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Conference tnpubs::tnpubs_vod

Notice:T&N Publications Valuing Diversity Notes
Created:Wed Jan 29 1992
Last Modified:Tue Sep 14 1993
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:25
Total number of notes:91

3.0. "Introductions" by TNPUBS::FORTEN (Memories: Shadows without substance) Wed Jan 29 1992 16:24

Feel free to introduce yourselves!
3.1Hi, my name is Ruth, and I'm a Tech WriterTNPUBS::CHANDONAITThe difference adds value...Wed Jan 29 1992 19:0030
    Hello fellow pubbers,
    I've been a member of this department since I came to work at Digital
    in 1988. My second home is in LKG2-2 by pole Q2. I'm working on DECmcc 
    (an ever-evolving and expanding, magical, mystical network management 
    product family).  
    I'm a member of the NaC Women's Group Planning Committee. I'll keep you
    posted as we develop our schedule of programs and events. The NaC
    Women's Group is interested in promoting and supporting the growth and
    success of women and men within NaC and Digital. If you'd like more
    info about the Women's Group or the planning committee, let me know. 
    I'm also a member of the T&N Publications VoD Committee. I'm sure we'll
    have lots of info about that in this notesfile. 
    Outside of my life at LKG...
    I have two children. My twenty year old son, Chris, keeps reminding me 
    that he'll be twentyone in two months. He's living independently and 
    struggling with the recession. My nineteen year old daughter, Jen, and
    her six month old daughter, Samantha, are still living in my home. So, 
    just when I thought I'd be decreasing my focus on my dependents... 
    I really enjoy having Samantha around, she's great! Want to see the
    pictures I took of her last weekend?
    -Ruth Chandonait
3.2Hello and welcome...TNPUBS::SALOISWed Jan 29 1992 19:2532
    I'm Debbie Salois.  I'm not a tech writer however, I too have worked
    in this organization since the start of my career here at DEC.  I'm
    the Operations Analyst for the group.  I do everything that you don't.
    I'm directly involved with forecasts, budgets, capital, supplies, 
    headcounts, lrps, labor, and all the fun stuff that keeps the organization 
    going, along with the documentation of course.
    I am the chairperson for the Publication's VoD committee.  I'm
    currently attending night school to get my degree in Human Resource
    Management.  So this is right up my alley.  I'm thrilled with the
    oppurtunity to be involved.  I love the energy that the committee has
    and I'm looking forward to the next year.
    I'd like to invite all of you to participate at whatever level possible
    with the education of diversity.  Diversity involves each and every one
    of us.  Let us set no limits of how valuable we as individuals are.  
    By working together, let's learn about eachother and broaden our
    horizons.  There's a song that comes to mind whenever I think of VoD
    and I'd like to share one of the lines with you now....
    "Love, it comes in all colors.  When you except it, more love you will
    Open your minds and you'll open a door to a new existence!  I look forward
    to working with all of you.
3.3hi!TNPUBS::FORTENMemories: Shadows without substanceWed Jan 29 1992 19:4633
    Hey fellow Pubbers,

    Well I'm not a Tech Writer or an Ops Analyst. I'm Scott Forten and I work
    as the graphics coordinator for the Tools/Production.

    I've been with T&N Pubs for almost two years (where does the time go?!).
    Before coming to T&N Pubs, I used to work in security at the now defunct
    Bedford Training Center (BUO). I am currently in LKG1-3 by pole L13 and my
    function is primarily baby-sitting the printers and other various
    administrative tasks.
    I am currently on the T&N Publications VoD Committee and on the DECplus
    Talent Show Committee. DECplus is a group that plans social gatherings
    for lesbigays DEC employees such as Halloween parties, cruises, and annual
    Talent shows.

    Outside of DEC:
    I love going out with friends and trying all sort of ethnic foods. My
    favorites are Thai, Mexican, and Ethiopian. If you want good 
    recommendations for some excellent Boston area restaurants, let me know!
    I also *LOVE* music and dancing. I go to Boston four - five times a week
    to dance at many of my favorite clubs. I'm currently seeing someone who is
    very special to me and is busy trying to get his singing career off the
    ground. He's a fantastic singer/musician.

    I think T&N has a very special,  'something' that will definitely attract
    the best in the future. I think that 'something' has something to do with
    the obvious sincerity and enthusiasm that people take towards our VoD. I
    think thats really important when we want to get/create the best in DEC.

