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Conference 7.286::digital

Title:The Digital way of working
Created:Fri Feb 14 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:5321
Total number of notes:139771

4684.0. "DVN -6/26/96 Reorganization" by ACISS2::ECK () Thu Jun 27 1996 10:58

    Missed the reorg DVN as I was at a customer site all day.  Any
    observations, comments or opinions?
4684.1ODIXIE::DWYERRThu Jun 27 1996 13:033
    We don't have DVN, but we did order a copy of the tape.  Although "due
    to cost constraints" it will be sent "two day delivery."  When it
    arrives, I'll view and provide you a summary.
4684.2been there before...DV780::LANGFELDTColoradicalThu Jun 27 1996 16:568
    What was most interesting is that the phones were *silent* following
    the presentation.  I think a few calls came in, but not many.
    I'm sure that it was assumed that field people were out working 
    4th quarter issues, rather than wondering why the apathy...
4684.3ATLANT::SCHMIDTSee http://atlant2.zko.dec.com/Thu Jun 27 1996 17:066
> Missed the reorg DVN as I was at a customer site all day.  Any
> observations, comments or opinions?

  Don't worry, there'll be another one soon. :-)

4684.4Notesfile created...NEMAIL::MCDONALDJThu Jun 27 1996 20:524
    has the text of Harry's portion of the dvn.  I saw it, and as I recall
    this letter is what he said.
4684.5New Notes FileSWAM1::EBERT_VAFri Jun 28 1996 15:126
    Harry has set up a notes file to answer questions as they relate to the
    DVN/re-org -- KACIE::SBU  
    They may post the full text from the DVN.
4684.6USAT02::HALLRMon Jul 01 1996 19:321
    that notesfile is non-existant
4684.7KACIE::SBU exists, not much there as yet.TRLIAN::baudr8.mko.dec.com::LAILRobert G. LailMon Jul 01 1996 19:478

	RE .6

	It's there, I was just in it. Not much to look at yet!


4684.8BUSY::SLABOUNTYch-ch-ch-ch-ha-ha-ha-haMon Jul 01 1996 19:5119
                                    -< sbu >-
Note 3.2                 Where's the rest of the replies                  2 of 2
BUSY::SLABOUNTY "ch-ch-ch-ch-ha-ha-ha-ha"            13 lines   1-JUL-1996 15:49
    	Looks like EVTAI1::BELLAN might have been the 1 to write this
    	new version of KACIE::SBU, due to a CREATE CONFERENCE command
    	that shouldn't have been done.
    	If someone would delete this new version, everything will be
    	just hunky dorey.  But, in the meantime, type this:
    	and it will work just as well now as it will when someone
    	deletes this version.
4684.9BBPBV1::WALLACEUnix is digital. Use Digital Unix.Mon Jul 01 1996 20:186
    There's been a hiccup. Harry's folks are aware of it. Anyone want to
    volunteer to help out - I think assistance from an experienced Notes
    moderator could be welcome.
4684.10BUSY::SLABOUNTYA Momentary Lapse of ReasonMon Jul 01 1996 20:2513
    	I've been moderating NOTES conferences for about 8-9 years now,
    	although moderating experience is less helpful than system man-
    	agement experience [which I don't have] in this case.  However,
    	this does happen occasionally in NOTES and many of us have seen
    	it before.
    	I copied the KACIE system manager on my reply, so there's not
    	much that can be done for now since ::SYSTEM is the only moder-
    	ator listed for that conference.
    	The fix I mentioned does work.
4684.11VMSBIZ::SANDEROpenVMS MarketingTue Jul 02 1996 19:439
        It's fixed. I used to manage KACIE and somehow in the move a
        couple of years ago from MLO to MRO some protections and file
        ownerships got screwed up (I went to BXB). It allowed someone to
        create a new conference instead of bouncing it. That's what
        happens when you get a bunch of people who don't know notes trying
        to get to a conference. and they do a Create conf kacie::sbu
        instead of add ent kacie::sbu