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Conference ulysse::rdb_vms_competition

Title:DEC Rdb against the World
Created:Fri Jun 12 1987
Last Modified:Thu Feb 23 1995
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:1348
Total number of notes:5438

397.0. "ORACLE ON 6320 PROBLEM" by CGOO01::JANIC () Fri Aug 11 1989 09:41

Hello there,

We have this performance problem that nobody knows the answer to.
I know that you are very busy person but perhaps you or somebody in
your group would already know the answer.
Any help will be appreciated very much !

Subject: Petro Canada 6320 problem

    Petro Canada is experiencing performance problems with a VAX 6320 located
in Toronto (but managed from Calgary).  The system runs VMS v5.1-1.  The 
application which runs on the system uses v5.122 of ORACLE.  

    The application originally executed on a VAX 8530, but when the hardware
was upgraded to a VAX 6220, the users noticed a degradation in performance.  
The system has subsequently been upgraded to a VAX 6320 but the performance
problem persists.

    The system has eight RA82s served by 3 KDB controllers on separate BIs.

    In late June, when a database import/export was being performed Petro 
Canada staff observed:  1) when the import/export was executed by itself on the
			6320, it took a long time (hours)
			 2) when the second CPU was shut off, and the same task
			was executed on the 6310, the job ran much more quickly.
                        It was observed that in a given unit of time CPU 
			utilization and direct I/O counts were higher than 
			was the case on the 6320.
			 3) when the import/export was executed with both CPUs
			turned on with one additional process performing an 
			infinite loop, the task performed similarly to when
			executed on the 6310.

     On June 27, I participated in a test which showed similar results to the
above.  A simple program was written where a table was created and built in
ORACLE.  The following results were acquired:

			CPU used	Elapsed		Direct I/O
					 Time		  Count
6320 standalone		2 min 15 sec	12 min		   350	  
6320 w/ loop		2 min 15 sec	 3 min		   180
6310			2 min 15 sec	 3 min		   180

     Noteworthy is the significant difference in elapsed time.  

     Right up front, the harware was checked out in order to ensure that
all microcode was up to the proper revision level.  Subsequent tests showed
no improvement.

     We proceeded to collect SPM data in an attempt to acquire more information
on system performance.  Data was collected in mid-July and subsequently 
analyzed.  While CPU and memory resources were in abundance, it was noticed 
that disk I/O response times would occasionally sustain high levels for
prolonged periods of time.  Response times in the thousands of milliseconds
would sometimes persist for several minutes.  Once the high response times
would hit a disk, work available to the disk would be sustained at 100% for
several hours.  During this time, direct I/Os would usually be quite low
(ie. 5 to 10 I/Os /sec).
     This problem cannot be localized to one disk, one controller, or
one BI.  The problem can occur on any disk device.

     In order to try to nail the problem down to a particular piece of
application code, the SPM sampling interval was reduced to 30 seconds
(down from 300) and image accounting was invoked.  A correlation among
the onset of the high response time readings from SPM, interval process data 
from SPM, and image accounting statistics was then performed.

     Analysis of the SPM and accounting data did not reveal any conclusive
result.  The onset of high disk response was usually preceeded by a spike
in direct I/O to the disk.  An ORACLE process (ORACLEH$ARH) usually contributed
significantly to the I/O spike but cause and effect could not be established
because at other times this process would deliver high I/O rates and no similar
side effects were obvserved.

     Error logs have been monitored for hard and soft errors, but again to no

     Currently, ORACLE database utilization statistics are being gathered,
and there is a plan to turn off an ORACLE feature (asynchronous read-ahead)
which will eliminate the presence of the ORACLEH$ARH process.  SPM data
continues to be collected.