3.4I'm Art--Life imitates me...KOALA::LITTLEheffalumps and woozlesThu Jan 30 1992 13:0224
    Hi folks,
    I joined this department in the summer of 1990 and originally wrote
    documentation for an OSI application. More recently, I have been
    writing manuals for the Electronic Mail Engineering group. I am located
    with the mail group at ZKO3-2, near pole W-J11.
    My first job with Digital was writing for the internal MIS group that 
    supports DECdirect. Prior to DEC, I worked for a company that built
    real-time UN*X-based systems for process control systems. I also had
    a stint as a technical journalist for BYTE magazine.
    Like Debbie, I am also attending school at night, working towards a
    degree that is somewhere out there on the horizon... 
    Just to add to the confusion, my wife is attending graduate school in 
    Rhode Island. Our children (11 & 9) are very brave.
    I am looking forward to working with the VOD committee and to contributing
    in any way I can. 
    -Art Little-
3.5Dave SciutoTNPUBS::SCIUTOFri Jan 31 1992 15:3523
Hello All:
    I'm a Publications Supervisor in T&N Pubs.  I've been in this
    organization since 1988 and in the profession for ten years.  Although
    I've worked at other companies in high tech, I'm continually impressed
    with Digital's interest in its greatest resource -- people.  That
    interest in people led me to become more active in VoD.  We are not
    only Valuing of Diversity (VoD), but more specifically, we're Valuing
    People (VP).
    As a member of the committee, I'm currently involved in the VoD
    Information Package Sub-Committee.  I'm also continuing to coordinate
    the T&N Pubs Internship Program.  This semester, we're targeting a
    women's retraining program at Middlesex Community College.  We hope to
    attract an intern from that program.
    I'm looking forward to working with the VoD group to bring more
    interesting VoD activities to the organization.  Last year, my group
    did a cultural tour of Lowell, taped and showed a few VoD films, and
    participated in VoD discussions at staff.  This year, through the
    committee, I hope to help spread that kind of enthusiasm throughout
    the organization.
3.6The Nazzaro storyTNPUBS::NAZZAROTo annoy BEYOND REASON!?!?!Thu Feb 06 1992 18:3730
    Hello everyone.
    My name is Steve Nazzaro, and I've been a member of T&N Pubs since
    going Digital in October of 1987.  Prior to that, I worked at Prime,
    Software International, and Honeywell as a technical editor, Allyn
    & Bacon as a textbook editor, and the Merrimack NH school district
    as a first and second grade teacher.
    I've been married for over 20 years (some of you have met my wife Kris)
    and we have three children:  Nick, who will turn 14 on Feb. 18, Joey,
    who is 10 1/2, and Andrea, who had her seventh birthday on Jan. 18.
    My interests include movies, novels (Stephen King, Sara Peretsky,
    Robert Parker, and Johnathan Kellerman are the latest authors I've
    read), basketball, and of course my children's activities.  I coach
    Joey's basketball team and Andrea's soccer team.  This spring all
    three children will play two sports each.  Kris and I will spend
    three months hauling kids to practices and games on a daily basis.
    I do have an interesting part-time job.  I am the official statistician
    for the Boston Celtics.  I've worked on the scoring crew for the past
    13 years.  I also do some work for Sportschannel, and I have been a
    part of a high school basketball tournament called the Boston Shootout
    for over a decade.
    I really enjoy working for Digital, and have made some great friends
    here.  I look forward to continuing to grow as a person and a
    professional in T&N Pubs.
3.7Cindy P.TNPUBS::PAINTERlet there be musicFri Feb 14 1992 20:4235
    Hi everybody,
    My name is Cindy Painter, and I've worked for Digital for almost 13
    years now.  I started out in the Blue Bell, PA office working in the
    software organization, then moved to New England and worked in first
    Waltham, MA, among other places.  My very favorite job was working in 
    Acton (AKO) in the International division for 3.5 years, as the project 
    leader for implementing DECmail/MTS in that Area just as the first 
    DECnet network links were being installed.  I loved the international 
    environment and made a lot of friends there.  In June, 1991, I 
    completed the internal Software Tech. Writing Program (STWP) and am 
    now working on the DECmcc project.
    I sing with a 50-person choral group called the Thayer Chorale, based 
    in Lancaster, MA.  Our director is also the director of the Thayer 
    Conservatory at Atlantic-Union College.  Our group is always looking 
    for singers - especially if you sing alto, tenor, or bass!  We perform 
    mostly classical and baroque sacred pieces.
    I'm also very much into yoga (particularly Kripalu, Kriya/SRF, and most
    recently Sahaja).  See me if you'd like to know more about yoga in
    general, including the history of the first 100 years of yoga in the
    My favorite vacations are to places where there is skiing and snorkeling. 
    I enjoy traveling very much, and took the travel agent course (8 hours 
    for 26 weeks on Saturdays), so if anyone is looking for a place to
    go...Cozumel, Switzerland, Australia...I can provide you with lots of
    information and free advice!
    Valuing differences has always been important to me, and I'm very glad
    to work in an organization where this itself is valued.
3.8You can call me Pat, or you can call me Patty ...TNPUBS::P_DONOVANWed Feb 26 1992 18:5343
Hi.  My name is Pat, but I will also answer to Patty or Patricia (but 
never to "Hey, you"!)

