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Conference 7.286::digital

Title:The Digital way of working
Created:Fri Feb 14 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:5321
Total number of notes:139771

1726.0. "Internal issues <FLAME ON>" by FLYSQD::MONTVILLE () Thu Jan 16 1992 17:56

       I can't believe that we are the same Company.  Here's the dilema,
    I was out of work on Worker's Comp. from September until December
    and received my benefit of full pay for the 90 day period.  
    Low and behold I eagerly come back to work with all the appropriate
    papers and so forth on 12/9.  I am still required to attend Physical
    Theraphy 3 days aweek and as such I have to report those hours as
    "MISC" so that Worker's Comp. can pay me the balance of 40 hours.
    Well, I go to receive my pay-check this week and it's not there
    and I not even on the Cost Center listing.  Call my PSA, not available,
    try calling Payroll (YEA-RIGHT).  One number listed in the DEC phone
    book to report problems (Smart move as there 115,000 + or - a few
    thousand) people receveing payroll.  Someone from Personell call
    me and states "we'll look into it and get right back to you"
    (Like - "checks in the mail").   Finally I get Payroll- nice folks
    helpful and tell me that (screen says) "REJECTED- WORKER'S COMP".
    Now call Personnel again, they tell me to contact Digital's person
    in Worker's Comp. claims.  I do this, she cannot get through to
    Payroll.  I spend the majority of my day trying to find out where
    my paycheck is...Well here it is 3:45 pm and nobody in this
    Company and tell me where/whynot and when I can expect to be paid.
    I guess I don't exist in Digital's eyes so don't pay any attention
    to this NOTE.  But if your crazy enough to read it and can offer
    an explanation or some helpfull information let me know.
    If we cannot answer internal questions from our employees how are
    we treating our customers with their concerns.  I have a real problem
    with not receiving my pay.  I have a futher problem if we are treating
    customers with this same type of attituda because soone or later
    no of us will receive pays.
    Bob Montville
1726.1don't let this slideSAUTER::SAUTERJohn SauterThu Jan 16 1992 18:343
    It seems to me that Digital has an obligation to pay you, on the usual
    day, for work that you've done.  I suggest you persue this.
        John Sauter
1726.2CSC32::N_WALLACEThu Jan 16 1992 18:555
    I'd let my manager work this one. I think most managers worth their
    weight will want to know if "the system" is jerking them around like
1726.3*keep* going for it...DENVER::DAVISGBJag MechanicThu Jan 16 1992 19:093
    It may not help for the moment to pay the rent, but this is definitely
    an issue for your manager...
1726.4Hope this helps you.GSMOKE::GCHARBONNEAUThu Jan 16 1992 19:237
    I at one time had the trouble.I found out later that the word I did had
    to go through the nurse at the plan so she(he) would issue the info to
    the workmans comp..DEC did pay the rest but this had to go trough the 
    nurse and doctor of the plan..I would say check with the nurse first
    before you go to the managers office..
1726.5Get a cash advance for now...DNEAST::SIMON_ANDYHe who dies with most toys winsThu Jan 16 1992 20:093
    	You can usually get a cash advance from Petty Cash to cover your
    missing check(s) until you get it straightened out. At least you won't
1726.6Our wonderful internal systems...SCAACT::AINSLEYLess than 150 kts. is TOO slowThu Jan 16 1992 23:3610
    I suspect the problem is with our wonderful internal systems.  When my
    manager went on maternity leave, the PSA flagged her personnel record
    as being on STD.  When she came back, she had to make many phone calls
    to many different people to get her accounts turned back on, her
    paycheck restarted, car plan payments restarted, etc.  According to her
    PSA, when a PSA flags a person as being on STD, our systems are
    programmed to automatically stop everything.  However, when the PSA
    turns the STD flag off, no one else is notified.
1726.7Sheesh...LIOVAX::CRAPAROTTAJoe, in Friendly NY.. SO WHAT!!Fri Jan 17 1992 00:235
    I love all this stuff.. (I DO feel sorry for the persons involved)..
    But I mean WE ARE a Computer Company aren't we ? 
1726.8I went without pay for 6 weeks after an LOACNTROL::FLATLEYFri Jan 17 1992 01:2413
    This past summer I came off a Parental LOA.  It took six weeks and a 
    LOT of hounding my PSA, Personnel Manager, and my manager.  They kept 
    telling me I'd get caught up the following Thursday, of course it never 
    happened.  A cash advance didn't work because I was not active on the 
    PMF (Personnel Master File).  I finally got six checks in one day.
    Then my wife returned from her Parental LOA.  It took two weeks to
    began receiving her pay...chasing retro pay, etc....
    Just keep calling them.......  And you should know payroll CAN cut a 
    check in the middle of the week, don't wait for next Thursday.
1726.9Money talks~ "BYE!"CNTROL::MCKEONCHUCK's Roadkill Cafe~ You kill it, we grill it!Fri Jan 17 1992 10:4338
(re .1)		"I suggest you persue this."