Best regards, Mike Janic

P.S. Here is one opinion :

397.1What A ShameQUILL::BOOTHWhat am I?...An Oracle?Fri Aug 11 1989 19:3216
    Your experience seems to verify the feeling many of us had about Oracle
    software. They do not utilize SMP at all. All processes execute on a
    single processor. Consequently, extra processors would tend to slow,
    rather than speed, execution.
    This is an Oracle problem. We have probably spent the usual bushels of
    time and free service to "isolate" the problem, which is, as usual,
    Oracle. One would have thought that with 30%-40% of their revenue from
    the VAX that Oracle could have done better. Surley this has happened at
    other Oracle sites. I forgot, Oracle customers are forbidden from
    discussing performance publicly. Gee, that could mean that EVERY Oracle
    SMP site has these problems.
    Scary, isn't it.
    ---- Michael Booth
397.2It's too slow 'cause SMP's too fast, I'll wagerSRFSUP::MCCARTHYMore fun than kissing a badgerFri Aug 11 1989 21:0646

    Hmmmm ... sounds like Gulf Canada's old Oracle problem on a 782 (ask
    Craig Tullis when he gets back from vacation - I'm sure he'll

    What .1 said (all gloating aside) is quite true. Oracle has never
    been designed to run on multi-processors and gets into difficulty on
    them. It should be interesting to see how they fare with their new
    massively parallel hardware partner. The other thing that everyone
    has to understand, in spite of what you may think of Oracle, is that
    Digital will be to blame until Digital can prove that this isn't
    Digital's fault. The reason that we have this problem is because
    *we* don't point fingers (like some 3rd party database vendors might
    be inclined to do).

    About your problem - I would be very much disinclined to believe
    that the problem is related to MP synchronization directly. Despite
    any claims by Oracle to the contrary, there are several places in
    their architecture where the system becomes single threaded. If you
    can get an Oracle maven on-site, ask them to look at things like
    buffer allocations for the read-ahead feature (BTW, the db
    performance will probably got for s**t if they turn it off). In the
    past, I have seen cases where things fall apart because of
    contention caused by the increased throughput of an MP system
    against a single thread like look-ahead buffer allocation (it used
    to be perfromed by a single process - I don't know if they've
    changed this). Oracle can really start to thrash itself to death
    when there are multiple "clients" colliding at these single-thread
    "server" points. This may also explain why they can't handle
    clusters, either. 

    Anyway, I'd strongly advise you to get an Oracle person on-site
    (they'll want to charge for that type of support, but Petro-Can may
    be able to beat them into submission).

    I would also try to use the opportunity to demonstrate to Petro-Can
    that Digital is prepared to support them and to help solve their
    problem, whoever's "fault" it is. Is Oracle prepared to be a
    partner? Is Petro-Can prepared to bet their corporate data resources
    on somebody who is not prepared to be a partner? Would they like to
    benchmark their application on Rdb? And so on ... 

    Good Luck,
397.3Shared mode ??MAIL::DUNCANGGerry Duncan @KCOTue Aug 15 1989 04:4229
    I have a customer who has an 8840 and runs Oracle V6.  Before deciding
    to come into production with V6, they ran some benchmarks on Oracle
    V5.1.22.  Most of the discussion re: Oracle under SMP were never
    verified by my customer.  V5.1.22 (and V6) ran just fine on an SMP system
    EXCEPT the database writer performance is only as good as the power
    of the individual boards ... not the entire cabinet and, as such,
    is a bottle neck.
    The problem you describe sounds like you have the database warm started
    in SHARED mode.  Warm starting the database in SHARED mode would be
    required if you were running in a cluster.  (You wouldn't have to have
    a VAXcluster in order to run Oracle in Shared mode.) When running in
    shared mode, Oracle performs thousands of i/o to disk in order to mark
    records and/or pages that are being locked for update.
    Another thought is that the SGA buffer sizes are too big or too
    small. If they're too big, the system runs and experiences large
    bursts to read and write from disk.  If the buffers are too small,
    the ARH task would tend to read more often from disk but perhaps
    small blocks of disk.             
    I would tell the customer to focus on the SGA size and check the
    startup mode of the database and then tell them to call Oracle to

