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Conference 35.181::insurance

Title:Insurance Industry Conference
Created:Thu Feb 18 1988
Last Modified:Wed Feb 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:136
Total number of notes:551

30.0. "EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL" by MERIDN::RITCHIE (insurers are risk aversive) Fri May 06 1988 18:41

    Let this note serve as a posting location for good educational
    material.  Recommended information should include:
    	Ordering information
30.1Property and Liability InsuranceMERIDN::RITCHIEinsurers are risk aversiveFri May 06 1988 18:4810
    Subject:  Property and Liability Insurance
    Title:    How Insurance Works: An Introduction to Property and
    		Liability Insurance                    
    Author:   Barry D. Smith
              Insurance Institute of America, 1984, 233 pages
              Malvern, Pa 19355-0770
    Good introduction to the terminology, workflow, administration
    functions, premium calculations, etc.  Easy reading - - a couple
    of evenings at the most.
30.2See Note 25 for other "Resources"POBOX::MCDEVITTEverybody out to the field!Fri May 13 1988 03:174
    Good idea for a note. Let's keep truly educational materials in
    this note and resources for research in the "Resources" note, #25.
    Ed McDevitt
30.3Insurance Software ReviewCSOA1::GOBEYThu Apr 20 1989 13:1116
    "Insurance Software Review" is an excellent magazine and must reading
    for anyone working with the insurance industry. The best part is
    that it's free. The magazine is published bi-monthly and you can
    request your subscription by writing to:
                        Insurance Software Review
                        9100 Keystone Crossing
                        Suite 200
                        Indianapolis, Indiana 46240
    The publisher can also be reached by telephone at (317) 844-7461.
    Dave Gobey