My career as a Tech Writer started right here in T&N Pubs, when it was 
NaC Pubs, in 1984.  My, that seems so long ago!  I have worked on 
PC-oriented documentation, starting with DECnet-Rainbow, then on to 
DECnet-DOS, then DECnet-OS/2, then PATHWORKS for DOS and PATHWORKS for 
OS/2.  Some of these products have gone away, some have changed names, 
and some were swallowed up by the Personal Computer Systems Group (PCSG).  
From the PC area, I went into the Token Ring space by working on the Token 
Ring Adapter Card (DEQRA) and the device driver that went along with 
it.  I had to leave that project when my second child decided she was 
ready to come into the world, 3 weeks early!  

That leads me down a side path to talk a little about my life outside 
of DEC.  I have a husband, 2 children, and a cat, all of whom keep me 
very busy.  My husband also works at DEC; he is in NaC Business 
Management and his office is in LKG2.  My oldest daughter just turned 4, 
and she is bright and loquacious and full of energy.  Her baby sister 
is 10 months old, and she is just as cheerful and full of energy as her 
big sister (a role the oldest one simply loves!).  They are truly a 
joy to me.  And lest I forget my faithful cat, she, too is a source of 
humor at times.  My cat has been with me for almost 10 years, and she 
still has a lot of energy in her.  Being Siamese, she does her share 
of talking as well.

Let's see, as I was saying, the arrival of my second daughter slightly 
interrupted my career path ....

When I returned from leave, I came back to work in the Communication 
Services group, working on the Networks and Communications Buyer's 
Guide.  This was quite a change for me, as the focus is on marketing 
documentation in the form of catalogs rather than technical manuals.  
It is a refreshing and challenging change, though, and I look forward 
to growing and learning in this field.

I also look forward to growing and learning as a VoD committee member.
I want to help continue to make VoD a reality here in T&N Pubs, and to 
help people see its value and worth for this company.  If I can help 
just one person see that, then I will feel that I have made a worthy 
contribution toward recognizing the importance of valuing diversity.
    Patty D.
3.9A left-handed, Polish veteran signs inTNPUBS::WASIEJKORetired CPOWed Jun 03 1992 21:1632
    Hello fellow TNPUBers:
    Mike Wasiejko
    LKG1-3 Pole B12
    I've been writing for many years, and for many companies.  Digital's
    approach to VoD strikes me as bold and unique.  Bold because DEC was a
    frontrunner, putting people into a VoD perspective long before it was
    popular to do so, and unique because of the impressive backing that
    DEC's VoD effort had from the beginning, and continues to enjoy.
    My VoD interests stem from the variety of military relationships that I
    found myself developing while serving in the USAF and USCG.  I am happy
    to have further VoD avenues here at Digital, and look forward to
    participating on a larger scale.
    My outside interests are boating and music.  Sometimes I get to enjoy
    both when I get off shore on a calm day and can enjoy Tchaikovsky (my
    favorite classical composer), Roger William's Victory at Sea, or music
    that I taped from my days in Drum & Bugle Corps.
    More often, my wife Helen and I cruise the New England coastal waters,
    and enjoy trips along the Merrimack River, between Haverhill and
    Newburyport, with an occassional fishing trip thrown in for added
3.10Teresa HonkalaTNPUBS::HONKALATue Aug 11 1992 18:3519

My name is Teresa Honkala and I'm a Technical Illustrator II for the 
T&N Publications group.

I am a graduate of Fitchburg State College with a B.S. in 
Communications Media, specializing in Graphic Design. After graduating
I was an intern at Honeywell Education center.  I continued to work at 
Honeywell for two more years. After leaving Honeywell (which was a 
very long commute) I worked at Sterilite Corporation in Townsend for 
two years. I then joined Digital in 1986 and here I am (hopefully 
until I retire!!) 

I am married and have two girls, Stacey Lee (3 yrs.) and Shana Lynn 
who will be 15 months. My husband Keith (who is a contractor) and I
built our house in 1988 in Ashburnham. We have a camp in Solon, Maine 
where we love to spend all our long weekends and vacations. We love 
outside activities such as canoeing, cross country skiing, 4-wheeling, 
snowmobiling (when we have enough snow) camping, etc..