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Conference 7.286::digital

Title:The Digital way of working
Created:Fri Feb 14 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:5321
Total number of notes:139771

1802.0. "SUPPORT TIME USAGE STUDY" by FORTSC::CHABAN (Not The Mama!) Tue Mar 10 1992 17:51

Anyone else get a copy of this?  Who did the selecting?  What if I don't 
    want to participate?  How can I be sure this info won't be used against
    me?  Do I charge the time I use filling out this stupid thing to Admin?
    Seriously, I appreciate the intensions (at least the prima face ones)
    but this seems like a total waste of time to me.  The time sample is too
    small and the whole thing smacks of antiquated management science 101.

                  I N T E R O F F I C E   M E M O R A N D U M

                                        Date:     03-Mar-1992 10:36am PST
                                        From:     US SALES SUPPORT @MRO
                                                  US SALES SUPPORT AT A1 at SALES at MRO
                                        Dept:     US Sales
                                        Tel No:   

TO: See Below

Subject: SUPPORT TIME USAGE STUDY                                               


You have been selected to participate in the FY92 Sales Support Time Usage 
Study.  This time usage survey is similar in design to a Sales Time Usage 
study that has recently been conducted quarterly, at the request of the U.S. 

We want to better understand how the Account Group Sales Support 
Organization, Technology Resource Centers and Practices use time.  We want 
to understand what slows you down, how to make your work easier and more 
productive and how you can use technology and tools to be successful, 
thereby increasing account satisfaction and your own. 

The focus is on time distribution across activities, rather than on "good" 
time usage. So, please be completely candid with your responses. We share 
the content of your responses, but not your response form. 

Attached is your copy of the Q3 Time Usage Study.  Take advantage of this 
opportunity to tell us how you invest your time.  Feel free to provide other 
comments that you feel are pertinent to this effort.  Your responses will be 
kept confidential, unless you want indicate your name. It is the content 
that we seek.

We have chosen the two (2) week period from 3/9/92 to 3/22/92 as the focus 
of the study.  If you're in training or on vacation, please record that on 
the form.  We ask you to refrain from using different weeks. 

Please print the attached data collection form and mail back the hard-copy 
completed form, via interoffice mail, on March 23rd to the project manager, 
Margot Walthall @ MRO3-3/D13.

If you have any questions, please contact Margot at DTN 297-3838
or me. 



                                Q3 FY92



Please complete the profile data sheet.  This will enable us to make 
comparisons across major categories of field support resources.


    1.  The survey covers a 2 week period.

    2.  Starting MONDAY 3/9/92, carry your forms with you.

    3.  Record your time usage at the end of each day.

    4.  Record all hours worked, using 1/2 hour increments and rounding 
    	to the nearest half hour.

    5.	Leave BLANK categories that do not apply to your work.

    6.  On MONDAY 3/23/92, return completed forms via inter-office mail to:

                          Margot Walthall
                          U.S. Sales Support Programs
If you have any questions, or need any additional information, please contact 
Margot Walthall at DTN 297-3838. 


   Please respond to the questions in Part C.
   Thank you for your time and effort.


                        U. S. SALES SUPPORT TIME USAGE SURVEY


1.  Support Organization (please circle): (a) Account Group Sales Support
                                          (b) Technology Resource Centers
                                          (c) Practices
2.  Position:       	    (a) Software Trainee
    (Please   		    (b) Software Specialist 1
    circle)           	    (c) Software Specialist 2
    			    (d) Software Specialist 3
    			    (e) Software Specialist 4
                            (f) Software Consultant 1
                            (g) Software Consultant 2
                            (h) Software Consultant 3 
    			    (i) Other (please specify) ___________________

							   With Digital/ 
3.  Experience:		    With            With           Non-Digital Sls 
            		    Digital         Digital Sls    Support Org
    			    		    Support Org	   Total
        		    (a) < 1 yr.     (a) < 1 yr.    (a) < 1 yr.
    			    (b) 1-3 yr.     (b) 1-3 yr.    (b) 1-3 yr.
        		    (c) 4-6 yr.     (c) 4-6 yr.    (c) 4-6 yr.
        		    (d) 7-9 yr.     (d) 7-9 yr.    (d) 7-9 yr.
        		    (e) 10+ yr.     (e) 10+ yr.    (e) 10+ yr.

