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Conference 49.910::kav30

Title:VAX on VMEbus: KAV30
Notice:Could have been as fast as 68K but its a VAX!
Created:Thu Apr 18 1991
Last Modified:Fri Aug 02 1996
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:159
Total number of notes:645

125.0. "1gb SCSI disk support" by ZYDECO::REDDY () Fri May 13 1994 03:58

    This customer is working with the KAV30 KRDRIVER.

    He wants to know just what SCSI drives they can use with a capacity over 
    one gigabyte.  They try a DSP3210 and get integer divide by zero errors.  
    They try a Seagate drive with 1.05Gb capacity and get stack overflows and 
    the disk diagnostic hangs.

    They are interested in modifying the driver, if necessary, to support
    what they need, but will need help.

    Any suggestions on what SCSI disk they can use?  What all does it take for
    the customer to modify the driver to support a gigabyte drive?

    Since the customer has a deadline coming up, a quick response is 


    Sumithra Reddy
125.1SCSI Disks supported by the KAV30SOLVIT::YAHUDI::CUSHNIEFri May 13 1994 19:2730
Hi Sumithra,

The KAV30 uses a port driver to the standard VAXELN SCSI disk device drivers,
and therefore all SCSI disks (ie the RZ range of DEC disks, check the VAXELN
release notes for supported models) qualified with VAXELN should work without
problems from the KAV30.

If your customer wishes to use an unsupported disk that doesn't work with the
VAXELN disk driver, then he will have to modify the disk driver to support his
chosen disk, or he can request a custom driver from DEC to deliver this

Some SCSI disks exhibit 'strange' behaviour that has to be taken account of in
the driver.

This is really a VAXELN query, since the disk drivers used by the KAV30 are pure
VAXELN, after the port interface for the SCSI controller chip used on the KAV30,
so you may get a better response to this query in the VAXELN notes file.

A good contact in VAXELN Engineering for SCSI matters is Bruce (HELIX::HANSEN)

If the customer opts to use an unsupported configuration, they should not expect
support from DEC unless it is requested and charged for as consultancy.

Hope this helps.


John Cushnie@PCS
125.2ZYDECO::REDDYFri May 13 1994 23:275
    Thanks John.  I did talk to Bruce this morning.
125.3ZYDECO::REDDYSat May 14 1994 04:056
    If the cusomter is using a Digital SCSI disk, the KAV30 self test -
    s 20080050 - is successful and if he is using a third party disk, the
    self test hangs.  The status lights, both high and low, look fine.
    What would cause the self test on a thrid party disk to hang?
125.4SCSI is not always SCSI...EICMFG::KAV30_SUPPMon May 16 1994 14:3212
    >>> What would cause the self test on a third party disk to hang ?
    Nonconformance to the Digital SCSI spec... we have seen a lot of these
    problems before. A lot of cheap SCSI disks do not implement everything
    in the correct way. You would need to hook a SCSI analyzer to the KAV30
    /disk in order to see what really is the problem. The driver as well as
    the self-test can be modified, but thats probably not woth the money -
    unless the customer wants to buy several hundred of third-party disks
    and gets them a lot cheaper than standard DEC disks...