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Conference atlana::christian_v4

Title:Christian conference v4 - Read-only - for reference only
Notice:Christian conference v4 - archived
Created:Tue Apr 04 1989
Last Modified:Wed Oct 27 1993
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1251
Total number of notes:24772

984.0. "Personal plate..." by FSHQA2::LSMITH (yup yup yup!!!) Tue May 01 1990 22:11

984.1ONEWAYCOMET::INDERMUEHLEElaine's holding her breath! :^)!!Wed May 02 1990 00:220
984.2few moreSSGBPM::PULKSTENISdenominations are man-madeWed May 02 1990 00:358
984.3MSVAX::BARRETTHave your people call my peopleWed May 02 1990 00:4621
984.4Following His WordLEDS::LAJEUNESSELife is DC - Direct from ChristWed May 02 1990 17:5319
984.5Depends which one you're asking after.....ICTHUS::YUILLEHe's coming back soon...Wed May 02 1990 21:2311
984.6MSVAX::BARRETTA Holy owned subsidiary of God:Wed May 02 1990 22:3813
984.7greek anyone?BANZAI::MAATTADatabase Systems DevelopmentFri May 04 1990 18:4636
984.8TILTS::CZARNECKIThe minutes keep ticking away.Sat May 05 1990 05:075