4. If you are a member of an Account Group Sales Support organization,
   what type of account selling team are you aligned with ?
   (a) Dedicated to a single account
   (b) Account-set aligned
   (c) Support multiple accounts across account sets

5. Are you currently a member of one/more of our "Partners" Programs ? 
                                                     ____YES   ____NO

7. Principal Application or Technology Focus (please circle only ONE)  :

(a) Manufacturing		(j) OSF(UNIX/ULTRIX)
(b) Engineering			(K) VMS, High End, Clusters, FT
(c) Science/Research		(l) Real-time
(d) FABS			(m) Database
(e) Sales/Distribution Sys	(n) Networks
(f) Office			(o) NAS
(g) Electronic Publishing	(p) TP
(h) CASE/Software Development	(q) Database
(i) Multimedia/Imaging		(r) Desktop
                                (s) PC Integration    

                         U. S. SALES SUPPORT TIME USAGE SURVEY

    END DATE ________)

    		   				 Actual Time Spent
    		   				 (round to nearest 1/2 Hr.)
    		   				     DAYS (WEEK)
    		   				 M   Tu	 W    Th   F   Sa  Su	


1.  Travel To/from Customer Meetings		 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

2.  Account Planning				 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

3.  Planning Sales Calls 
     (Sales Strategies, etc...)			 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

4.  Preparing Customer Presentations		 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

5.  Preparing Proposals				 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

6.  Preparing Configurations		         __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

7.  Prospecting and Qualifying			 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

8.  Problem Identification			 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

9.  Handling Objections				 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

10. Presenting to Customers			 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __
11. Developing, customizing demos       	 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

12. Performing demos     			 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

13. Benchmarking/Benchmark tuning   	         __  __   __   __   __  __  __

14. "Sales Support" Consulting with the
    Customer					 __  __   __   __   __  __  __

15. Preparing Workstatements                     __  __   __   __   __  __  __

16. Developing Functional Specifications         __  __   __   __   __  __  __


WEEK 1 continued    		   		   Actual Time Spent
    		   				 (round to nearest 1/2 Hr.)
    		   				     DAYS (WEEK)

    		   				M  Tu   W    Th   F   Sa  Su
17. Performing "Delivery" Work for
    DCS/APS (PSS) that is billable               __  __   __   __   __  __  __

18. Performing "Delivery"-type work
    for free					 __  __   __   __   __  __  __ 

19. Attending/conducting Special Events
    with the Customer				 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

20. Taking Random Customer Calls from
    the Switchboard				 __  __   __   __   __  __  __ 

21. Researching 3rd Party Applications,         
    Talking to CMPs			         __  __   __   __   __  __  __	

22. Using on-line tools (VTX,Notesfiles, 
    etc.) to research a customer issue		 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

    		Sub-total			 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __


    		   				 M  Tu   W    Th   F   Sa  Su

1. Preparation for multi-customer event
   (seminars or DECdays)		         __  __  __   __   __  __  __  

2. Participation( e.g.demo, presentation) 
   in a multicustomer event		         __  __  __   __   __  __   __                   

3. Support of Local User Groups (e.g.DECUS)      __  __   __   __   __  __  __  

 * involving customers from more than
   one (1) account 


    		   				 M  Tu   W    Th   F   Sa  Su
1.  Cross functional communications 
    and coordination				 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __ 

2.  Travel to DEC internal (non customer) 
    meetings	   				 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

WEEK 1 continued
                   		   		   Actual Time Spent
    		   				 (round to nearest 1/2 Hr.)
    		   				     DAYS (WEEK)

    		   				 M  Tu   W    Th   F   Sa  Su

3.  Attending DEC internal (no customer) 
    meetings	   				 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

4.  Time reporting through SBS			 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __ 

5.  Other administrative tasks (e.g.     	
    expense reports, monthly reports)	         __   __  __   __   __  __  __

6.  Maintaining your own workstation/
    system for internal use			 __   __  __   __   __  __  __

7.  Internal systems support/management
    for local admin. people                      __   __  __   __   __  __  __ 

8.  Attending planned (per catalogue) 
    learning events				 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

9.  Other learning 
    (locally sponsored sessions)		 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

10.  Keeping current 
    (reading, videos, etc.)			 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

11.  Knowledge Transfer/training 
    (of sales support, salespeople, etc.)        __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

