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Conference 7.286::digital

Title:The Digital way of working
Created:Fri Feb 14 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:5321
Total number of notes:139771

2737.0. "A future use for the Mill" by 4541::omand (Steve Omand) Mon Oct 25 1993 12:59

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Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1993 16:53:39 -0400
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From: mlmail::mlmail::mrgate::"memit1::a1::chardon.marc"
Subject: Employee Idea                                                          1

From:	NAME: MARC CHARDON                  
	FUNC: Office of the President         
	TEL: 508-493-9340                     <CHARDON.MARC AT A1 at Memit1 at MLO>

         Attached is an employee idea that pertains to the future of 
         the Mill, forwarded at his request.
         Marc Chardon
         Executive Assistant to Bob Palmer


From:	NAME: Bob Palmer @MLO               
	FUNC: PRESIDENT AND CEO               
	TEL: 223-6600                         <PALMER.BOB AT PNDVUEA1 at MLMAIL at MLO>
Date:	22-Oct-1993
Posted-date: 22-Oct-1993
Precedence: 1
Subject: FO:  Employee Idea - Steve Omand                                       1
To:	Marc Chardon @MLO


The following message is forwarded for your information.



                  I N T E R O F F I C E   M E M O R A N D U M

                                        Date:     22-Oct-1993 09:19am EDT
                                        From:     Steven Omand
                                        Tel No:    

TO:  bob.palmer@mlo.MTS.dec.com@umc@WRLMTS@WRL

CC:  omand@athena.tay.dec.com@umc@WRLMTS@WRL

Subject: IDEA: Use the Mill for the DEC World '94 Site               

Mr. Palmer,

I am not sure where to submit ideas such as this, so I am sending it 
to your office.   

Anyway,  now that the Mill is going to be vacated, how about using it as
the facility within which to stage the next DEC World event.   This way, 
there is no expense of renting a place; and the Mill is certainly all wired for
networking and computing.    Each section of the complex could be set up as a
business segment; with computing set up there demonstrating industry specific 
applications, integrated and connected to a "Mill-Internet" tying all these
businesses together.   (I'm sure there'd be several other benefits as well:
plenty of conference room space; lots of parking; helecopter access from 
Boston and other Digital facilities by way of Parker St.; built-in food service
facility ... the possibilities are almost endless.)

Of course housing and transportation would be issues, but overall, I think 
the idea is worth considering.  Who knows, maybe the Mill's next life could be 
as a regional conference center; Digitial could even spin off a small company
staffed with x-Digital employees to run it - a constructive contribution to 
employee population reduction.  The Town of Maynard may like this idea too.


Steve Omand

2737.1pointer to conference discussing Mill reuse ideasCVG::THOMPSONWho will rid me of this meddlesome priest?Mon Oct 25 1993 13:206
    Note that the conference at LSTARK::MILL_MEMORIES is being used to
    collect and discuss ideas for Mill reuse. It is followed by some of
    the same people that .0 was forwarded to including a number of people
    who are charged with actually implementing ideas regarding the Mill.

2737.2Application centreANNECY::HOTCHKISSMon Oct 25 1993 14:036
    Brilliant idea-what about a permanent demo centre afterwards or a
    customer application porting centre with real industry specific gurus
    and third parties hosted in it(and paying rent for the privilege of
    access to our clients,our technology and our engineering consulting)
    Go for it!
2737.3Oooh...I'm in one of *those* moods...STAR::DIPIRROMon Oct 25 1993 14:457
    	I don't think it's such a brilliant idea. We're going to bring in
    marketing people and customers from around the world to impress them
    with new Digital technology IN THE MILL??? The place, for the most
    part, is a dump. If we're going to use it as a demo center and for this
    and future DECworld events, I suggest that we level the place with a
    wrecking ball first and build something more reasonable in its place.
    Just lay off a few thousand engineers to pay for it.
2737.4Infrastructure been enhanced lately?DYPSS2::COGHILLSteve Coghill, Luke 14:28Mon Oct 25 1993 14:563
   It's been a few years since I've been to Maynard.  Have they built
   some new roads into the town?  Have several hundreds of rooms in
   hotels been built there lately?
2737.5Not much has changedTEXAS1::SOBECKYJohn Sobecky dtn 223-5557Mon Oct 25 1993 15:0310
    	re -1
    	Nope...same old routes 62,27, and 117, same old (worse) traffic
    	jams. They did make Main St. partly one-way.
    	The closest hotels are in Marlboro or Boxboro.
2737.7SNELL::ROBERTSmother nature must be a vandal @heartWed Oct 27 1993 12:523
    we have a Dunkin Donuts counter in the Mill.  So one thing has changed.
2737.8still a big complex :-)CVG::THOMPSONWho will rid me of this meddlesome priest?Wed Oct 27 1993 12:536
    >we have a Dunkin Donuts counter in the Mill.  So one thing has changed.
2737.9RDVAX::HABERsupercalifragilisticexpialidociousWed Oct 27 1993 13:231
    in the cafeteria.  it's been there at least a year.
2737.10who cares about donuts!! facility is issue!!PENUTS::DEFAZIOFri Dec 17 1993 19:061
    Big Thrills!! Donuts are bad for you anyhow!! Too much fat and oils!!
2737.11No to donuts!HERON::BLOMBERGTrapped inside the universeSat Dec 18 1993 08:218
    (side track from the non-smoking note)
    I think donuts should be banned from Digital offices. Donut-eaters
    problably exhale more particles than others for several minutes
    after the consumption. Probably applies to popcorn as well.
    /passive donut&popcorn eater :-)
2737.12forget popcorn!SDOS02::WALDO_IRTue Dec 21 1993 14:485
    Absolutely, positively does not apply to popcorn.  Don't even think
    about it!
    Irving (who goes into severe withdrawals if he doesn't get his daily
2737.13Only some kinds of donutsAMCUCS::YOUNGI'd like to be...under the sea...Tue Dec 21 1993 19:2617
    re: .11
>    I think donuts should be banned from Digital offices. Donut-eaters
>    problably exhale more particles than others for several minutes
>    after the consumption.
    I don't think you've ever been around a world-class donut eater.  They
    don't exhale ANY particles.  Of course this rebuttal doesn't count the
    involuntary lung discharge immediately following the first bite of a
    powdered sugar donut!