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Conference 7.286::digital

Title:The Digital way of working
Created:Fri Feb 14 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:5321
Total number of notes:139771

2748.0. "Good news on Lead Times?" by CSOA1::ECK () Thu Oct 28 1993 19:46

    Digital Today (Internal Newspaper) publishes a bar chart weekly titled
    "Lead Times for Digital Products".  I'm noticing an interesting trend and
    hope that it's showing a burst of sales especially in the 3000 300, 400
    and 500 models.
    Product	Issue	9/27	10/11	10/18	10/25	
    				Lead time in days
    DEC 7000		21-28	21-28	21-28	21-28
    DEC 10000		21-28	21-28	21-28	21-28
    VAX 4000		 7-14	14	14-28	14-28
    DEC 4000 710	28	17	17	17
    DEC 4000 610	7	17	17	17
    DEC 3000 800			21-28	28
    	3000 600			28-32	28
    	3000 500	21	21	21	28
    	3000 400	14	14	28	28
    	3000 300	14	14	14	21
    Are sales picking up?? 
2748.1THEBAY::CHABANEDSpasticus DyslexicusThu Oct 28 1993 20:0611
    Making the assumption that increased lead times are a function of
    increased sales might be incorrect, but from my perspective I *am*
    seeing more alpha orders come in.  
    Methinks the Osborne-effect is over and customers are starting to buy.
    The fact that summer is most decidedly over and decisions can be made
    helps too.
2748.2result of less workers, not more sales ?ABACUS::WOODit's destiny callingFri Oct 29 1993 11:052
    It might be due to downsizing in manufacturing, too; not enough worker
    bees to build quickly enough to maintain previous leadtimes.  
2748.3Published yes...but are they real?ODIXIE::SCRIVENFri Oct 29 1993 12:217
    Try to get an order for some of those products shipped by the "Lead
    time".... It's almost impossible.  I believe the biggest problem is
    from manufacturing (i.e., vendor supplies, downsizing, etc.) NOT from
    increased sales.....
2748.4DABEAN::REAUMESix Flags over SyracuseFri Oct 29 1993 13:5312
      From the installation/MCS perspective I AM starting to see an
    increase in AXP systems. I am currently involved with a eight
    3000-400 AXP cluster tied in via FDDI to a Giga-switch. A few of my
    DECstation/MIPS customers are being presented with the AXP migration
      I remember being part of a training planning group that said the 
    field should be "ready" for Windows NT and Alpha AXP by this past
    summer. That obviously didn't happen, but hopefully....
2748.5over planAKOCOA::MHUGHESSun Oct 31 1993 15:413
    The 3000 30 &40 have gone over plan, thus the increased leadtimes.
    This means that sales are up for these products but also means that
    we can't *plan* very well.