10.  Demo center set-up, demo installation,
     equipment maintenance/system management     __  __   __   __   __  __  __

11.  Other 
    (sick time, vacation time, etc.)		 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __            

    		   	Sub-total		 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __
TOTAL WORK WEEK ONE 				 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __ 


                         U. S. SALES SUPPORT TIME USAGE SURVEY

    END DATE ________)

    		   				 Actual Time Spent
    		   				 (round to nearest 1/2 Hr.)
    		   				     DAYS (WEEK)
    		   				 M   Tu	 W    Th   F   Sa  Su	


1.  Travel To/from Customer Meetings		 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

2.  Account Planning				 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

3.  Planning Sales Calls 
     (Sales Strategies, etc...)			 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

4.  Preparing Customer Presentations		 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

5.  Preparing Proposals				 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

6.  Preparing Configurations		         __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

7.  Prospecting and Qualifying			 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

8.  Problem Identification			 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

9.  Handling Objections				 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

10. Presenting to Customers			 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __
11. Developing, customizing demos       	 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

12. Performing demos     			 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

13. Benchmarking/Benchmark tuning   	         __  __   __   __   __  __  __

14. "Sales Support" Consulting with the
    Customer					 __  __   __   __   __  __  __

15. Preparing Workstatements                     __  __   __   __   __  __  __

16. Developing Functional Specifications         __  __   __   __   __  __  __


WEEK 2 continued    		   		   Actual Time Spent
    		   				 (round to nearest 1/2 Hr.)
    		   				     DAYS (WEEK)
    		   				M  Tu   W    Th   F   Sa  Su
17. Performing "Delivery" Work for
    DCS/APS (PSS) that is billable               __  __   __   __   __  __  __

18. Performing "Delivery"-type work
    for free					 __  __   __   __   __  __  __ 

19. Attending/conducting Special Events
    with the Customer				 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

20. Taking Random Customer Calls from
    the Switchboard				 __  __   __   __   __  __  __ 

21. Researching 3rd Party Applications,         
    Talking to CMPs			         __  __   __   __   __  __  __	

22. Using on-line tools (VTX,Notesfiles, 
    etc.) to research a customer issue		 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

    		Sub-total			 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __


    		   				 M  Tu   W    Th   F   Sa  Su

1. Preparation for multi-customer event
   (seminars or DECdays)		         __  __  __   __   __  __  __  

2. Participation( e.g.demo, presentation) 
   in a multicustomer event		         __  __  __   __   __  __   __                   

3. Support of Local User Groups (e.g.DECUS)      __  __   __   __   __  __  __  

 * involving customers from more than
   one (1) account 

    		   				 M  Tu   W    Th   F   Sa  Su
1.  Cross functional communications 
    and coordination				 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __ 

2.  Travel to DEC internal (non customer) 
    meetings	   				 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

WEEK 2 continued
                   		   		   Actual Time Spent
    		   				 (round to nearest 1/2 Hr.)
    		   				     DAYS (WEEK)

    		   				 M  Tu   W    Th   F   Sa  Su
3.  Attending DEC internal (no customer) 
    meetings	   				 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

4.  Time reporting through SBS			 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __ 

5.  Other administrative tasks (e.g.     	
    expense reports, monthly reports)	         __   __  __   __   __  __  __

6.  Maintaining your own workstation/
    system for internal use			 __   __  __   __   __  __  __

7.  Internal systems support/management
    for local admin. people                      __   __  __   __   __  __  __ 

8.  Attending planned (per catalogue) 
    learning events				 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

9.  Other learning 
    (locally sponsored sessions)		 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

10.  Keeping current 
    (reading, videos, etc.)			 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

11.  Knowledge Transfer/training 
    (of sales support, salespeople, etc.)        __  __	  __   __   __	__  __

10.  Demo center set-up, demo installation,
     equipment maintenance/system management     __  __   __   __   __  __  __

11.  Other 
    (sick time, vacation time, etc.)		 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __            

    		   	Sub-total		 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __
TOTAL WORK WEEK TWO 				 __  __	  __   __   __	__  __ 




A.  What are the three major obstacles to your productivity?


B.  What changed in the past year to improve your effectiveness and efficiency?


C.  What three support resources, in priority order, make you most 
    effective?  SPECIFY TOP THREE ONLY.



D.  Which information/tools have had the greatest impact on your productivity? 



E.  Is there anything, in particular, about your workstyle or methods
    that you feel makes you more effective and productive (e.g. the hours you
    work, where you work, how you organize your work) ?



