out that Ms. Chambers was during the 99 and 44/100 % pure
    thang in front of the camera.  Chambers did a highly publicized strip
    show where she broke through the front of a large ivory snow box.  A
    lawsuit was filed, and she was not to do any more acts with Ivory Snow. 
    To tweek the Ivory Snow geeks, Chambers usually had a box appear
    somewhere in her movies.  Pretty funny stuff.
    One of the big soap opera male stars is an ex-porno kingpin, btw.
107.60(8^0*CELTIK::JACOBBudweiser, Breakfast of ChampionsThu Aug 15 1991 15:4511
    Thru laborius detective work I have found out that thru the use of
    advanced make-up techniques, and trick photography, Marilyn Chambers,
    on the Ivory Snow box, was
    Both the mother and the baby!!!!!
    Snort shit schlep
107.61MCIS1::DHAMELI'm not distorted. Reality is.Thu Aug 15 1991 16:366
    You're all wrong.  Marilyn was the driver on the box of 20-mule Team
    Borax.  Check out the Death Valley Days reruns.
107.62I suppose your newspaper has the same headlines every day?VAXWRK::SCHNEIDERSome folks trust in reasonThu Aug 15 1991 19:5616
    >   Sorry but you're wrong Dano. That box came out in what, the late
    >40's or early 50s? if she was the mother she'd now be about 50-60 years
    >old. You're slipping, she was the kid. It's a fack!
    Denny, if the fact that REK agrees with you doesn't convince you that
    you are dead wrong, than notice that there are some products on your
    supermarket shelves that change their appearance from time to time. 
    FOr instance, it may be true that Ivory Snow had a mother and baby on
    the cover in the late 40's or early 50's, but it is equally true that
    in the late 60's or early 70's our own Marilyn Chambers was the model
    for the mother in an updated version.
    BTW, in keeping with the sports content of this note, that's Micheal
    Jordan on the cover of your box of Wheaties, and not Pete Rose.
107.63LAGUNA::MAY_BRNeed one of those endolphin rushesThu Aug 15 1991 21:303
    The Great Marilyn Chambers Debate, the latest in a long line of
    famous Sports.note debates.
107.64CSLALL::TIMMONSI'm a Pepere!Fri Aug 16 1991 10:0411
    Well, after carefully reading all the replies about this, I have to
    agree.  Marilyn is definitely the one of them.  And, I remember her
    with the Old Ranger, too, in the Boraxo commercials.  I think she
    called herself Rosemary VanCamp back then.
    I think I saw her in a National Geographic mag awhile ago, too.  It was
    a story about some cave paintings, and I think she was touting dinasaur
    stew.  Her and Wilford Brimsley were in the ad.  Although it was a
    still shot, he sounded like Jimmy Stewart in the Campbell commercials.
107.65She was the BABY!!HPSRAD::RIEURead his Lips...Know new taxes!Fri Aug 16 1991 11:333
       Marilyn...and 20-mule team Borax...hmmm does this mean that her and
    Ronald Reagan????!!! Nah, she wouldn't stoop THAT low!
107.66simular topic..CNTROL::CHILDSthataboy George, screw those unemployedFri Aug 16 1991 11:587
 Does anyone know if Machoman is married to Miss Elizbeth? I heard she was
 his sister...


107.67HPSRAD::RIEURead his Lips...Know new taxes!Fri Aug 16 1991 12:153
       I saw an ad on TV lasted night. Macho Man will be at the Pheasant
    Lane Mall. I think it's Sat. but I'm not sure.
107.68Explains a lotTNPUBS::MCCULLOUGHLindsey is a toddler now!Fri Aug 16 1991 12:193
re .67

