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Conference tnpubs::tnpubs_vod

Notice:T&N Publications Valuing Diversity Notes
Created:Wed Jan 29 1992
Last Modified:Tue Sep 14 1993
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:25
Total number of notes:91

10.0. "NAC VoD Minutes" by TNPUBS::FORTEN () Mon Feb 17 1992 16:18

From:	DELNI::TNPUBS::SALOIS "17-Feb-1992 1304" 17-FEB-1992 13:05:32.87
Subj:	NaC Advisory Board Meeting minutes...

From:	DELNI::WARNER "Seize the Day.  17-Feb-1992 1125" 17-FEB-1992 11:24:50.59
Subj:	NaC Advisory Board Meeting minutes

From:	DELNI::CRIMMIN "Dave Crimmin DTN 226-5857  14-Feb-1992 0941" 14-FEB-1992 09:49:53.31
Subj:	Minutes from 1/30

    		Minutes of 1/30 taken by Tom Cassa/Dave Crimmin

1.  Advisory Board Members Present:
    Rod Flakes		Tom Cassa		Jean Sifleet
    Jane Guy		Ladan Porooshani	Linda Morgenstern
    Susie Rheault	Kathy Epps		Dave Crimmin
    Kathleen Warner	Gerri Thomas		Peter Hurley
    Dave Cirillo	Chris Strutt		Joe Andrews		

2.  Review of Charter Statement:
    - Spent last year reviewing plans: no real feedback on progress against
      the plans. What/how are the various groups doing?

    - Given that we have a charter our work for 1992 should include the 
      strategies and tactics required to reach our goals in extending 
      awareness in the areas of:
		- Climate
		- Managing performance
		- Safe Channels 
		- Success Model
    - What is sufficient communications in terms of sharing board 
		- Board representatives must communicate with their groups 

 		- A quarterly newsletter (Kathleen Warner volunteered to 
		  be the editor) will be prepared for NaC-wide distribution.
		  Both electronic and hard copies will be available to 
		  increase availability. Ideas to be communicated will
			- Board Priorities
			- Feature articles on each group's progress and
			- Some educational material in key areas

		- Mike Thurk's slides from the VoD meeting in December will 
		  be included with the first issue. 

		- Dave will look into creating a NaC VoD Notes file.

    - Group will not mandate - but recommend based on collective wisdom of 
      the various groups and their experiences to date.

3.  Review of December Open Meeting:

    - It was felt that attendance was poor. We fishboned possible improvements 
	that could include:
	 	- Better communications to advertise the meetings.
    		- Shorter meeting, maybe 2 hours rather than 
    		    4 hours to encourage attendance.
    		- How do we reach people who aren't engaged:
			- Targeting people
    			- Managers need to encourage individuals to attend by
				actively endorsing the activity
    			- "Breakfast with Mike" (eg B.J. Breakfasts) 
			  may encourage people to volunteer.
		- Location change from Harbor C/R to cafeteria(more relaxed
		    and accessible). Consensus: Cafeteria acoustics would not
		    be acceptable.
		- Single topic meetings.  Large agendas with many 
		    speakers doesn't permit interactive discussions.

    - Use of Tape: 
		- Quality good - worked well
    		- Need to make tape of meeting available for wider distribution
    		    but need to edit down to 20 minutes.
    		  Three choices: 
    			- Mike Thurk's talk and group managers' talks.
    			- Mike Thurk and all group managers - highlights.
    			- Just Mike Thurk and a 2nd tape of all 
    			  group managers
    		  An edited version of all the highlights in the talks will 
		    be prepared.

		  Mike Thurk's tape: Jane Guy, Ladan Porooshoani and Rod Flake
			to edit.
		  John Adams (ONS) tape: Ladan Porooshoani to edit.
		  Mike Rinaldi (LAN) tape: Tom Cassa to edit.

		  Dave Crimmin will schedule the editing session during 
		    lunch timeslots.  Dave will also look into the costs
		    associated with editing down the tape.

    Note: Use of the resulting tape(s) overseas was not recommended based on
	  possible cultural differences and a lack of understanding on the
	  issues being discussed. Other non-US organizations may not benefit,
	  as well.

4.  Next Open Meeting: 

    - Finish Group Managers presentation on plans and progress in their
      organizations. Then get on to single topic meetings that will focus on
      the key areas of:
		 - Managing Performance
    		 - Safe Channels
    		 - Success Models

    - Dave will work the partnership issue with Mike and his staff.

    - Each board representative should approach their group manager 
        about March/June next meeting and their presentation (if they weren't
	represented at the December meeting.)

5.  Survey Toolkit Project:  

    - Dave Cirillo and Susie Rheault reported on plans to generate a template 
      for how to conduct the survey. Their target was to have the survey
      available for each group to use by the end of March.

      Proposed goals for what toolkit would provide include:
    	 1. Methodology for reassuring progress to a culturally diverse
    	    work force.
    	 2. Create baseline for benchmarking future VOD efforts.
    	 3. Measure sensitive VoD issues:
    		Clarity of NAC business objectives
    		Openness of communication channels
    	 4. Provide tools and incentives for managers to participate.
    	 5. Increase awareness of knowledge and skills
    	 6. Enable manager to link climate with need to change to meet 

    - The project plan was accepted and volunteers to work on the project team
	were solicited.  (Time commitment is expected to be 1.5 days over the 
	next 3+ months.)  Respond to Susie if you are interested.