F.  What do you suggest we do to improve your efficiency and effectiveness 
    for Digital this year? 



Distribution:  Select System Sales Specialists; Resource Center Specialists;
and ACTs.  To update your profile, please send your name and badge to
SALES::NSP or Segmentation @MRO.

TO:  LAURA             MURPHY             @KYO
TO:  ANNE              MUNOZ              @SZO
TO:  DAVID             MUNNS              @CXN
TO:  STEPHEN           MULLIN             @ALF
TO:  GREG              MORNING            @EWO
TO:  PAUL              MORAN              @WAO
TO:  ALEX              MONTARE            @KYO
TO:  CHARLES           MOK                @WRO
TO:  SATYABRATA        MISRA              @NYO
TO:  KARYL             MILLER             @ANC
TO:  FRANK             MILLER             @NYO
TO:  WARREN            MILLER             @CXO
TO:  ROBERT            MICHIE             @KYO
TO:  BRUCE             METCALF            @VFO
TO:  JOHN              MELOM              @MPO
TO:  ANNA              MEISHEID           @COP
TO:  GARY              MEHRL              @DEO
TO:  PHYLLIS           MEHALAKES          @NYO
TO:  JEFFREY           MEDAUGH            @DVO
TO:  JERRY             MCNAIR             @IVO
TO:  D BRUCE           MCLENDON           @DCO
TO:  MICHAEL           MCKENNA            @CSO
TO:  RODNEY            MCELROY            @WRO
TO:  RICHARD           MCDONALD           @CWO
TO:  JILL              MAXFIELD           @MWO
TO:  BONNIE            MARTIN             @LJO
TO:  DARYL             MAIR               @ORO
TO:  GINA              MAGUIRE            @NYO
TO:  MARGARET          MADDEN             @STO
TO:  DAVID             LUCAS              @VFO
TO:  LAWRENCE          LOPEZ              @LAO
TO:  BOB               LONGARIELLO        @LAO
TO:  GERALD            LOFSTEAD           @ALF
TO:  JOHN              LOEWS              @OFO
TO:  JOHN              LITTLEFIELD        @VFO
TO:  MYRA              LINCOLN            @STO
TO:  TIMOTHY           LEWIS              @CXN
TO:  PETER             LESTER             @SZO
TO:  DOLORES           LEONARD            @RTP
TO:  SANDRA            LEON               @WRO
TO:  STEVEN            LEINWAND           @NYO
TO:  JOYCE             LEGASPI            @WRO
TO:  MARK              LEFFLER            @BFO
TO:  GEORGE            LEE                @NYO
TO:  DONALD            LAYTON             @ZBO
TO:  DANIEL            LAUER              @NYO
TO:  BRUCE             LANGSTON           @LAS
TO:  ANDREW            LAMOTHE            @ALO
TO:  KARLA             KUTZ               @STO
TO:  SUNIL             KULKARNI           @KYO
TO:  KENNETH           KRUEGER            @CWO
TO:  PAMELA            KROFCHIK           @VFO
TO:  BRUCE             KOEHN              @WIO
TO:  DANIEL            KOCH               @ACI
TO:  DAVID             KINZEL             @STO
TO:  LORI              KERRINS            @ALF
TO:  EDWARD            KERBS              @NYO
TO:  DANIEL            KEHOE              @RCH
TO:  JAMES             KATZ               @FHO
TO:  ROBIN             KASSEL             @NYO
TO:  SUSAN             KANE               @NYO
TO:  ROBERT            JURANEK            @TJR
TO:  MARVIN            JOHNSON            @STO
TO:  ANNETTE           JEWELL             @DVO
TO:  BRIAN             JELTEMA            @RDO
TO:  JEFFREY           JANOCK             @NJO
TO:  MICHAEL           JACKSON            @PHH
TO:  CHRIS             IDEKER             @VEO
TO:  JOHN              HUGHES             @CKO
TO:  MATTHEW           HOWARD             @WRO
TO:  JOYCE             HORMAN             @NYO