Macho Man is married to Elizabeth AND she is his sister....       8^)
107.69Oh, ya mean he's from Maine???CST17::FARLEYHave YOU seen Elvis today??Fri Aug 16 1991 12:251
107.70HPSRAD::RIEURead his Lips...Know new taxes!Fri Aug 16 1991 12:262
    What! Macho main is married to Elizabeth AND his sister!11
                                           Denny  8^o
107.71Can he really see through those sunglasses?GENRAL::WADEFri Aug 16 1991 12:385
    	Macho Main is Bruno Sammartino(sp?) and the Fabulous
    	Moolah's love child...........
107.72Macho Man's New England IntinerarySTAR::YANKOWSKASPaul YankowskasFri Aug 16 1991 12:479
    re .67:
    "Macho Man" Randy Savage's Pheasant Lane Mall appearance is Sunday,
    August 25th, from 12 noon to 1 PM.  He's also appearing at the Meadow
    Glen Mall in Medford and the Natick Mall on Saturday the 24th, and
    later on Sunday the 25th will be at the South Portland (Maine) Mall.
107.73I almost choked on my lunchLUNER::BROOKSSay it ain't so Pee Wee !Fri Aug 16 1991 16:023
    re .65
    You beat me to it ! 
107.74LUNER::BROOKSSay it ain't so Pee Wee !Fri Aug 16 1991 16:056
    re Bob Hunt
    I've noticed the titles too."Alice In Wonderland", "69 Pump Street",
    and "Never So Deep" were some of the funniest ...
    But why did I never see a play on "Octopussy" ?
107.75and the girl in it puts Maddie Hayes to shame...CNTROL::CHILDSthataboy George, screw those unemployedFri Aug 16 1991 16:364
 and the ever popular MoonLusting take off of Moonlighting...

107.76RIPPLE::DEVLIN_JOSheain'tpretty,justlooksthatwayFri Aug 16 1991 17:335
    They also had "Gums" (Jaws  '11' (10), Rambone (rambo), Jane Bond
    (starring Barbara Dare), Always on a Sunday, 2011 A Sex Odessey, and a
    zillion more.  Too funny...
107.77OZARDZ::WASKOMFri Aug 16 1991 20:486
    The only problem with Octopussy is that the movie didn't match the
    I mean really, that one should be obvious......
107.78CELTIK::JACOBWhere's Honeysuckle Divine dese Days?Tue Aug 20 1991 14:485
    "Romancing the Bone" was one of my favorite titles!!
107.79COuld go on and on im sureMR1PST::CBULLS::MBROOKSTue Aug 20 1991 17:202
    	"Days of Our Wives" Riot...
107.80Love those takeoffsCTHQ2::LEARYTue Aug 20 1991 19:054
    We rented a movie called " Jane Bond Meets Octopussy " for a stag
    party. Lots of yucks.  Starred Amber Lynn, I believe.
107.81Sorry I'm checking into this iintellectual debate so lateTNPUBS::NAZZAROPennant Fever? I'm immune by nowWed Aug 21 1991 16:2011
    Just to put the Marilyn Chambers debate to bed (so to speak!):
    I worked for Honeywell many years ago.  While there, I worked
    with a writer who had the box top of Ms. Chambers plastered on
    his wall.  She was the mother.  The boxtop came out in the early
    70's according to him.  The scandal with Ivory Soap was about four
    or five years after she first appeared for them.  
    Ms. Chambers is in her mid 40's now, I would guess.
107.82easier to tell who's whoHBAHBA::HAASSaint Frank and the Magic CowWed Aug 21 1991 16:324
In the Southeastern/Mid-Atlantic version of the box, Ms. Chambers was
holding Dean Smith. 