397.4Missing an index?NCBDVX::ROARKWed Aug 23 1989 19:317
    There was a definition of an index that was omitted in the 5.x releases
    which improves export time.  Somewhere in this conference or one of the
    old Rdb/VMS notesfiles I entered a note with  the index creation
    statement.  It improved export on the order of 20 times.  If I remember
    import will be on the order of 2-3 times greater than the export time.
397.5Oracle are not alone..TMCUK2::GUESTWed Aug 30 1989 17:409
    All our experience is that Oracle performs badly on SMP. Not only
    that but they immediately blame Digital.
    BTW: A benchmark was recently run in Reading using ADABAS. We found
    that throughput improved adding a second processor but the addition
    of more processors had no improvement.
397.6Picked up on USENET, re the .0 problemRICARD::GODFRINDI want SETPRV for ChristmasTue Sep 05 1989 22:36349
From: heselton@admin.okanagan.bcc.CDN (Mike Heselton)
Problem: Oracle performance on a multi-processor machine.
application (M3) which is Oracle based.  It is about 85% query
oriented with about 15% of the daily transactions being updates or
inserts to the database. 
Up until April 89, we have only been running this application on
uni-processor VAX 85xx systems and performance has been reasonable. 
Our 8530 systems were sized for 35 M3 users, our 8550 for 50 M3 users. 
In April, because of plant expansion - actually administrative
integration of two plants, we replaced one of our 8530s with a VAX
6220.  We had sized the machine for up to 60 M3 users in conjunction
with DEC.
Our 8530 was configured as:
       VAX 8530
          40mb memory
              RA81        (Userdisk, Oracle BI files, Application software)
              RA81        (System disk)
          BI expansion
              PERTEC 6250 bpi Tape
              VMZ32 x 4
             RA82        (Oracle Database)
             RA81        (Oracle Journals)
Our SPM analysis over a period of a month showed that our biggest
problem with this machine was I/O throughput.  Our database spanned
the entire RA82 and the I/O rates to this disk with 35 M3 users was
unacceptable.  SPM also showed the memory utilization to be an average
of 60 percent with peaks of up to 100% memory utilization.
Our solution, which DEC whole heartedly endorsed, was to replace the
8530 with a 6220 configured as follows:
       VAX 6220
         128 Mb memory
         BI #1
           DMB32 (from 8530)
             RA82             (Database part 2)
             RA81             (Oracle Journals only)
         BI #2
           DEBNA (8530)
           KDB50 (8530)
             RA82             (Database part 1)
             RA81             (Application Software)
             RA82             (Training Database)
         BI #3
           DMB32 (8530)
             RA82             (System disk)
             RA81             (User files)
             RA82             (Oracle Bi files and temporary storage)
We also added a MicroVAX II running LAVC, this was a minimum MVII
config with an Exebyte 8mm tape drive to backup our two production
database files nightly.  The plan for the second DEBNA was to setup
a second ethernet for LAVC traffic but since DEC still doesn't have
this working, we're waiting.
Since the VAX 6220 would only run VMS V5, our 8530 was converted to
V5 of VMS 2 months prior to the migration.  We wanted as few unknowns
as possible fo rthe migration.
Initial migration consisted of moving the disks and devices to their
final locations on the 6220 and migrating everything exept the
database to their final disk locations.  Oracle and the application
software were rebuild.
Our 8530 user community had grown to 40 M3 users by this time and
performance was perceived to be poor by the users. Apon completion
of our migration system performance dropped drastically!  Queries
which took seconds on the 8530 took minutes on the 6220!  We initially
