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Conference 7.286::sports_91

Title:CAM::SPORTS -- Digital's Daily Sports Tabloid
Notice:This file has been archived. New notes to CAM3::SPORTS.
Created:Fri Dec 21 1990
Last Modified:Mon Nov 01 1993
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:290
Total number of notes:84103

88.0. "BRAINS NOT BRAWN" by AYOV11::SSTEELE () Sat Jan 26 1991 03:13

 Hello or is it good god.
                         What a limited selection of ha,'sports' we have
   in this file,it's either baseball,basketball,rugby,hockey or fitba.
   Does no one play any other sport such as badminton,croquet,bowls or
   even a quiet game of chess or" pin the tail on the donkey"the more
   refined sports or arts if you wish.Let's have a few more"sport" notes
   from you quieter men or ladies out there,more of the brain rather than
   brawn,less of the grunt an' groan if you don't mind.
                               yours hopefully
88.1CAM::WAYWho more than self, their country lovedMon Jan 28 1991 11:3724
>   refined sports or arts if you wish.Let's have a few more"sport" notes
>   from you quieter men or ladies out there,more of the brain rather than
>   brawn,less of the grunt an' groan if you don't mind.
You cannot excel at rugby if you don't think.  So much of the game is
mental, so much of the game is mental discipline, and KNOWING what
you're trying to accomplish.

And it's not necessarily a brawn game either.  One of our wingers, at 5'8"
and 150 lbs certainly doesn't classify as brawn.  I on the other hand,
at 6' and between 205 and 230 depending, might just....

I don't know many football players who don't have a lot on the ball either...

I hardly think chess is a sport, and croquet, while great fun at a party
where everyone is drinking beer and eating burgers and dogs, hardly
qualifies either...

What say ye, o sports noters?


88.2Gimme "manly" or gimme battle!!!!!CST17::FARLEYHave YOU seen Elvis today??Mon Jan 28 1991 12:0711
    	U R TU BLAM(tm)!!!!!!
    Those "recreational" pastimes you so earnestly pine for are for
    many ;^)
88.4ITASCA::SHAUGHNESSYJust what did N. Fouquet know?Mon Jan 28 1991 13:1230
    Boy you got that right, Hawk.  Parcells and staff turned in one near
    perfect coaching job with this game.  The two down linemen scheme
    worked to perfection, with Andre-the-overrated obviously yellow in
    his over-the-middle patterns given all the extra meat-eaters prowling
    the low zone.  
    To me the key to these Giants is their secondary.  First these guys
    leave Joe Montana standing around pumping the ball, whistling, tapping
    his fingers, waa-a-a-aiting for a receiver to come open; then it's Jim
    Kelly, the game's best, who's either forced to eat the ball, run, dump
    to the safety valve, or make careful throws into coverage in at least
    two thirds of the passing plays run.
    Also credit Parcells & Co. for playing the clock to perfection down
    the stretch.
    Levy blew the game by not attacking the low zone from the beginning,
    either with 3-step dinks or draws to TT.  He stuck to his original 
    game plan way to long after the two down lineman scheme had proved
    effective.  It was obvious who made the best adjustments during the 
    game, with the Giants growing stronger and the Bills more disorganized
    as time passed.  Dunno what Parcells did, but eventually they came up
    with pass routes that the Bills D simply couldn't cover.
    Levy had better talent, Parcells better management.  True the players
    play, but I submit that the studs cancelled one another on D (LT vs.
    Smith, Banks vs. Cornelius, etc.) and the Bills had a marked edge on
    the O side.
88.5Hell, they'd even do a Bud Bowl for it, I'm sureSHALOT::HUNTGulf War = Iraqi Horror Picture ShowMon Jan 28 1991 13:1211
    I dunno, I've always thought that "full contact chess" would be a
    bitchin' sport.
    I mean could you imagine if Gary Kasparov reached over and smacked
    Anatoly Karpov upside the haid just at the tensely crucial moment of
    KP7 x QR4 ???
    It'd be a gas.   We could even have Chess Bowls with Roman numerals and
    all the hype that goes with it, too.
    Bob Hunt
88.6QUASER::JOHNSTONLegitimateSportingPurpose?E.S.A.D.!Mon Jan 28 1991 17:2611
88.7What Makes a sport a sport...VLNVAX::MBROOKSMon Jan 28 1991 17:537
    Not one of the activities listed in this note qualifies as a sport,
    and if you go by George Carlins rules for what makes a sport you have
    just one the best one FootBall.....Hope this helps, if not rent George
    Carlin's live at carnege, I believe this is the video where he explains
    what makes a sport.  Its very good, although even he cant mention chess
    and sport in the same breath....
88.8Cant be a sportVLNVAX::MBROOKSMon Jan 28 1991 17:556
    Oh just for example one of his best rules was any activity that doesnt
    have a high injury rate cant be put on the list, and Ive never heard
    of any injury in chess higher than a broken pen that leaked thru a 
    pocket protector resulting in a violent reaction to an alergy on ink..
    Also resulted in a rash...:-)
88.9CAM::WAYWho more than self, their country lovedMon Jan 28 1991 19:333
Somebody ruck over Mike JN, will ya?

