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Conference 35.181::insurance

Title:Insurance Industry Conference
Created:Thu Feb 18 1988
Last Modified:Wed Feb 05 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:136
Total number of notes:551

16.0. "UK Notes" by WARDER::FULTON () Fri Mar 04 1988 14:38

    There is a sizeable Insurance Industry sales effort in the UK and
    it may be helpful to start a separate topic on the needs and success
    stories across here. In addition to the (many) sales teams, the
    marketing specialists, and the ACT people, there are a number of
    High Value Systems Selling teams targetted at the big insurance
    companies like Royal, Commercial Union, Guardian Royal Exchange,
    Prudential, Scottish Widows/Life/Amicable/Equitable etc.
    We have virtually no presence in the industry as yet, but hope to
    change that.
    The impact of the Financial Services Act, the new pensions legislation,
    and the 1992 EEC rules, could all give us the opportunity we are
    looking for. 
    I'll be watching this file closely, and adding the odd entry
    			Gordon Fulton @ OLO  / DTN 851-2248 
16.11992 and all thatWARDER::FULTONFri Mar 18 1988 10:337
    I note that one or two Insurance companies are starting to prepare
    for 1992. GRE has created a new jointly owned Life Company based
    in Paris, Guardian Vie, with a 20M stake (where's the pound sign
    on this keyboard?); Sun life has announced a joint marketing deal
    with one or two companies.
    Anybody heard of other examples; what about the DP implications?
16.2Adatco/Apricot?WARDER::FULTONMon May 09 1988 11:226
    I understand that Adatco has passed into the hands of Apricot Software.
    Adatco is or was a small software house specialising in services
    to the Insurance market, particularly brokers. I don't have any
    further information as yet; anybody out there heard more?
16.3UK info - Adatco/ApricotCHEFS::COLLINSPTue May 10 1988 10:1514
    Apricot has just made two acquisitions worth a total of 7.2M pounds.
    One is Sigmex, a specialist in computer graphics.
    The second, and important to us, is Adatco.  Profits fell last year
    at Adatco although they are now doing very well again.  Apricot
    appear to have got them "for a snip".  First discussions with the
    directors at Adatco/Apricot suggest the acquisition shouldn't cause
    us a problem.  In fact it might release more resource for Adatco
    to successfully impliment the systems they've just sold.
16.4Proposal for UK input to Notes CHEFS::COLLINSPFri May 13 1988 08:2626
    In the UK we have very active Sales/SWAS, ACT, and Marketing groups
    concentrating on Insurance.  
    It is valuable for us to exchange ideas amonsgt ourselves Via Notes,
    but also to share info with the US, GIA and Europe.   Some UK input
    has started to appear in the Insurance conference notes and this
    will hopefully increase fast.
    Can I suggest to all that we try to gain maximum benefit in sharing
    information without detracting from it by confusion of topics (such
    as applicability of suggested packages to specific markets) by
    following some simple guidelines:
    		- We keep to one corporate Insurance Conference.
    		- We keep separate topics for the UK issues and always
    		  have UK in the title.
    		- We add UK views to general discussions as much as
    Current UK Topics are : - Note 16  UK Notes
    			    - Note 31  UK Insurance Consultants Forum
    Let me know your views on this!
16.5Let's not become UK LtdODIHAM::MOSSMANA Master of the UniverseFri May 13 1988 09:0816
    re .4
    You tell me what topics are UK-specific and I will agree with you,
    Phil. What worries me is the danger that we may become parochial.
    For my part I would rather risk the possibility of some topics ending
    up of interest only to the UK or the US, rather than setting out
    to deliberately achieve that. I for one am very keen that we treat
    insurance as an international subject and I firmly believe we will
    get more value by encouraging international involvement in all topics.
    (However, just to prove how reasonable I am you will note that I
    have put UK in the title of this reply ! ).
16.6Some suggested topicsWARDER::FULTONMon May 16 1988 12:0914
    I don't think UK notes in a single corporate notes file is being
    parochial. There will be a lot of common interests, that's certain.
    But I don't think the FSA is of a lot of interest outside the UK,
    and the nation-specific Value added networks, etc. will only be
    of passing interest. A lot of software solutions are also different. I
    suggest topics on:
     UK software houses/products
     UK Financial services Act developments
     UK (or Europe) 1992 developments
     UK Vans
     UK workshop/ consultancy notes.
    However, I agree that we need to be aware of the wider issues as
    well, so let's stay in this file...............Gordon.
16.7UK rules OK ?ODIHAM::MOSSMANA Master of the UniverseTue May 17 1988 08:0221
    re .5 and .6
    >> For my part I would rather risk the possibility of some topics ending
    >> up of interest only to the UK or the US, rather than setting out   
    >> to deliberately achieve that.                                      
    > I don't think UK notes in a single corporate notes file is being   
    > parochial. There will be a lot of common interests, that's certain.
    > ......However, I agree that we need to be aware of the wider issues as   
    > well ....    
    Gordon, I think we are in danger of having a violent agreement.
16.8UK :World wideOKYAH::KINGSLEYThu May 19 1988 13:0934
    I feel obliged to enter the UK : World wide debate.
    I think the biggest problem is to decide what would be just UK issues.
    	UK legislation
    	UK VANS            have definitely much wider boundaries than the
    e.g. 1992 - apart from the fact that the whole point of the 1992
    directives is to create a "single European market" and therefore
    by definition cannot be just a UK matter, it is of great interest
    to the US insurance marketplace as it will create a market place
    roughly the same size but with some 60% more business opportunity.
    Is this a threat or an opportunity? The entrance for the US and
    Japanese co.'s is mainly through the UK and a series of aquisitions
    and mergers is already happening and expected to increase in pace
    as 1992 nears - e.g. St Paul's and Minet's etc.
    For the same reason the UK legislation such as the Financial Services
    Act and its implications re. compliance is of importance to both
    European and US ins. co.'s buying into the UK - and we have to remember
    that the traffic isn't just one way. European ins co.'s are very
    interested in the UK insurance marketplace for the expertese and 
    sophistication, that is regonised here, e.g. the battle by Compagnie
    du Midi for Equity & Law.
    I accept that UK software houses may be of more local interst, but
    even there we must tread carefully as just this morning I have had
    a long conversation with Borge Masden of Digital Norway about the
    UK application software he will be able to use to strengthen his
    bid into Storebrand, Norways biggest insurance company.
16.9ACT/Adatco with Data GeneralWARDER::FULTONFri Sep 02 1988 16:528
    Further details on .... .2:
    We have recently been asked to support a CSH in proposing an
    package solution to Cooperative Insurance society. One of the
    competitors is ACT (which now includes Adatco) bidding on Data General
    equipment. What has DG got that we haven't?
    If I find out more, I'll post it here......Gordon