TO:  DONNA             HIPP               @ORO
TO:  PAULA             HILDEBRAND         @STO
TO:  JAMES             HESHELMAN          @PEO
TO:  THOMAS            HERMITT            @NYO
TO:  THOMAS            HERENDEEN          @BFO
TO:  RICHARD           HENCHEY            @SPO
TO:  RICHARD           HELRIEGEL          @RVO
TO:  JOHN              HAYES              @ACI
TO:  DONNY             HARRISON           @SCA
TO:  WELDON            HARRIS             @SCA
TO:  KARL              HARRIS             @PHH
TO:  BRUCE             HARDY              @CXN
TO:  JACK              HANNAN             @LAO
TO:  JEAN              HAMBLEN            @CSO
TO:  EARL              HALL               @RCO
TO:  JUDITH            HALL               @MEL
TO:  RONALD            HAEFNER            @KCO
TO:  DAVID             HABIB              @WAO
TO:  MICHAEL           HA                 @LAO
TO:  KEN               GURALNIK           @VEO
TO:  RAJU              GULATI             @ATO
TO:  EDWARD            GRUPSMITH          @NYO
TO:  THOMAS            GROSSKOPF          @WRO
TO:  DANIEL            GRIMM              @SSO
TO:  MARILYN           GRIFFITH           @CWO
TO:  JOHN              GRIFFIN            @TFO
TO:  THOMAS            GREENSMITH         @DVO
TO:  LEWIS             GRAY               @RTP
TO:  ROBERT            GRADY              @KYO
TO:  ANTHONY           GORGONE            @CWO
TO:  VERA              GOODACRE           @VFO
TO:  SERVULO           GONSALVES          @SCO
TO:  STEVEN            GOLDBERG           @NYO
TO:  GERARD            GOEKE              @STO
TO:  J                 GINN               @TSO
TO:  MARK              GILBERT            @CYO
TO:  MARY              GETTEN-MARKS       @LAS
TO:  DON               GERUNDO            @WHO
TO:  PAUL              GAVAZZI            @BJO
TO:  RANDALL           GAMBY              @STO
TO:  AMY               GABELMAN           @LAC
TO:  RONALD            FUNK               @MJO
TO:  GREGORY           FRAZIER            @BHO
TO:  PAULA             FRAZIER            @AUO
TO:  R                 FRANK              @COP
TO:  WALLACE           FRANCIS            @NIO
TO:  HARRY             FOXWELL            @WNP
TO:  DAVID             FOX                @FHO
TO:  WILLIAM           FOSTER             @SDO
TO:  THOMAS            FORERO             @NYO
TO:  DWIGHT            FOLTS              @RCO
TO:  PAUL              FLOTTEN            @DLO
TO:  KEVIN             FITZGERALD         @DEO
TO:  LAWRENCE          FISHER             @CKO
TO:  JAMES             FISCHER            @FHO
TO:  MARK              FISCHER            @OKO
TO:  JEFFREY           FINKELSTEIN        @CHO
TO:  RICHARD           FEUCHT             @MEL
TO:  DAVID             FEHLEISEN          @RDO
TO:  B SUE             FAIRCLOTH          @RDO
TO:  STEVEN            ENGEL              @MRO
TO:  RAYMOND           EMMERICH           @FHO
TO:  BERT              DURANT             @ALF
TO:  JANICE            DUNMYER            @FHO
TO:  THOMAS            DUNLEAVY           @DFE
TO:  GERALD            DUNCAN             @KCO
TO:  ALVIN             DOUGHTY            @CYO
TO:  KAREN             DOTHARD            @COP
TO:  NEIL              DORE               @NJO
TO:  PATRICIA          DONOVAN            @STO
TO:  DOUG              DOMINEY            @HSO
TO:  RONALD            DLUGOSZ            @PTO
TO:  LINDA             DIETZ              @WRO
TO:  JAMES             DELOATCH           @NYO
TO:  GREGORY           DAY                @LAS
TO:  ROBERTA           DAVIS              @LAS
TO:  JOHN              DAVIS              @HST