107.83CSLALL::TIMMONSI'm a Pepere!Thu Aug 22 1991 09:535
    Nazz, where and when did you work at the Big "H"?  I spent almost 15
    years with them, from 1964 to 1979.  I was at Lawrence, Lowell and
    Brighton.  Also did a short stay at Billerica.
107.84RDOVAX::BRAKEA Question of BalanceThu Aug 22 1991 14:585
    Classic movie title:
    "When Larry Ate Sally"
107.85What a long strange route it's beenTNPUBS::NAZZAROPennant Fever? I'm immune by nowThu Aug 22 1991 17:016
    I was a prisoner in Billerica from 1980-1982.  Couldn't wait to escape,
    but it was my first high-tech job, and without that experience, I
    wouldn't be here today.  THere were a couple of stops in between, and 
    I've been at DEC almost four years now.
107.86??RIPPLE::DEVLIN_JOSheain'tpretty,justlooksthatwayFri Aug 23 1991 14:404
    Nazz (lee) -
    Ever know a guy named Len Bruns at Honeywell???
107.87Len Bruns, huh? Or maybe Nel Snurb if he had a sex-changeTNPUBS::NAZZAROPennant Fever? I'm immune by nowFri Aug 23 1991 19:024
    The name is familiar - there are three other ex-Honeywellers in my
    group.  I'll ask around.
107.88CSLALL::TIMMONSI'm a Pepere!Mon Aug 26 1991 10:036
    Sorry, JD.  Never came across that name.
    I too have a few ex-Honeywellers in my group.  I'll check with them on
107.90MCIS1::DHAMELI'm not distorted. Reality is.Mon Aug 26 1991 12:496
    I know the Honeywellers!  Let's see, there's Ralph, and Norton, and
    Trixie and Alice....
107.91HPSRAD::RIEURead his lips...Know new taxes!Mon Aug 26 1991 12:562
       Whatever happened to Honeyweller Devine?
107.92CELTIK::JACOBWhere's Honeysuckle Divine dese Days?Mon Aug 26 1991 19:3620
    >>  <<< Note 107.91 by HPSRAD::RIEU "Read his lips...Know new taxes!" >>>

    >>   Whatever happened to Honeyweller Devine?
    Re this and my P-Name, did anybody in here ever get the chance to see
    the stripper that goes by the name Honeysuckle Devine????
    If you saw her, you'd never forget her.  I saw her ~10 years ago at the
    now defunct Palace Theater in Pittsburgh.  Supposedly she travels the
    eastern half of the USA.  Best $5 I ever spent.
    She'd do thing with a certain part of her anatomy...well I can't put
    them in here but if'n you wanna hear of a "talented" person, send me
    mail I'll be glad to describe one helluva "show".
107.93RIPPLE::DEVLIN_JOWhat a 100 meters!!!Mon Aug 26 1991 19:434
    Better yet Jake -  send it to Hawk or Saw and have them forward it to
    the rest of us lunatics..
107.94I want on the LUNATICS.DISHBAHBA::HAASSaint Frank and the Magic CowMon Aug 26 1991 19:570
107.95How 'bout that HoneysuckleGRANPA::DFAUSTGo for 1000% moreMon Aug 26 1991 20:093
    Hey, JaKe, Do ya have a cigarette?
107.96Aren't things just divine?????CELTIK::JACOBWhere's Honeysuckle Divine dese Days?Mon Aug 26 1991 20:1211
    I sent both 'Saw and Hawk the story.
    BTW, put me on the Lunatics.Dis, too!!!!
    TTom, I'll send -dan'l a copy of the "Devine Story", too, so ya can get
    it from him.
107.97CELTIK::JACOBWhere's Honeysuckle Divine dese Days?Mon Aug 26 1991 20:2010
    >>Hey, JaKe, Do ya have a cigarette?
    Nope, quit smoking the things about 12 years ago, but if I hadn't quit,
    I sure wouldn.t share one with Honeysuckle!!!!!
    By that statement, I guess you saw her??????
107.98thanksHBAHBA::HAASSaint Frank and the Magic CowMon Aug 26 1991 20:220
107.99I gotst to know too!!!!1111TNPUBS::MCCULLOUGHLindsey is a toddler now!Mon Aug 26 1991 20:243
Hawk'll only like it if she uses electrical tape!!!   8^)

