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Conference 7.286::digital

Title:The Digital way of working
Created:Fri Feb 14 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:5321
Total number of notes:139771

4332.0. "Old SOCs" by NEMAIL::KENT () Wed Dec 20 1995 19:36

    My group needs old Systems and Options catalogs -- going back to '88 or
    '89.  We buy and sell used equipment and need them for reference. 
    Please send me mail if you have any you'd like to part with.
4332.1Lost in the garage...SCASS1::WISNIEWSKIADEPT of the Virtual Space.Thu Jan 11 1996 16:5723
    We threw out that library from our Digital facility in 1990 and again
    in 1994.
    All those SOCs, Network Buyer's guides, handbooks, install guides,
    and programmer reference guides are now gone... history... Kaput!
    Of course I might know some compulsive "Dumpster Diver" that has a 
    Garage full of those types of worthless books going back to '83... But 
    they wouldn't want to part with any that I know about;-)
    And then there's the tapes, CDroms, and DECUS publications.... 
    So much paper... so little useable space;-)
    Anything specific and I'll try and help -- but I might have to go
    home to answer the question;-)
    John Wisniewski