TO:  STEPHEN           DATZMAN            @INI
TO:  BRADFORD          DANIELS            @HSO
TO:  KENDALL           DANE               @FOO
TO:  RAYMOND           CULTRERA           @VFO
TO:  ELIZABETH         CROPPER            @ALF
TO:  ROBERT            CROMBIE            @ZBO
TO:  LARRY             CRABTREE           @SSO
TO:  SCOTT             COX                @MEL
TO:  ALBERT            COPPER             @CLO
TO:  JEAN              COOK               @RCO
TO:  MARK              COLLINS            @CLO
TO:  BELINDA           COLEMAN            @WNP
TO:  LARRY             CLARKE             @WIO
TO:  GARY              CLARK              @CXN
TO:  BRUCE             CLAREMONT          @CXN
TO:  FRANK             CIANFLONE          @LAO
TO:  CHARLES           CIALI              @MKO
TO:  HSIANG-FU         CHEN               @NYO
TO:  EDWARD            CHAN               @WRO
TO:  EDWARD            CHABAN             @WRO
TO:  MARVIN            CESSNA             @PDO
TO:  WAYNE             CASAGRANDE         @OFO
TO:  VICTOR            CAREW              @MEL
TO:  GLENN             CARDINALE          @CWO
TO:  MOIRA             CAMPBELL           @SEO
TO:  DANIEL            CAMBRON            @TUO
TO:  JAMES             CAIRNS             @ORO
TO:  MARY BETH         CAHILL             @RDO
TO:  TERRY             BYRUM              @VBV
TO:  ERIC              BYERS              @SYO
TO:  PAMELA            BUZZERD            @MEL
TO:  MARIANNA          BURKE              @LKG
TO:  ANDREW            BURKE              @AQO
TO:  RAYMOND           BROWDER            @FHO
TO:  ANDREW            BREIT              @NYO
TO:  JEFFREY           BRAVERMAN          @SAD
TO:  DONALD            BRANDT             @ALO
TO:  JOHN              BOYLE              @KYO
TO:  STEPHEN           BOYD               @NYO
TO:  ROBERT            BOETTCHER          @NYO
TO:  KELLY             BOELEMA            @GJO
TO:  ROCHELLE          BIBBS              @COP
TO:  EDGAR             BERNIER            @RCH
TO:  DAVID             BERGER             @NYO
TO:  GLEN              BENNETT            @FHO
TO:  CHERYL            BELL               @ALF
TO:  ELDON             BARTSCH            @DLO
TO:  WENDY             BARTA              @COL
TO:  RICHARD           BART               @CYO
TO:  SCOTT             BARROWS            @LAO
TO:  PHYLLIS           BARRETT            @TMO
TO:  DAVID             BARNETT            @CLO
TO:  STEVEN            BALKE              @OFO
TO:  FRANK             AYALA              @CXO
TO:  PAMELA            ASHER-ISACOFF      @COL
TO:  RICHARD           ARNDT              @ACI
TO:  ELAINE            ARAZAWA            @MJO
TO:  MICHAEL           ANUTA              @COP
TO:  DIMITRIOS         ANDREOU            @WRO
TO:  ROGER             ANDERSON           @DLO
TO:  MATHEW            ALLEN              @TFO
TO:  DAVID             AIKENS             @SCP
1802.1the short answerWR2FOR::GIBSON_DATue Mar 10 1992 23:555
    re .0
    As best I can tell, this was not coordinated with Field Management!
    See also the Gene Haag note.
1802.2Not!ALOSWS::KOZAKIEWICZShoes for industryWed Mar 11 1992 03:079
    The funny thing is that the people who bring you this survey are the
    very same ones who have an elephantine computer system in place which 
    is capable of regurgitating this exact data.  
    Isn't it odd that they have so little faith in the validity of the data
    in their system??
1802.3Item 22TPSYS::SOBECKYIt's bad luck to be superstitious..Wed Mar 11 1992 09:593
    	Hey, at least they give you an opportunity to record how much time
    	you spend in NOTES! ;)