107.100College movie night memoriesANGLIN::KIRKMANSay [Y/N]ah to da U.P. eh?Mon Aug 26 1991 21:547
    From the recent replies in here, I have a rough idea of the lady's
    talents.  Sounds like sceen stealing too.  
    The original Emanuelee (sp?) had a sceen with the lead-in of a stripper
    "smoking" a cigarette.
    Commander Scott
107.101OPUS3::JACOBMy Golf Handicap?? Showing up!!!!Tue Aug 27 1991 00:1916
    >>From the recent replies in here, I have a rough idea of the lady's
    >>talents.  Sounds like sceen stealing too.  
    >>The original Emanuelee (sp?) had a sceen with the lead-in of a stripper
    >>"smoking" a cigarette.
    First of all, I saw Honeysuckle about 10-12 years ago, and she was, oh
    probably late 30's early 40's then.  She probably tutored the "actress"
    in "Emmanuel".
    Secondly, "smoking" the cigarette is just the tip of the iceberg.
107.102HPSRAD::RIEURead his lips...Know new taxes!Tue Aug 27 1991 11:043
       I saw her in Baltimore years ago Jake. I liked the Jergens Lotion
107.103I'd be proud to join this group!TNPUBS::NAZZAROPennant Fever? I'm immune by nowTue Aug 27 1991 16:334
    Please add my name to LUNATIC.DIS
107.104DCLIB::JRODOPOULOSIntl. Business SupportWed Aug 28 1991 17:463
    LUNATIC.DIS is a group that sounds great.  Please add my name as well.
    JOhn "D Cowboys" R.
107.105FDCV07::KINGIs there life before Friday?Wed Aug 28 1991 18:134
    Awww, what the hell, add me to the Luny_bin.dis
107.106AXIS::ROBICHAUDThePatriots-ATeamWithALotOfBallsWed Aug 28 1991 18:311
    	Hey REK how'd you like SummerSlam?
107.107GRANPA::DFAUSTGo for 1000% moreWed Aug 28 1991 21:124
    Please add my name to the LUNATIC list.
107.108ROULET::GARRYGo IrishWed Aug 28 1991 21:534
    Add me to the Lunatic list,I'll try almost anything once or twice.
107.109Where's the Beef?SHALOT::MEDVIDinbuilt guilt catches up with youThu Aug 29 1991 02:497
    You guys aren't missing anything if you are NOT on the dis list.  So
    far it has been used to send out updates of the list when someone asks
    to be on it.
    I demand more Honeysuckle-like tales!
107.110CHIEFF::MACNEALruck `n' rollThu Aug 29 1991 12:532
    Please don't post requests to be added to a distribution lists.  Send
    mail to the keeper of the list instead.
107.111HPSRAD::RIEURead his lips...Know new taxes!Thu Aug 29 1991 13:494
    > mail to the keeper of the list instead.
       Does this make 'saw the 'crypt keeper'? There IS a resemblance!
107.112REFINE::ASHEVolvo,wine,dockers,venison?Fri Aug 30 1991 18:422
    That's because all the really good stuff is in the real_lunatics.dis
107.113a shot at Kwah? CNTROL::CHILDSLife during Wartimes...Tue Sep 03 1991 13:443
 Walt you sure that isn't the ultimate_real_lunatics.dis? hahaa you definately
 got me roollllwaaarrddd with that one...
107.114Button says hi and his traditional line I'm sure...ROYALT::ASHEBuxom x-dressers threw fake gold coins at our feetFri Feb 14 1992 14:0718
From:	RANGER::LEFEBVRE     "PC Engineering, DTN 226-2167, M/S LJ02/G4" 14-FEB-1992 10:57:11.37
Subj:	I resemble that remark

    What facility are you in, (derogratory remark deleted, relating to the
    inside of a vaccum cleaner)?.