attributed this to the database and subsequently migrated the database
to two RA82s on separate controllers on separate BIs.
All users were evicted from the system for a weekend and the database
conversion commenced.
During this conversion, and export and import of the database, a
curious thing was found!  An import of the database which once took
4-5 hours to complete now required 8-10 hours.  While this import
was in operation, the Direct I/O rate for the system (monitor, spm
was not available for V5 of VMS) averaged 10 I/Os per second.
The person performing the export became quite excited that the
import might not complete in the designated time but continued
with his normal activities.  While performing a link which takes
several minutes he noticed that the monitor Direct I/O rate jumped
to 60-70 I/Os per second.  Shock and amazement followed as his link
completed and the I/O rate once again dropped to 10 I/Os per second.
Using 3 terminals the following was found:
The export on one terminal, monitor on the second, link on the third.
The I/O rate climbed every time the link was performed.  Thinking that
this may just be due to the linker I/O the user called me and
explained the situation.  A crude test was devised.  The link was
replaced with a simple command file:
       $ L1:
       $       GOTO L1
Presto, the I/O rate once again increased to 60-70 DIOs/second.
The conversion completed and performance go no better!
We obtained SPM and the data showed 40% idle time on each processor,
average i/o rates of 40-60 IOs per second across the system, 40% peak
memory utilization.  Paging averages 100 pf/s with less that 1% of
these being hard faults.  Users grow to a peak working set size of
3000 - 4000 pages and stop faulting all together.  Working set 
extents on this machine are now 10240 pages.
The only anomoly was in the disk analysis data, at times peaks in
responce time were observed to be higher than 90000 milliseconds.  We
could not determine the exact figures since SPM counters overflow at
90,000.  These peaks occur several times per week and do not correlate
to a high I/O rate to the disk.  After each of these spikes, the disk
becomes 100% busy according to work available graphs for the rest of
the day.  The problem seems to only occur at random and occurs on only
one of the disks on any given day. The disks affected by this problem
are the three database disks as well as our userdisk which only
contains user files.
Since this time, through extensive testing, we have eliminated through
removal from the system: SQLQMX user ad-hoc reporting, ORACLE
Asyncronous read ahead, disk fragmentation, oracle detached processes
have been given large working set extents via PQL_DWSEXTENT sysgen
parameter (the recommended way to increase these by the way).  The
problem still persists.
Sales convinced us to upgrade our system to a VAX 6320 and it was
observed that once the upgrade was complete, performance once again
dropped even lower.
Isolation of the re-creatable import problem is our current primary
objective.  We feel that we have multiple problems and that a solution
to the re-creatable portion may cause our I/O problem to increase
in frequency thus allowing us to isolate it more easily.
We have found that the same results produced by the import are
recreated by simply creating a table in a test database using SQLPLUS
as follows:
       SQLPLUS> CREATE TABLE table2 SELECT * FROM table1;
A third processor was borrowed from Digital field service to
facilitate some testing we wished to perform.  A new database (60000
blocks in size) was created and a dummy table imported into this
database.  All users were removed from the system, LAT was stopped,
Our Network was shutdown.  The only jobs on the system were the normal
VMS jobs (JOBCTL, SWAPPER, etc), the 4 oracle processes and the
SQLPLUS job which performed the tests.  
A controlling job submitted up to 4 of these oracle jobs, each
