T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
1228.1 | you dead | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Sun Oct 14 1990 15:07 | 10 |
Just out for a long sickness? We thought you were dead and that's why
we stripped your workstation area and put it all in the basement plus
gave your job to someone else. You can go get it yourself, even if you
are just back part-time this week, still recovering from two major
operations in the last 4 months.
Actual case.
1228.2 | you demoted | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Sun Oct 14 1990 15:09 | 7 |
Corporate does all the creating of ideas; the field just implements.
Digital doesn't need you creating ideas. Your job is eliminated and
since you're now redeployable, your new job is three levels lower.
1228.3 | intimidate with the "law" | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Sun Oct 14 1990 15:12 | 7 |
I think it's against copyright law for you to quote something from
published material, like any excerpt more than one sentence. Do you
have PERMISSION IN WRITING? You could go to jail.
1228.4 | you crazy person | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Sun Oct 14 1990 15:14 | 10 |
You should use Digital's employee assistance to program to get
professional counseling because there MUST be something wrong with you
to want to write your ideas and opinions to the executives of this
company. Repeat "must be something wrong with YOU" at least six times
in a 45 minute conversation, which was meant to discuss the idea being
submitted upward.
1228.5 | money? Ain't none for you | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Sun Oct 14 1990 15:17 | 6 |
Raises? You're not "entitled" to a salary appraisal or any raise ever.
Follow-up by never giving any raises (or at worst case, a token $1 a
week raise). Make it economically unpalatable to remain in Digital.
1228.6 | cut, cut, cut | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Sun Oct 14 1990 15:19 | 7 |
YOU'RE STUPID! What was the idea you mentioned again? Never discuss
the content and merits of a thought. Always attack personally and
strive to sever the jugular.
1228.7 | must have "right" to think bestowed | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Sun Oct 14 1990 15:22 | 7 |
Who ARE YOU to think you can express an idea or opinion? You want to
change something, you get the power FIRST, then YOU can do what YOU
WANT. No power and authority, no right to speak. Emphasize often.
1228.8 | put 'em down, keep 'em down | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Sun Oct 14 1990 15:25 | 6 |
Here's a Digital worry-ball. Everytime you think you might "think and say
something" in our meeting, just give the ball a squeeze.
1228.9 | I'm gonna make ya a deal you can't refuse | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Sun Oct 14 1990 15:28 | 7 |
If you don't shut your F****** mouth, I'm going to smash it in.
[P.S. all listed ways I'm posting are actual incidents in Digital]
1228.10 | Nothing new under the Sun | DECEAT::BRUNNER | | Sun Oct 14 1990 19:29 | 10 |
| While I think it is deplorable and shocking that these things go on
inside Digital they are not unique to Digital alone. I have seen these
things go on at other companies. There will always be people who build
kingdoms or empires; anything that disturbs that kingdom must be
neutralized. There will always be people wanting to be king some day;
advancement has its necessary evils. There will always be cowards.
That is the nature of the world.
If anyone can figure out how to keep these people out of Digital, the rest
of the world can truely benefit from the same technique.
1228.11 | | DECEAT::BRUNNER | | Sun Oct 14 1990 19:33 | 3 |
| A more subtle technique that works if the person wants to continue to
advance: make that person one of "you". There are few people that will
knock out the platform from under their own feet.
1228.12 | no idea shall mature before its time | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Mon Oct 15 1990 11:17 | 6 |
Your idea? Oh yeah. We discussed it. Didn't fit. Rufusing bluntly
without reasons but doing so in a kindly mannner does wonders.
1228.13 | blind obedience to authority | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Mon Oct 15 1990 11:19 | 8 |
Your opinions and ideas are disruptive to the group and thus your
behavior is unacceptable. If you do not stop [speaking your mind], you
will be subject to disciplinary procedures. Be a good child, seen but
not heard; otherwise, the stick!
1228.14 | attack by innuendo | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Mon Oct 15 1990 11:23 | 9 |
They don't like you, your ideas, your opinions, your suggestions for
change. Who is "they"? Can't say but I'm just trying "to help" you by
passing along some "good" advice. Casting doubt via conviction by
unseen parties who, if "they" exist, will not stand up ethically and
prove by logical argument and ethical conduct "the why's."
1228.15 | make yourself BIGGER than life | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Mon Oct 15 1990 11:25 | 9 |
Also important to not only shout, but turn red with eyes ablazing,
chest puffed out. This is a proven technique in nature where any
critter threatened demonstrates anger and makes itself bigger than it
really is. Example: a cat whose fur stands on end, eyes hard, hissing
and spitting. Excellent intimidation technique.
1228.16 | loyalty to me and no other, so sayeth I'ith | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Mon Oct 15 1990 11:28 | 7 |
You're more valuable to the corporation then you are to MY group. That
has to change. You may be making a lot of people in the company more
productive but that doesn's benefit MY group so STOP doing it NOW!
Demand allegiance to the sovereign of the group and to nothing else.
Or else.
