T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
3422.1 | | NLA0::ONO | The Wrong Stuff | Fri Sep 30 1994 21:53 | 6 |
| Normally the employer pays the state a premium for "unemployment
insurance". When the worker becomes elegible for unemployment
benefits, they are paid by the state.
BTW, TFSOed employees are immediately eligible for unemployment
benefits in some states.
3422.2 | Then the rates goes up | SSDEVO::BRADACH | Purity Of Essence | Mon Oct 03 1994 13:13 | 2 |
| In most states the more you "right size" the higher your
unemplyment insurance premiums are.
3422.3 | YOU and I | SIERAS::MCCLUSKY | | Mon Oct 03 1994 21:02 | 6 |
| You and I pay. Any government program, costs us all, unless the
program produces revenue to off-set the cost.Remember that the people
are the government, so if government provides a service, the people
pay for that service, unless there is revenue produced. And, even in
those few cases, the complexity results in additonal management re
quirements, which adds to government's cost.
3422.4 | | REGENT::POWERS | | Tue Oct 04 1994 11:43 | 20 |
| > <<< Note 3422.3 by SIERAS::MCCLUSKY >>>
> You and I pay. Any government program, costs us all, unless the
> program produces revenue to off-set the cost.
You and I pay, but not because it is a government program (which it is),
but because it is a (mostly) employer-funded program. (It is a government-
supplemented program, especially when times are bad.)
> Remember that the people
> are the government, so if government provides a service, the people
> pay for that service, unless there is revenue produced.
The people are also the companies. Just like the myth of the "employer
contribution" to Social Security, unemployment insurance is actually
a hidden contribution from the employee, since it has to be computed by
companies as part of what they can afford to spend ON (not necessarily TO)
- tom]
3422.5 | Employers pay and so do we | SIERAS::MCCLUSKY | | Tue Oct 04 1994 14:58 | 3 |
| Check your pay stub, as I have for the last 40 years and you will see a
deduction for unemployment compensation insurance. Since I have never
used it, I feel I have paid way more than enough.
3422.6 | where??? not that I see (-1) | GRANMA::JWOOD | | Tue Oct 04 1994 17:06 | 1 |
3422.7 | It varies from state to state | ROWLET::AINSLEY | Less than 150 kts. is TOO slow! | Tue Oct 04 1994 17:08 | 5 |
| re: .5
There is no such deduction in Texas.
3422.8 | | NOTIME::SACKS | Gerald Sacks ZKO2-3/N30 DTN:381-2085 | Tue Oct 04 1994 17:08 | 1 |
| It varies from state to state (and presumably from country to country).
3422.9 | | NOVA::FISHER | Tay-unned, rey-usted, rey-ady | Wed Oct 05 1994 10:18 | 3 |
| I've never seen it on my stub...
3422.10 | | ISLNDS::YANNEKIS | | Thu Oct 06 1994 16:03 | 8 |
I am the treasurer at my kids day care center. We pay Massachusetts a
3.6% unemployment tax (% of gross payroll). So for a $20,000/ year
employee we are paying $720/year in unemployment tax ... and we've
never layed anyone off in 18 years. The employees do not directly pay
any of this.
3422.11 | careful! | ANARKY::BREWER | nevermind.... | Thu Oct 06 1994 18:46 | 6 |
re: .5
Since you work for Digital, you MAY see the benefit from
that deduction!
3422.12 | | ISLNDS::YANNEKIS | | Fri Oct 07 1994 14:32 | 14 |
> I am the treasurer at my kids day care center. We pay Massachusetts a
> 3.6% unemployment tax (% of gross payroll). So for a $20,000/ year
> employee we are paying $720/year in unemployment tax ... and we've
> never layed anyone off in 18 years. The employees do not directly pay
> any of this.
Who is this guy? He doesn't know what he is talking about! (Oh yea it
was me).
The unemployment tax is only on the first X dollars of each employees
gross salary. (X is about $10,000 I think ... so the max is about $360
per year per employee)
3422.13 | South Africa and the UIF. | JOBURG::HARRIS | | Sat Oct 15 1994 13:47 | 11 |
| In South Africa, You pay unemployment Insurance (UIF) up to a certain
Salary ceiling. Thereafter there is no UIF payment. What I do not know
is if you are still entitled to claim Unemployment benefits thereafter.
Also in South Africa you may only draw unemployment for 6 months and
that is only after the UIF has seen three applications from yourself
and the replies in which it is noted that you have been unsuccessful.
And on top of that you must collect you UIF payment yourself - It
cannot be mailed to you.
In addition to Unemployment benefits, the UIF also pays out the same
amount to you as "Illness benefit" if you are hopitalized and receive a
reduced salary. Cheers Ivan Harris@JHB