reading from the same table but writing to different tables, on
1, 2, and 3 processor environments.  Same 6320 with cpu 3 then
cpus 2 and 3 stopped.
Once this was completed, it was repeated but an infinite fortran
loop was created and run at the same time as the above test jobs.
The following timings were the results, some find these interesting.
  TEST               ONE CPU             TWO CPUs            THREE CPUs
PERFORMED        CPU/Elapsed Time     CPU/Elapsed Time     CPU/Elapsed Time   
  1 Oracle Job   01:35.93/02:20.64    01:33.31/05:06.43    01:32.97/07:13.45
  2 Oracle Jobs  01:40.99/04:45.05    01:37.59/03:45.68    01:37.79/04:46.18
                 01:38.56/04:05.68    01:38.49/04:23.98    01:36.89/04:00.69
  3 Oracle Jobs  01:40.80/06:23.56    01:40.72/06:32.54    01:40.33/05:54.58
                 01:39.27/05:52.47    01:39.58/05:18.43    01:39.31/06:44.86
                 01:41.14/07:01.85    01:39.26/05:52.62    01:37.11/05:20.97
  4 Oracle Jobs  01:41.42/09:30.91    01:37.67/06:58.63    01:40.77/08:14.36
                 01:41.77/08:17.75    01:40.86/07:25.10    01:40.32/07:45.15
                 01:39.49/07:44.26    01:41.75/08:11.23    01:37.41/07:19.06
                 01:45.37/08:50.02    01:39.85/08:35.83    01:38.89/08:43.36
One Computable Job +
  1 Oracle Job   01:31.67/08:48.58    01:36.47/02:28.64    01:34.17/03:34.62
  2 Oracle Jobs  01:37.30/09:46.38    01:39.41/04:45.19    01:38.78/04:31.69
                 01:36.75/07:59.17    01:37.37/04:07.07    01:36.19/03:50.04
  3 Oracle Jobs  01:38.46/11:00.79    01:38.39/05:58.73    01:38.81/05:48.89
                 01:40.21/12:45.42    01:40.53/06:33.65    01:37.45/05:18.04
                 01:37.92/09:28.16    01:39.78/07:11.80    01:39.20/06:29.72
  4 Oracle Jobs  01:39.75/13:30.87    01:39.33/07:42.04    01:40.98/07:21.75
                 01:39.88/17:00.97    01:40.75/08:13.77    01:37.59/06:51.96
                 01:41.20/15:10.61    01:40.64/09:19.10    01:38.84/08:30.36
                 01:38.44/11:56.03    01:41.35/08:45.02    01:39.56/08:03.54
Two Computable Jobs +
  1 Oracle Job   01:29.16/18:56.81    01:31.37/06:37.80    01:32.70/02:17.45
  2 Oracle Jobs  01:37.55/15:59.52    01:35.35/06:12.45    01:36.64/04:00.22
                 01:36.20/12:49.67    01:36.26/07:28.33    01:38.21/04:44.31
  3 Oracle Jobs  01:37.80/14:12.45    01:37.34/10:23.87    01:37.37/05:54.26
                 01:36.99/19:54.90    01:38.99/09:02.69    01:40.01/06:29.20
                 01:40.43/16:43.70    01:38.04/07:48.16    01:39.02/07:07.02
  4 Oracle Jobs  01:39.24/19:17.72    01:37.21/13:50.77    01:38.28/07:33.42
                 01:40.91/22:26.78    01:40.17/12:32.01    01:39.58/08:07.59
                 01:40.00/26:00.91    01:37.98/09:50.92    01:40.14/08:37.43
                 01:38.61/16:56.01    01:39.10/11:00.19    01:40.12/09:11.23
Three Computable Jobs +
  1 Oracle Job   01:29.31/28:14.37    01:26.78/12:45.13    01:30.78/05:26.89
  2 Oracle Jobs  01:36.01/18:56.44    01:35.93/11:01.86    01:36.14/06:49.99
                 01:36.67/22:49.64    01:35.11/08:49.34    01:34.06/05:32.83
  3 Oracle Jobs  01:38.68/22:01.33    01:38.52/12:13.15    01:37.73/08:14.51
                 01:37.73/18:11.54    01:35.75/10:23.30    01:36.71/07:06.37
                 01:39.09/26:24.20    01:38.82/14:04.78    01:37.80/09:22.17
  4 Oracle Jobs  00:00.00/00:00.00    01:35.53/13:01.64    01:35.57/09:13.71
                 00:00.00/00:00.00    01:39.13/14:47.17    01:43.19/11:20.35
                 00:00.00/00:00.00    01:39.39/16:56.82    01:37.88/12:26.97
                 00:00.00/00:00.00    01:36.41/19:10.46    01:37.03/10:09.02
Having seen these results, additional test jobs were created and the
following timings were found:
       COMPUTE BOUND LOOP       finite fortran do loop 
       MEMORY TEST              6 Mb block of memory was initialized