    Louise sez you are a closet Broons fan since the Wings sip and are playing
    *way-y-y-y-y-y-y-y* over their heads in a (expletive describing a
    derogatory remark about a women's breast that is also a palindrome) 

Hope all is well.  Things are pretty crazy.  Haven't had time for any noting
for over a  month.  Tell the gang that Dick Button sez hi.
107.115JARETH::YANKOWSKASPaul YankowskasTue May 26 1992 17:255
    With another woman entered in the Indy 500 this year, the question came
    to mind...whatever happened to Janet Guthrie?
107.116Flamingo pink dragster - now that's STYLE !LUNER::BROOKSI'm too sexy for this note ...Tue May 26 1992 18:311
    Forget that Paul - Whatever happened to Shirley "Cha Cha" Muldonney ?
107.117ROYALT::ASHEI guess it pays to rehearse, dunno,dunno...Tue May 26 1992 18:343
    Muldowney owns a dragster, last I heard.  Guthrie retired as is living
    somewhere out west...
107.118JARETH::YANKOWSKASPaul YankowskasTue Sep 01 1992 13:0124
    ...defense and fundamentals in baseball?
    I get home from a barbershop quartet rehearsal about 10:30 last night,
    and turn on TV 38 to see what's up in the Red Sox-Mariners game.  Kevin
    Mitchell hits one to the gap in left-center; Billy Hatcher and Bob
    Zupzic do their Keystone Kops impersonation and collide and the ball
    drops...this isn't the first time these two have had a mixup in
    communication this year on a fly ball.
    They give the score, so I switch it to TBS to get an update on
    Braves-Mets -- just in time to see Darryl Boston drop a fly ball in
    center field (in fairness he had to run a bit to get to it, but it
    still should have been caught).
    I find out the score and it's 10:50, so I turn on CNN Headline Sports
    to get the rest of the scores.  They lead with Dodgers "highlights" -- 
    overthrows and botched plays galore by Lasorda's motley crew.
    You'd think that three teams with a combined payroll of $120 million
    would have someone who could catch the $&@!# ball...
107.119Isn't this typical?QUASER::JACKSONTAAs the stomach churnesTue Sep 01 1992 13:196
      Just the reason why I say baseball is overrated and the PLAYERS
107.120CAMONE::WAYCrucial TauntTue Sep 01 1992 13:529
It might just be late season lack of concentration.  

I'd have to go back and read the note again, but I'm pretty sure all the
teams mentioned are out of it....

Granted, it's a poor excuse, but it might make some sense...

107.121SALEM::TIMMONSWhere's Waldo?Tue Sep 01 1992 15:4413
    Something I've often wondered about has to do with errors.
    I've seen stats where a players game-winning-hits are shown, along with
    his BA.
    I've never seen a players game-losing-errors shown along with his
    fielding percentage.
    Dollars-to-doughnuts that management will pooh-pooh a high fielding
    percentage during contract talks, but sure will try to apply a lower
107.122SALEM::TIMMONSWhere's Waldo?Tue Sep 01 1992 15:457
    As I entered my last, it occurred to me that we are like management. 
    We expect 100% fielding by professional players, just as the GM's do.
    Yet, we accept a 70% failure rate at the place.
    Interesting game, huh?
107.123AXIS::ROBICHAUDNatteringNabobsOfNegativismTue Sep 01 1992 16:034
    	The problem is that "AlmostLeagueGeekThink" is permeating and
    poisoning our national pastime.  8^(
107.124PATE::MACNEALruck `n' rollTue Sep 01 1992 16:174
    I don't completely agree with 'Saw on the end of the season last place
    reasoning behind the errors.  The Dodgers' defense has been abysmal all
    season.  The Sox defense has been almost as bad since the All Star
    break (then again, maybe that substantiates 'Saw's theory).
107.125Fundamentals are lackingCTHQ::MCCULLOUGHLindsey AND Melanie's dadTue Sep 01 1992 17:045
The teams you mentioned (Red Sox, Mets and Dodgers) are probably the three worst 
fielding teams in MLB.  Not that it is any excuse.  Cripes, players don't know 
how to bunt, steal, hit the cutoff, break up DPs or any of that stuff anymore.

