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Conference 49.910::kav30

Title:VAX on VMEbus: KAV30
Notice:Could have been as fast as 68K but its a VAX!
Created:Thu Apr 18 1991
Last Modified:Fri Aug 02 1996
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:159
Total number of notes:645

108.0. "kav30 implementation of SCSI boot" by ZYDECO::BODA (Realtime Products Support) Thu Nov 04 1993 02:05


Kinetic Systems have their own implementation of the rtVAX-300 on a mother
board.  They are interested in knowing what the SCSI bootstrap code looks
like for the KAV30.  They implemented a SCSI controller
and can access the SCSI disk using the SCDRIVER at runtime.  However, it
appears that they didn't implement the bootstrap or implemented it incorrectly.
(>>>BOOT PRB1   returns: ?84)

What is the best manner for obtaining this information?  If
this information is available,  I would work this transaction through the
local office.  I don't believe this is something that should just be
given to this customer.  


108.1HERR::crosbieGraham Crosbie @PCS DTN 873-4193Thu Nov 04 1993 11:1425
Hi Alan,

>Kinetic Systems have their own implementation of the rtVAX-300 on a mother
>board.  They are interested in knowing what the SCSI bootstrap code looks
>like for the KAV30.  They implemented a SCSI controller
>and can access the SCSI disk using the SCDRIVER at runtime.  However, it
>appears that they didn't implement the bootstrap or implemented it incorrectly.
>(>>>BOOT PRB1   returns: ?84)

>What is the best manner for obtaining this information?  If
>this information is available,  I would work this transaction through the
>local office.  I don't believe this is something that should just be
>given to this customer.  

The KAV30 SCSI boot code is based on the SCSI boot code for the VAXstation 
3100 with suitable modifications to handle the NCR53C700 controller on the
KAV30.  This boot code is in fact an implementation of VMB (the VAX primary
bootstrap program), which is Digital Proprietry, and can in no circumstances
be given to the customer.  I believe that the only option for your customer
would be to pay someone in Digital to implement the SCSI bootstrap code for
them.  Probably the best thing to do is point the customer towards the 
Merrimack EIC if they are interested in this.


108.2Of course....BAYERN::WOLFFConformism is for little minds.Thu Nov 04 1993 12:488
...if you want the "specialists" to do the job contact us. We have "extensive"
experience with this....:-)

Send us the info what SCSI chip they are using and we will prepare a quote for

108.3NCR5380ZYDECO::REDDYThu Nov 04 1993 19:398
    Alan is on vacation today.  The customer is using NCR5380 SCI chip.
    Please let me know if you need any other information.
108.4BAYERN::WOLFFConformism is for little minds.Thu Nov 04 1993 19:524
No I don't think I need anymore info - stay tuned we'll be in touch.
