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Conference 7.286::digital

Title:The Digital way of working
Created:Fri Feb 14 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:5321
Total number of notes:139771

2715.0. "Literature Typo I hope..." by EPAVAX::EPAPC1::CARLOTTI (Rick, DTN 440-7229) Thu Oct 14 1993 15:07

A new high level piece of Alpha AXP literature arrived at our office today.

On the last page (inside the back cover) is a picture of the Alpha Family with the 
following text below it:

	With over 40,000 professionals in 475 locations worlwide, Digital ...

That's not a typo (at least on my part).  It says Forty Thousand!

Do the authors of these brochures know something we don't?

Rick C

P.S.:	I knew Q1 was bad, but...
2715.1Haven't seen it, though...SWAM2::BARNETTE_NETry THAT on your MAC, Daddy!Thu Oct 14 1993 15:324
    I would guess that the reference is to the number of people who
    (potentially) provide support to Alpha, not the number of Digital
    employees world-wide. 
2715.2Sounds like an inside jokeTLE::RALTOThu Oct 14 1993 15:327
    >> "With over 40,000 professionals in 475 locations worlwide, Digital..."
    >> Do the authors of these brochures know something we don't?
    Sure... the rest of us are unprofessional!  :-)
2715.3These are field-based personnelLACGID::BIAZZODECvp - Highest Unit Volume ProductThu Oct 14 1993 15:365
Whenever these numbers are thrown around, they mean field-based personnel ie
Sales, Sales Support, MCS

It doesn't include engineering, marketing, HR, corporate, etc.

2715.4NOTIME::SACKSGerald Sacks ZKO2-3/N30 DTN:381-2085Thu Oct 14 1993 15:552
Reminds me of Ken's alleged answer to the question of how many people worked
at Digital.  "About half."
2715.5nedd a spelllcheck!!HYLNDR::POLTRACKSQOIS ZKO1-1Thu Oct 14 1993 17:265
 Does the copy really say:


 Seems like they failed in spelling also!
2715.6STAR::ABBASIonly 62 days left to graduateThu Oct 14 1993 17:3116
    ref .-1
    >Seems like they failed in spelling also!
    let them use DECspell, it served me right through the many years
    of use with no serious problems to report. 

    i think commercial people should pay allot of attention to spelling
    mistakes because thousands a bone thousands of people will see
     it and it reflects the image of our corporation to the world that
    is why it is very sensitive issue.


2715.7I mispelled worldwide, but not the 40,000...EPAVAX::EPAPC1::CARLOTTIRick, DTN 440-7229Thu Oct 14 1993 19:271
2715.8MU::PORTERcool runningsFri Oct 15 1993 14:113
 >  i think commercial people should pay allot of attention to spelling

But they should allot some attention to grammar, too.
2715.9i agree with \DaveSTAR::ABBASIonly 62 days left to graduateFri Oct 15 1993 14:3713
    >But they should allot some attention to grammar, too.

    excellent point \Dave, i forgot to say that.

    spelling and grammar seems so entwined , can't have one without the other.
    it is even more important to our marketing and commercial folks for
    the same reasons i elaborated at in my earlier notes.

    good observation !.

2715.10Points of spelling and grammarTNPUBS::PHALENTue Oct 19 1993 18:367
If spelling and grammar are at issue, may I point out that
"a lot," meaning a quantity of something, as in "a lot of 
work" is two words, not one.  "Allot" is a verb, meaning "to distribute by lot, 
to apportion or to allocate," as in "We allotted three weeks for the task."  


2715.11STAR::ABBASIonly 57 days to graduate!Tue Oct 19 1993 18:3814
    >If spelling and grammar are at issue, may I point out that
    >"a lot," meaning a quantity of something, as in "a lot of
    >work" is two words, not one.  "Allot" is a verb, meaning "to distribute
    >by lot,to apportion or to allocate," as in "We allotted three weeks for the
    good point.
    i agree too.