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Conference hips::uk_audioo

Title:You get surface noise in real life too
Notice:Let's be conformist
Created:Thu Jul 28 1988
Last Modified:Mon Jun 02 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:550
Total number of notes:3847

1.0. "Introduction" by BAHTAT::SALLITT (Dave @RKG or LZO) Thu Jul 28 1988 18:17

    Welcome to the UK Audio conference. This conference is for information
    about audio products available in the UK; since a considerable
    proportion of audio equipment sold here comes from other nations, and
    a lot of UK product gets exported, input is welcome from anywhere.
    Use this conference to get/give advice on buying, using, servicing and
    upgrading your audio equipment, and for ads to buy/sell used
    equipment. Conference content is likely to be largely about hifi but
    this isn't exclusive, and it is hoped to include in-car audio, quality 
    portable audio, and video-related audio - how well that's achieved
    depends how you out there in the Noting community contribute.
    A few basic guidlines......
    Equipment reviewers should try to strike a balance between technical
    and non-technical content. Please stick with the category of the base 
    Please don't reply to equipment reviews, unless it's to enter another 
    review; if you want to open up a discussion on a reviewed product,
    start another topic with that product as the title.
    Apart from the above, and the constraints of normal Notes ettiquette, 
    anything goes.
    Listening to music is a *great* source of pleasure; whether you
    listen at home or on the move, it's hoped that this conference will
    help you to get the best out of what you use, and increase your
    awareness of how you could perhaps do it better.
    How well UK_AUDIO does that depends on the contributions, so over
    to you, folks.
1.1Some clarificationERIC::SALLITTA legend in his lunchtimeTue Aug 30 1988 21:0211
    I've had a request for clarification on whether hifi video/TV are
    suitable topics for discussion here. 
    Basically, yes, so long as the discussion is limited to their audio
    performance and facilities.
    Also the conference title does not imply discussion of UK-product
    only, it merely differentiates us from our cousins on DSSDEV. Otherwise
    we'd soon run out of topics......
1.2Welcome to DRILL!!LARVAE::JEFFERYWhy do birds suddenly appear?Wed Apr 05 1989 15:5512
    Welcome to DRILL.
    UK_AUDIO was moved here to ease the pressure on my quota on LARVAE,
    and hopefully to improve access speed. I have had some feedback
    that access to UK_AUDIO on LARVAE was slow. DRILL doesn't have many
    users, so it should be a bit quicker.
    If you have any comments/complaints, then SEND/Author!
1.3Interruption Explanation.LARVAE::JEFFERYK-I-L-L-E-D, RevokedFri Jun 16 1989 18:4514
    An apology for the unavailability of this conference.
    A colleague of mine has a priveliged account on DRILL, and didn't
    realise that it was used for Notes. For some reason, he deleted
    everything to do with Notes.
    The backup is from Last Friday, so any notes entered on Monday have
    been lost.
    Many apologies for any trouble this has caused.
    Normal service has been restored.
1.4More apologies.TASTY::JEFFERYWant to see something really scarey?Mon Oct 09 1989 21:505
Apologies for sporadic unavailability.

I.S. are upgrading Mallet from V4.7 to V5.2

1.5Should be no more problems now.TASTY::JEFFERYWant to see something really scarey?Mon Oct 30 1989 13:089
Availability problems.

There were problems because I.S. didn't upgrade to Notes V2.0.

If anyone still gets access problems, then mail me on TASTY::JEFFERY.


1.6UK_AUDIO conference changing to node SACMALLET::JEFFERYTears of disbelief spilling out of my eyesTue Nov 12 1991 17:476
    MALLET will be no more soon, so the UK_AUDIO notesfile will be moving.
    I.S. Will be moving the UK_AUDIO notesfile to SAC::UK_AUDIO by Monday
    18th of November. Mallet will be disappearing by 5:30pm on Friday 15th.
    Mark Jeffery.
1.7Please read....BAHTAT::SALLITTa legend in his lunchtimeMon Feb 17 1992 16:51126
                       -< CDs and things.... in the UK >-
Note 1.13                            Welcome                            13 of 13
ASICS::LESLIE "Andy Leslie"                         120 lines  31-JAN-1992 08:15

                  I N T E R O F F I C E   M E M O R A N D U M

                                        Date:     29-Jan-1992 11:49am EST
                                        From:     RON GLOVER
                                        Dept:     Corporate Employee Relations
                                        Tel No:   508-493-9569

TO: See Below

Subject: A Message to Employee Interest Notes File Users                        

By way of introduction, I am the Corporate Personnel Policy Manager.  
Part of my responsibility includes providing interpretation of Digital's 
Personnel Policy, including the Personnel Policy 6.54.   I would greatly 
appreciate your assistance in posting the attached memo from John Sims in 
the Notes files you moderate, and as many other Employee Interest Notes 
Files as possible.  Please give me a call if you have any questions.

