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Conference hips::uk_audioo

Title:You get surface noise in real life too
Notice:Let's be conformist
Created:Thu Jul 28 1988
Last Modified:Mon Jun 02 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:550
Total number of notes:3847

353.0. "very low cost DAC" by LARVAE::IVES_J (Bad Karma in the UK) Mon Apr 13 1992 15:03

    This months HiFi World (possibly the best magazine !?)
    gave a storming review to the new QED DIGIT DAC.
    This black box sets a new all-time-low price for an external DAC of
    #125.00 + 19.00 for the QED cable (Transport to DAC).
    Review stated that it lost little to DACS of #600.00+.
    Chipset was Philips Bitstream though the specific chip was not listed.
    Likely to be 7321 or 7323 in single ended mode.
    Also like to Audio Alchemy unit, it uses an external 12v supply, which
    it you're like me sets tweak-possibility-alarm-bells ringing.
    Now where did I put that old car battery ?????
353.1recommended partner?SQGUK::LEVYThe BloodhoundMon Apr 13 1992 17:136
    Did they recommend a CD player to partner it? 
    One advantage it might offer is the sound quality of a player
    like the Rotel with the facilities of a Sony.
353.2LARVAE::IVES_JBad Karma in the UKMon Apr 13 1992 21:027
    They (hifi world) did'nt
    QED are marketing it specifically at 16bit owners who want a cheap
    upgrade, hence the single coax in with only one sampling rate (CD).
    I guess you're right, in that you could even have a multiplay with the
    sound of a Rotel ;-) 
353.3LARVAE::IVES_JBad Karma in the UKTue Apr 14 1992 13:1813
    just got the May HFN&RR ( for a friend of course :-) )
    They are reviewing the QED next month BUT Colloms makes a reference to
    it in the ROKSAN review, where he states that the QED has a deeper
    soundstage than the ROKDAC. Also it appears that the QED DIGIT is 7323
    based like the Audio Alchemy .
    the ROKSAN came out O.K. they seemed to like the whole package
    (transport +DAC+external power supply) but not the individual bit's.
    still looks like the Meridian is the one to beat , over the NAIM, LINN
    and ROKSAN players, but then thy'e been in with CD from the start,
    hav'nt they ;-}
353.4Subtle hint.SKIWI::EATONMarketing - the rubber meets the skyWed Apr 15 1992 02:0610
Isn't it time some of you guys over there organised a "shoot-out" with these
CD players to let the rest of us know what you think ?

Meridian 200/203 and 600/603
Linn Karik and Numerik
Naim CDS
Micromega Trio

Perhaps make the reference player the Arcam Alpha or Rotel 965
353.5Digital Digit Review?MASALA::GHUTCHEONTue Apr 21 1992 17:307
353.6FUTURS::WATSONRik WatsonWed Apr 22 1992 12:136
    When I was last talking to Roxan about their CD player they sort of
    ``recommended'' using the Digit with their transport as a ``cheap'' way
    of getting their transport.
    Interestingly enough they said that it was the transport which could
    potentialy make the most difference in a system ?