                                and copied to another 6Mb block of
                                memory several times using a MOVC3
                                instruction (600000 page faults all
				soft were seen)
	READ TEST		A macro program queing up to 32
                                asyncronous concurrent random reads
                                from a 60000 block data file.
  TEST             ONE CPU              TWO CPUs            THREE CPUs
PERFORMED      CPU/Elapsed Time     CPU/Elapsed Time     CPU/Elapsed Time   
  1 Job        03:19.48/03:30.00    03:15.31/03:16.83    03:15.23/03:16.48
  2 Jobs       03:19.73/06:56.32    03:17.13/03:22.52    03:15.51/03:18.22
               03:19.92/06:58.82    03:17.72/03:24.65    03:15.49/03:18.02
  3 Jobs       03:19.91/10:25.65    03:17.22/05:00.35    03:16.47/03:21.23
               03:19.35/10:25.41    03:17.33/05:04.93    03:16.72/03:21.69
               03:19.73/10:28.05    03:17.50/05:03.86    03:17.13/03:23.17
  4 Jobs       03:19.50/13:52.34    03:17.56/06:45.10    03:16.80/04:29.62
               03:19.66/13:55.94    03:17.26/06:45.62    03:16.68/04:28.13
               03:19.87/13:52.03    03:17.52/06:46.43    03:17.01/04:28.12
               03:19.64/13:57.02    03:17.50/06:42.86    03:16.76/04:29.37
  1 Job        00:32.92/01:08.18    00:32.96/01:10.93    00:32.08/01:16.29
  2 Jobs       00:33.62/01:38.90    00:33.58/01:40.04    00:33.06/01:35.71
               00:32.85/02:03.42    00:33.08/01:38.20    00:33.08/01:37.32
  3 Jobs       00:32.96/02:40.82    00:32.98/02:02.55    00:33.24/02:09.25
               00:32.94/02:38.77    00:32.48/02:13.54    00:33.27/02:11.19
               00:32.93/02:27.70    00:33.12/02:08.00    00:33.46/02:12.17
  4 Jobs       00:32.80/02:54.85    00:31.90/02:46.00    00:33.36/02:29.72
               00:32.44/03:23.21    00:32.70/02:37.72    00:32.75/02:19.18
               00:32.04/03:18.60    00:32.45/02:38.74    00:31.88/02:38.37
               00:32.83/03:10.98    00:32.10/02:19.78    00:33.65/02:27.16
Disk Read
  1 Job        00:29.79/04:19.03    00:30.40/04:17.81    00:29.54/04:16.61
  2 Jobs       00:30.34/08:29.16    00:29.92/08:33.46    00:28.94/08:31.29
               00:28.36/08:33.07    00:29.64/08:33.44    00:29.49/08:31.27
  3 Jobs       00:29.52/12:46.84    00:28.98/12:47.69    00:28.36/12:39.56
               00:28.60/12:46.86    00:29.52/12:38.92    00:27.66/12:46.43
               00:29.05/12:35.79    00:28.57/12:47.57    00:28.36/12:46.42
  4 Jobs       00:28.50/17:03.13    00:29.59/17:00.58    00:28.46/16:51.96
               00:28.86/17:05.65    00:28.99/17:03.33    00:29.20/16:59.72
               00:29.12/17:04.76    00:29.98/17:03.29    00:29.01/17:00.83
               00:28.55/16:59.53    00:30.08/16:59.29    00:29.31/16:59.56
These tests have been re-created on another multi-processor machine, a
VAX 8370 which our local DEC office has for field training.  Similar
results were observed and we believe that this problem is inherant in
all multi-processor vaxen running VMS V5.x and Oracle V5.1.22.  Oracle
and DEC are still working on the problem but very slowly.
If anyone has seen this problem before and has found solution
please let me know, we are desperate!!!!
If you have a multi-processor VAX and Oracle V5.1.22, I would also be
interested in any timings you may find should you try these tests.  If
the findings are similar please put as much pressure as is humanly
possible on DEC and Oracle.  We feel that this is an unacceptable
problem and the only solution we have heard of is to upgrade to V6 of
Oracle.  Some software support we pay Digital and Oracle for huh!
Mike Heselton
10th Floor East Tower
P.O. Box 2844
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
(403) 296-7342
P.S.  Please contact me directly if possible as my info-vax access is 
      through a third party and infrequent.  I will try to access the
      list for the next several days though.