                  I N T E R O F F I C E   M E M O R A N D U M

                                        Date:     30-Jan-1992 
                                        From:     John Sims
                                                  SIMS.JOHN AT A1 at CORA @ CORE
                                        Dept:     Strategic Resources
                                        Tel No:   223-7243

TO:  Employee Interest Notes File Participants 

Subject:  A message to employee interest notes file users                          

    Over the last few months I have received a number of complaints 
    from employees, and individuals outside of the company about 
    material communicated in electronic mail systems and posted in 
    various employee interest notes files.  After reading some of this 
    material it is clear that a reminder about appropriate comment and 
    behavior in these systems is necessary.
    First, and most critically; the electronic mail systems and notes 
    files are company facilities subject to normal workplace rules of 
    conduct.   As such, the same rules that govern conduct and comment 
    in any other Digital workplace apply with equal weight in these 
    systems.  Stated simply, if you wouldn't say something in a 
    Digital business meeting, you shouldn't say it in electronic mail 
    or notes. PERIOD.  
    Statements that attribute improper, illegal or immoral motives or 
    actions to others; statements that cast aspersions on the 
    character or integrity of others or that amount to libel or 
    slander are not permitted. PERIOD.  In this regard, it does not 
    matter whether the individuals subject to the comment are elected 
    public officials or directors of organizations disfavored by the 
    author.   There is no "Public Figure" exception in these systems.
    Comments of a sexual nature are not acceptable whether they are 
    about the author or directed at others.  Similarly, comments that 
    degrade, devalue or discriminate against others are also 
    Neither the notes conferences nor electronic mail should be used 
    to solicit other employees.  This prohibition covers efforts to 
    solicit employees for personal or political gain, to sell or 
    market goods or services (except authorized marketplace or 
    discount conferences) and efforts to solicit employees to take 
    action, sign petitions or support particular causes or candidates.
    Finally, employees should remember that it is never appropriate to 
    spend working time in employee interest notes for non-work 
    purposes.  Personal or entertainment activities in these notes 
    files should be limited to assigned break times, lunch time and 
    before or after business hours.  
    Employee interest notes files and conferences provide an 
    electronic forum to share ideas and opinions about matters of 
    common interest.  In supporting these conferences, the company 
    understood that there would be occasions where employees would 
    disagree on issues being discussed, but we believed and continue 
    to believe it is possible to disagree without being disagreeable.  
    Personnel Policy 6.54, Proper Use of Digital Computers, Systems 
    and Networks provides further information about appropriate 
    conduct and comment in these systems.  Employees who fail to meet 
    these expectations, or who use company computer systems in ways 
    that are contrary to the letter or spirit of that policy are 
    subject to Corrective Action and Discipline up to and including 
    the termination of their employment.
    The moderators of these conferences, along with your system 
    managers, personnel representatives and the Personnel Policy 
    Manager are all available to answer any question you might have 
    about appropriate use of these systems.
    Please feel free to forward this memo to other Digital notes 
    files and conferences.


TO:  Remote Addressee                     ( _CVG::Thompson )
TO:  Remote Addressee                     ( _dr::Blinn )
TO:  Remote Addressee                     ( _prose::Eppes )
TO:  Remote Addressee                     ( _clt::Talcott )
TO:  Remote Addressee                     ( _covert::Covert )
TO:  Remote Addressee                     ( _mipsbx::Thomas )
TO:  Remote Addressee                     ( _Closet::T_Parmenter )
TO:  Remote Addressee                     ( _brons::burrows )
TO:  Remote Addressee                     ( _thundr::Minow )
TO:  Remote Addressee                     ( _beirut::Sunnaa )

CC:  Remote Addressee                     ( _ics::glover )
CC:  Remote Addressee                     ( _ics::seltzer )
1.8We have movedGOVT04::BARKERCareful with that AXP EugeneMon Oct 09 1995 18:034
	This conference has now succesfully completed the move to the 
{GOVT02,GOVT04} mixed architecture VMScluster.

Nigel Barker
1.9HIPS::WATSONThe Vorlons Are.Mon Oct 09 1995 19:004
    Not only have we moved but I've joined as a co-moderator. Any problems,
    send mail or phone.
    	Rik Watson	HIPS::WATSON	(7)782 2238