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Conference ufhis::siemens_communication

Title:Siemens Connectivity
Notice:FTSIE Contact is Michael Eisenhut @MUC 865-1487
Created:Tue Aug 30 1988
Last Modified:Mon Feb 19 1996
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:195
Total number of notes:512

158.0. "Writing ANSI tapes possible with FTSIE" by MUNICH::MHEINE () Tue Feb 23 1993 15:41

    I just read the User Guide of FTSIE V1.0 so I am not that much 
    used to using FTSIE. Maybe someone out ther can help me.
    A customer has to interchange a tape (which is to be written by
    an ULTRIX machine) with a BS2000 machine from another company.
    The tape must be in EBCDIC format and ANSI 3 or 4 compatible.
    In Ultrix you can use "ltf" to write ANSI tapes and "dd ...conv=ebcdic"
    to convert ascii files to ebcdic.
    If we first use dd to convert our file to ebcdic and then write it
    to tape with ltf, the data itself is ebcdic, but the ansi-headers
    of the tape are NOT (because ltf cannot do any EBCDIC conversion, and
    ltf is writing the headers). The BS2000 seems to need ebcdic headers.
    Now the question:
    Is it possible to write EBCDIC format headers and files to a tape
    using FTSIE? From the User Guide I have the impression that this is
    not possible. Would you agree?
    Your help is much appreciated.
    Thanks,  Marcus 