88.10QUASER::JOHNSTONLegitimateSportingPurpose?E.S.A.D.!Mon Jan 28 1991 19:468
re: rugby

When I wrote that I was laughing ma fool haid off.

I could just picture `Saw and Mac simultaneously peenchin a loaf, and
breaking their fingers trying to get a note off to me!

Mike JN
88.11CAM::WAYWho more than self, their country lovedTue Jan 29 1991 12:146
We'll let you off this time you infidel 8^)

But don't let it happen again!   

88.12COMET::WADEBring us a shrubbery........Tue Jan 29 1991 17:185
    Aw 'Saw, you shouldn't have let 'em off so quickly.  I only sit
    a couple of aisles away from him!  BTW, what's a ruck?  :^)
88.13CNTROL::MACNEALPapa MacTue Jan 29 1991 19:583
88.14once againAYOV16::SSTEELESat Feb 16 1991 13:1211
    HI YA ALL,
             Gordon here i hope my little dig or leg pull didn't
             offend anyone,my note was just stating that brains will
             win over brawn most times when put to the test,or
             another saying is the pen is mighter than the sword,
             only a quote, i don't want all you would be knight's
             in shining armour trying to cut off my heed with your
             swords now do we.
                               thanks again
88.15CAM::WAYToo much forking, too many child processes!Mon Feb 18 1991 11:028

	By far the scariest combination is Brains AND Brawn.  If you
	add speed to that combo, forget it, it's over.

Elvis *has* left the building,
88.16perfection i am.AYOV11::SSTEELETue Feb 19 1991 20:0614
    Hi "saw'
            Thanks for your reply,but as you must have gathered
            i have both brains+brawn,if it wasn't for a small 
            pimple i have i'd be perfect, in every sense of the
            word.It's a pity that elvis wasn't as charming and
            smooth,or fast as i.Any women out there have any views
            on the subject of the perfect man,apart from myself that 
            is.All comments or praise are always welcome as i'm such
            a great guy i can take all comments that are thrown at me
            in my stride.
                               gordon the "HUNK".
88.17Can you say "Legend in his own mind"????CELTIK::JACOBTeenage Moody Nugent TurtlesTue Feb 19 1991 23:444
88.18CAM::WAYToo much forking, lots of child processesWed Feb 20 1991 11:5310
Gordon --

I am seriously rollward on that one.

And Jake -- we all know that you're the host of:

		Body Building with that Normal Guy Jake!
88.19CELTIK::JACOBTeenage Moody Nugent TurtlesWed Feb 20 1991 18:348
    I've built this body by serious weight lifting12 ounces at a time with
    many many reps.
    I'm also an expert on "solar panels".
88.20BTOVT::MANDILE_ABAM-BAM Does SteroidsThu Feb 21 1991 11:256
    Gordens' a great guy, just ask him!!
    Try a little sandpaper on that pimple,