107.126They've tanked it in the field...NAC::G_WAUGAMANTue Sep 01 1992 17:1713
    The Mets and Dodgers are no surprise; everyone knew coming into the
    season with the players they have that they'd be two of the worst
    fielding teams in the big leagues (Texas is right up there, too).  
    The Red Sox, however, have been average to slightly above average 
    defensively the past couple years, but based on the kinds of errors 
    they've been making since the All-Star game and how abruptly they went
    from solid to flat-out bad, you do have to wonder about the effort. 
    When a guy like Jody Reed has a half-dozen balls go through his legs in
    a season you know the concentration is not there...
107.127CNTROL::CHILDSIf Bush was a horse, you'd shoot em'Tue Sep 01 1992 19:1114
 if the red soxs are tanking it in the field then they must also be tanking
 in the batter's box. Which might explain Wade's hefty 250 average...


 big smile this morning when I read the USA today. In their baseball roundup
 they have a columun for best/worst hitters for the previous week.


   1. Wade Boggs   6 games  14 AB  1 run  0 hits   .000!!!!!!!!!

  gotta love it. also gotta admit it must be a first...  
107.128PATE::MACNEALruck `n' rollTue Sep 01 1992 19:4910
107.129remember"wait till it warms up"????? hahahahaCSTEAM::FARLEYMegabucks Winner WannabeWed Sep 02 1992 01:3930
    You're too kind.  They're problems started when ROGER decided not to
    show up early at camp and force the showdown with Bruce. 
    Despite the publicity around Bruce Hobson's "Boot camp mentality",
    when faced with ROGER's "I'm bigger than him" attitude, it seems to me
    that whatever upper hand the new manager MIGHT have had immediately
    disappeared after the "showdown".  Team lost the "fear" factor, Bruce
    caint restore it, the team's got an attitude (read mega $$$ in hand)
    about their personal greatness and all they got to do is show up, and
    hence, need it be said(?), they've been dogging it all season.
    I know you are a special case, you just want to WIN even thought the
    WRFC has done the dirty deed(s) to you but I gotta ask, (hypothetical)
    if you were gonna be paid ~$20,000 per game GUARANTEED for 2 or 3 years
    is it possible you might back down just a teenie weenie bit?  What I
    propose is that the mega $$$ contracts tend to knaw at the competitive
    effort if there's no "big gun" around to keep the motivation alive.
    Motivation is more than mental, it's got to force the physical.
    Don't think that, despite the interviews, that the Sox are motivate, as
    a team, and I think the blam(tm) should be placed on Mr. Hobson's
    shoulders.  Or at least 80%.
    so there!
    I remain,
    remembering the spring fiasco!
107.130Bruce Hobson? (-:SHARE::DERRYBush: vegetable or noxious weed?Wed Sep 02 1992 10:151
107.131I gave that up when I left HS FootballPATE::MACNEALruck `n' rollWed Sep 02 1992 13:3613
107.132Anyway,Clell ain't da secon coming of StengelCTHQ::LEARYChainsaw: Possible ND convert?Wed Sep 02 1992 13:516
    Lemme tell ya,
    If I was named Clell Laverne, I'd much prefer Butch to Clevell, Clell,
    Laverne or Shirley for that matter.
107.133he's a good pitcher - abet with a ego - so?CSTEAM::FARLEYMegabucks Winner WannabeWed Sep 02 1992 14:0311
    Sorry nobody's beating down your door.  One can only hope though.
    Butch is a mainly main kinda name.
    Bruce is ...well (no offense directed towards you Brews) sorta, um
    well, ah you get my drift......
    I remain,
    entitled to my opion!
107.134AXIS::CHAPPELCalling Dr.Howard,Dr.Fine,Dr.HowardWed Sep 02 1992 14:0523
107.135deen to wonk! ;^)CSTEAM::FARLEYMegabucks Winner WannabeWed Sep 02 1992 14:082
    Could Wade sign to play basketball in Italy?
107.136CNTROL::CHILDSIf Bush was a horse, you'd shoot em'Wed Sep 02 1992 14:132
  Boggs will be playing in Japan next year. 
107.137FSOA::JHENDRYJohn Hendry, DTN 297-2623Wed Sep 02 1992 14:155
    Butch's real name is Clell Laverne Hobson, Junior.  His real name is
    bad enough but his dad must have been a real sadist to give his kid the
    same name.  No wonder he prefers Butch.
107.138PATE::MACNEALruck `n' rollWed Sep 02 1992 15:122
    Boggs broke out of a 0-21 slump lasted night with a single against the
    Mariners.  This hitless streak tied his career high.
107.139SCHOOL::RIEURead his lips...Know new taxesWed Sep 02 1992 17:312
       When did he set his previous career high? Last month?
107.140between the infieldersCNTROL::CHILDSIf Bush was a horse, you'd shoot em'Wed Sep 02 1992 17:594
was it a real man's hit or one them wimp singles he got about 1500+ of?