    - Hard copies of Dave Cirillo's slides will be distributed to the Board.

6. Quick items:

    - Dave touched on the issue of budgeting for VoD activities and asked Board
	members (esp reps of constituency groups) to begin thinking about their
	process for identifying, costing, and prioritizing these activities for

    - Next meeting scheduled for Friday, February 28, 2-4 in the HALE CR.

10.1TNPUBS::FORTENI have enough bridges!Thu Apr 09 1992 17:45151
From:	DELNI::TNPUBS::SALOIS "09-Apr-1992 1341"  9-APR-1992 13:42:20.33
Subj:	Here's what's happening at the NaC level with VoD

From:	DELNI::WARNER "Seize the Day.  09-Apr-1992 1215"  9-APR-1992 12:19:15.04
Subj:	I: NaC Advisory Board meeting minutes

From:	DELNI::CRIMMIN "Dave Crimmin DTN 226-5857  09-Apr-1992 1040"  9-APR-1992 10:49:38.85
Subj:	VoD Board minutes from 3/27

                         VoD Advisory Board 3/27 


Welcome to New Member ---> Cathy Hatfield representing BMG 

Note: 26 listed members on Board, 22 core members (4 alternates/co-members)
8 new members. (Call Dave if you want the latest distribution list.)

Lack of continuity for getting Board info/themes into organizations.  
Some groups good, others poor.  We need to find a way to track where the info
flow is getting stopped up.  

LAA - just getting re-engaged.

Suggestion: Accumulate minutes and various notes/handouts in one place for new
	Board members to review.  (Safe Channels, etc.)
CBN re-organization has VoD among other things in a state of flux
BMG - steering committee meeting every other week
?? What are our Norms re: alternates? Address this at 4/30 meeting.

Suggestions to address/build continuity among the Board members:

--> Keep copy of presentations on file, VoD Plans  (Dave to collect with input
		from organizations)

--> NaC VoD on VTX (DC to check w/library), (indexed), 
	Already have common directory with most VoD plans available

--> Post signs and give reminder that material is available on VTX.
	(VoD Board near Caf)

--> DC Ask Susan Aaronson re: VoD Resource Book that Kim Cromwell is putting 

--> Facilitated meeting in May, June (now being planned, possible facilitator 
	has been identified)

CBN - Peer Review Process.  VoD Plan mostly U.S. (30) reviews addressed at 
whole management staff.

Publications - 100% gone through UDD.  Many conversations about is it 
"mandatory".  Mgmt said it would offer UDD and strongly encouraged all to take. 
Anyone coming IN would have requirement to take.  Mgmt stated basic value to 
the overall business of UDD.  Therefore, viewed as business requirement.

Marsha Greenberg
(Worldwide Corporate Diversity Training Manager)

UDD - More slots available for the Train-the-Trainer (T3).  (old cost of course 
$455.00)  Groups can still use an outside consultant but now at lower cost.

To attend the T3 - Must have attended UDD & must have an audience.  No charge.  
Already filled 3 T3's in Maynard plus 3 more in the broader U.S. 
Goal: give exposure to diversity @lowest possible cost.

Also core group T3 to train leadership.  Two offerings: "Overview" is for core 
group membership.  "T3" for leadership.  Now has "matching" processes for 
bringing together interested members and leaders.  People are asked what their 
difference is that they will bring to the group.

Clearinghouse for support group/constituency group efforts as well.

Now looking @how to move work beyond awareness.

IMPACT ANALYSIS/Consulting process
(Marsha's new program/intervention)

Three thrusts of the effort, in any session

- Representation (#'s)
- Management Practices (that don't allow access)
- Climate (does it support all people on staff)

Alpha Team example

- Very diverse
- Lot of attention --> (not because of bad climate but DEC STILL NOT employer 
  of choice).
- DEC used to offer security, but with that gone, what do we have?

--> Diversity itself is not a competitive advantage

Now trying to tie business goals with managing diversity and bottom line

Case study being developed re: products designed by white engineering group
and produced by very diverse groups in Galway, Puerto Rico.

Trying to influence core mgmt curriculum in area of communication to include 
specific VoD content but not doing too well.

Data Collection Strategies

- Reaction - Did they like it?
- Learning - Did they learn behavioral change? Immediately?
- Behavior - When they return to work, do they apply the skills?
- Business Impact - > factors, >, customer satisfaction


- Workforce is changing (where are white males going?)
- Management skills and knowledge necessary to this reality are changing
- As workforce changes, suppliers, vendors, customer, etc. are changing
- Global competitive changes

PROCESS in not training program.
Impact Analysis

--> Note:  What is the list of the "expanded behavior" set that comes out of 
	   diversity work and IMPACTS bottom line.

Getting the skills to manage a diverse workforce to work issues.

Data/Info:  External environment and impact on business

Awareness:  Climate issues and impact of VoD practices on productivity.

Skills and Knowledge:  Understand impact of bias free management
---------------------  practices in many different areas.

Diversity Benchmarking - Maureen Harvey

- has support of CEO in most companies 
- starting with focus on special group (e.g. Black minorities at Xerox)
- DEC didn't change the numbers (not holding people accountable)
- other companies behind, but moving ahead faster