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Conference 35.181::insurance

Title:Insurance Industry Conference
Created:Thu Feb 18 1988
Last Modified:Wed Feb 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:136
Total number of notes:551

66.0. "ALL-IN-1 for Work In Process" by IRT::NATTER () Thu Jan 26 1989 19:32

    Has anyone heard of a Life Insurance company in upstate NY who 
    recently (within the last year) purchased ALL-IN-1 to be used 
    for a "Work In Process" application?
    My customer mentioned that he read about this in "Information 
    Week" magazine in the section immediately following "Letters
    to the Editor".  I've checked back issues for the past 6 months
    and have come up empty handed.
    Looking for a lot with only a little . . .
66.1What Kind of Work in Process?POBOX::MCDEVITTEverybody out to the field!Mon Jan 30 1989 02:3622
    No direct answer to your question. Just a couple of questions back
    to you. 
    Is your customer looking for a W.I.P. solution to a particular problem?
    What do they mean by "Work in Process" applications? In ALL-IN-1,
    that could mean System for Sales and Marketing, which does track
    sales items as they proceed. The term "Work in Process" can also mean
    or refer to a system which not only tracks, but which also schedules
    and controls processes through a series of functions and activities. 
    We are, as you probably know, working on a major Work in Process
    platform which will have wide applicability in the Insurance Industry.
    It is not a point solution for, for example, Image processing control.
    It will position us uniquely in the industry because of its scope
    and its modular flexibility. Each application of this technology
    will be custom fit to the customer's needs and requirements, giving
    the customer a competitive advantage.
    So it is worth exploring with the customer what it is that interests
    them in W.I.P., and what they understand about it.
    Ed McDevitt                                       
66.2He's right.DEALIN::MCATEETue Jan 31 1989 21:441
    Ed's right!