(re .2)    "I'd let my manager work this one."

		Come on now, think about this one.---------------------v
(re .3)   "....but this is definitely an issue for your manager..."    |
		THINK ABOUT THIS ONE!----------------------------------<

(re .4)	   "I would say check with the nurse first..."

		THE NURSE?!?!?!?!?

(re .5)	   "You can usually get a cash advance from Petty Cash to cover your
    	    missing check(s) until you get it straightened out."

		You may only have one.

(re .7)    "But I mean WE ARE a Computer Company aren't we ?"

		Yup, we certainly are!

(re .8)   "......  And you should know payroll CAN cut a check in the
	    middle of the week, ..."

		Hope you've got proof!

		I'm still not sure if I got all the money that was due
		to me, after 5 or 6 weeks and about 2K blocks worth of
		mail messages.  My solution??  DON'T SCREW WITH THE GODS!

			Dan (aka Chuck~)
1726.10discretion forbidsSAUTER::SAUTERJohn SauterFri Jan 17 1992 10:526
    re: .9 re .1
    Noting rules do not permit speculation about possible liability on the
    part of Digital Equipment Corporation for actions that the company has
    taken, or has failed to take.
        John Sauter
1726.11Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead!RTL::LINDQUISTSun Jan 19 1992 18:189
    If you are not wage class four, and do not receive adaquate
    'attention' from personnel, payroll and/or your manager,  I
    would suggest that you contact the 'wage and hour' commission
    in your state.  I'm sure you will find that there are legal
    obligations upon the company to pay you within a certain
    timeframe for worked performed, and you can probably learn
    what remedies are available to you under your state law.

    	- Lee Lindquist
1726.12Satisfaction guranteed!FLYSQD::MONTVILLETue Jan 21 1992 12:3122
    To all who took their time to respond THANKS!
    The problem has been corrected thanks to my managment and working
    with the appropriata groups (Personnel, payroll, Worker's Comp.
    It appears to have been a slite communications problem.  My itent
    was not to blast any one person.  The intent was more directed at
    the frustration level of not getting the answer.  
    I was issued an Advance on Friday to cover my payroll.  The management
    worked the issues for me on Friday and the solution will be my
    paycheck will be issued along with this week check.
    Again, sorry if anyone person or group took this as a "dig".
    The situation was handled on Friday to my satisfaction and hope
    this base-note will only help someone in the future.
    Bob Montville
1726.13Ready, fire, aim...GIAMEM::MUMFORDDick Mumford, DTN 244-7809Wed Jan 22 1992 11:138
    re: .12
    Perhaps next time it might be helpful to reverse the order of the
    process - work with the appropriate groups first, THEN blast-off in a
    NOTESFILE.  Might not even have to resort to step 2.  It appears that
    a lot of folks got worked up over a major non-issue.
1726.14BAGELS::REEDWed Jan 22 1992 12:435
    	.13  You're probably one of thousands that had the same thought!