107.141RDOVAX::BRAKEWed Sep 02 1992 19:5825
    re a few back,
    John, I met Hobson's dad last Novemenr in Destin, Fla. I noted his hat
    as he was leaving the hotel and commented that it was nice to see the
    Red Sox had fans down there. He then introduced himself and we talked
    for quite awhile about the Sox.
    Real nice guy. I got the impression that the name goes back in the
    family some time. Make no mistake, Butch is a 'Bama boy and so is his
    Dad. Ironically, my ex-brother-in-law's nickname was Butch and HE was
    also from Alabama. His real name was Carroll Hood ^%$&(*%. The Carroll
    was after his Dad and the Hood was his mom's maiden name.
    I don't have a problem with this, really. People from different parts
    of the country or from different ethnic groups have certain traditions
    like naming their kids something that doesn't fit with what we may
    think is normal. Nobody seemed to laugh much at Clell Laverne when he
    was pounding HR's and knocking in RBI's for the Sox. 
    But, now that he's down, it seems a convenient method to poke fun at
    him this way. I guess if a guy isn't named Bill or Ted or John or Paul
    or a "regular" name, he has a cruel dad or mom.
107.142CTHQ::LEARYChainsaw: Possible ND convert?Wed Sep 02 1992 20:1822
    Aw c'mon Rich,
    We're only jokin' with Butch. Dang, don'y git all persnippety
    with this thang.  Personally, I don't think Butch was ready to
    manage the Sox, but I'll give him a chance to see what he can 
    do next year. The combination of crybabies, injuries, and his own
    inexperience has made this year a joke to us, a disaster to him. 
    So he'll try again next year.  He tried to coddle the vets, and
    git tough with the rooks and showed no consistency. So he got no
    respect. Sure looks like a different man that used to man third base.
    And with Gorman and the media touting him as the second coming
    of John McGraw he had nowhere to go but down. He shoulda called
    Joe Morgan, who would've told the prima donnas to #@%^ off and
    treated the rooks ok. And when he hired the ghosts of '78 in
    Zim, Rooster, and Allenson, I had to wonder. 
    And the last time I laughed at ol' Clell was in '78 when he had
    to re-position his dang ebbo in September before launchin a throw
    to God knows where. ( Dat's a joke, son).
107.143AXIS::ROBICHAUDNatteringNabobsOfNegativismThu Sep 03 1992 12:564
    	Butch is wound to tight for baseball.  He should get into football
    where anal retentives rool.
107.144FSOA::JHENDRYJohn Hendry, DTN 297-2623Thu Sep 03 1992 12:594
    Butch played baseball with the mentality of a football player.  It made
    him a fan favorite but overall, he was a mediocre baseball player.
107.145don't hear much about him these daysJARETH::YANKOWSKASSmarter than a speeding bulletMon Nov 30 1992 15:504
    ...Buddy Ryan?
107.146ELMAGO::BENBACAI've got three knees!!Tue Dec 01 1992 01:311
     I've seen him on NBC a couple of times with OJ and company.
107.147CSOA1::BACHThey pelted us with rocks and garbageTue Dec 01 1992 18:535
    He owns a hoss farm in my old home town, Versailles Kentucky...
    I think he trains and races thorobreds.