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Conference 7.286::digital

Title:The Digital way of working
Created:Fri Feb 14 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:5321
Total number of notes:139771

3394.0. "DECquery Support ??" by KERNEL::MCGAUGHRIN (What a Marvelous Delivery) Tue Sep 20 1994 10:11

    I understand that Digital has recently transfered it's Support for
    DECquery to a company called Touch Technologies, I have managed
    to contact Touch Technologies through the Internet, but I would
    like to contact the person/group who is responsible for the contract
    transfer within Digital.
    I need to get hold of a copy of the Support Agreement
    Any pointers ?
3394.1Here's the original announcement...AIMHI::HAHNU.S. Technical Consulting CenterTue Sep 20 1994 12:5199

||||||  Digital Press and Analysts News  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
                                              Digital Equipment Corporation
                                          Maynard, Massachusetts 01754-2571
Editorial contact:

David Farmer
Digital Equipment Corporation
(508) 493-0179

Dan Esbensen
Touch Technologies, Inc.
(218) 525-9238					   


MAYNARD, Mass. -- May 3, 1994 -- Digital Equipment Corporation and 
Touch Technologies, Inc. announced today, effective immediately, a 
partnership through which Touch will assume full responsibility for 
the development and maintenance of several Digital software 
applications. Also under the agreement, Digital will act as a Touch 
Technologies distributor. Digital will sell and distribute the 
products under the current names and order numbers and will 
continue as the service provider. Existing service contracts will 
remain unaffected.

     Included in the partnership are the VAX DOCUMENT, DECdecision, 
DECquery, DECcalc, DECgraph and DECslide software products. All 
products operate on the OpenVMS for VAX operating system; DECquery 
products included also operate on the MS-DOS, MS-WINDOWS and 
Macintosh operating systems.

     The partnership was designed to ensure security and continuity 
for Digital customers. In addition, Touch plans to move forward 
with upgrades to existing product features, as well as address 
customer needs for additional platform support. For example, Touch 
Technologies plans to port VAX DOCUMENT to Digital's Alpha AXP 
platform running the OpenVMS operating system, with availability by 
the end of 1994.

     "We've hit the ground running with immediate plans to move 
these products onto the Alpha AXP platform," said Dan Esbensen, 
president, Touch Technologies. "Touch's experience in moving our 
worldwide, distributed products to Digital's Alpha AXP systems has 
given us invaluable expertise for successful migrations." 

     "Digital is completely committed to on-going customer 
satisfaction," said Harold F. Enright, Digital's vice president, 
Software Products. "Customers of VAX DOCUMENT, DECdecision, 
DECquery and the others outlined here today will continue to 
receive world-class technology and support for the products they 
have come to rely on in their every day operations."

     "This arrangement is an enhancement to the on-going 
partnership between Digital and Touch, and underscores Touch's 
ability to respond to Digital customer needs," added Enright. 

     Touch Technologies is a San Diego, California based research 
and development company with over 12 years experience in developing 
languages, systems software and applications software in the 
Digital VAX/VMS market. They have proven capabilities for rapid 
software development and quick response times to customer needs. 
Customers range across the spectrum of Fortune 1000 companies. 

     Digital Equipment Corporation is the world's leader in open 
client/server solutions from personal computing to integrated 
worldwide information systems.  Digital's Alpha AXP platforms, 
storage, networking, software and services, together with 
industry-focused solutions from business partners, help 
organizations compete and win in today's global marketplace.

Note to Editors:  Digital, the Digital logo, Alpha AXP, OpenVMS, 
                  DECcalc, DECdecision, DECgraph, DECquery, DECslide 
                  and VAX DOCUMENT are trademarks of Digital 
                  Equipment Corporation. 

		  MS-DOS and MS-WINDOWS are trademarks of Microsoft 

		  Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.

Electronic Editorial Contact: david.farmer@mko.mts.dec.com
Digital Press and Analysts News is sent as a courtesy to members of the 
press, analyst and consulting community.  For subscription information 
please contact:
  Russ Jones
  Digital Equipment Corporation
  Voice: 415-853-6566   FAX: 415-853-6537    Internet: pr-news@pa.dec.com
All Digital press releases, fact sheets and backgrounders are archived on
ftp.digital.com in the /pub/Digital/info/pr-news directory.
3394.2Still supported here!AIMTEC::BURDEN_DA bear in his natural habitatTue Sep 20 1994 15:3912
And just to be clear, there still is support for these products through the CSC.
I'm part (half, actually) of the team that supports:


We simply will be going to Touch Technologies for engineering support instead of