1228.17 | not enought to be a leader, must also do ALL thinking | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Mon Oct 15 1990 11:34 | 8 |
Your idea? Don't be silly. That was MY idea that got me the big
promotion and big raise. You say you sent me a memo with it a year
ago? No, you didn't. If you're going to be so self-centered, don't
bother talking and communicating with me again. Good-bye.
1228.18 | Got more than enough, thank you very much | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Mon Oct 15 1990 11:39 | 6 |
YOU have an idea?! I've got too many of MY own to even implement. How
could yours possible contribute anything when I have so many!!!!
1228.19 | control absolute authority for decisions | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Mon Oct 15 1990 11:42 | 6 |
I'm in charge and I say we ain't doin' no employee involvement stuff.
End of discussion. PERIOD.
1228.20 | Share you knowledge with Jack Smith, right here | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Mon Oct 15 1990 11:52 | 20 |
In case it is not self-evident, this topic is to assist Jack Smith in
understanding the "how" that has led to many employees NOT contributing
ANY ideas or opinions to cut expense and/or to build a more successful
Digital, more customers, margin, revenue; to submit "annonymously"; and
to indicate the reason of fear for not doing so, all of which was
brought out in Jack Smith's most recent DVN telephone dialogue with
several employees in Digital. Jack said repeatedly that he did not
understand the problem behind this. While other topics in the DIGITAL
conference touch on the "why", this topic addresses some of the
"specific how's" that have led to fear and apathy.
Please do the right thing ethically and post it
But, if you are afraid to do so, then send it to a moderator or me and
one of us will do it for you, keeping you annonymous. My e-mail
addresses are David Carnell @ALF or SAHQ::CARNELLD
1228.21 | Obey the Tattle-tales | GBMMKT::MCMAHON | Carolyn McMahon | Mon Oct 15 1990 13:43 | 7 |
| If someone "tattles" to you about your subordinate, agree with them and
apologize and then get on the subordinates back. Never ask if that
person has discussed this with the subordinate - just take the
tattle-tales point of view and use it against the subordinate at
his/her next review. We want to keep subordinates grunting (even in
unproductive directions) BUT we want them to do this without
intelligent thought or concern.
1228.22 | Try SLANDER, it's quicker | GBMMKT::MCMAHON | Carolyn McMahon | Mon Oct 15 1990 13:54 | 10 |
| If a subordinate comes up with too many good ideas or there arnings
about failure prove correct, resort to slander. Use other people's
names or whatever you need to make your slanderous case - because even
if Personnel checks it out and finds out you've slandered a
subordinate, they'll smooth it out and stick behind you, the manager.
No matter how much compassion a Personnel person may have for a
situation, they'll almost always come out on the manager's side.
Actual Case
1228.23 | Let them eat Trinkets! | GBMMKT::MCMAHON | Carolyn McMahon | Mon Oct 15 1990 14:05 | 9 |
| When a subordinate comes to the attention of others for doing
something good but he/she isn't part of your in-crowd, give him/her a
pin or ashtray or some other trinket - BUT make sure you discount
his/her contribution at review time. After all, you already gave
him/her a trinket! And you wouldn't want that person to get ahead of
you, would you!
Eventually, he/she will get tired of trying to contribute - but there
are always others to come along. Just use them up and throw them away.
1228.24 | RIDICULE for Muddle's sake | GBMMKT::MCMAHON | Carolyn McMahon | Mon Oct 15 1990 14:13 | 9 |
| Illogical RIDICULE ... that's a good one to use if someone tries to
bring an idea from the "outside" into our thinking process. After all,
there is no world outside Digital, no other establishment ever had our
problems or could possibly have been smart enough to find solutions that
would work here. WE'RE TOO UNIQUE, too complex, too special, etc.
And anyone who thinks otherwise is STUPID or even worse, DISLOYAL. So
ridicule them whenever possible. It helps to keep the group-think
muddled and it's easier to hide our mistakes in a muddled environment.
1228.25 | Exhaust their supply | GBMMKT::MCMAHON | Carolyn McMahon | Mon Oct 15 1990 14:35 | 14 |
| If a subordinate really has a good idea (i.e., you're capable of seeing
that right off the bat), pooh-pooh it and then later come up with it
yourself! Everyone else is so inferior that they'll never remember who
actually thought it up, and you'll be hailed as a genius!
Eventually that subordinate will burn out, of course. But there are
plenty of corners we can shove them into when that happens ... and
along comes another thinker we can use up.
P.S. Actually, I've learned to use this phenomenon to give some ideas
that would really be good for Digital a chance. I find an in-crowd,
receptive male and plant the seed, do my best to nuture it from afar
and hope it takes root. Unfortunately, the idea often gets distorted
on the way and goes awry. But sometimes it works.
1228.26 | here's another way | KEYS::MOELLER | Born To Be Riled | Mon Oct 15 1990 16:36 | 11 |
Extract and size all the notes the offending employee has added to
conferences over the course of his/her employment, regardless of merit.
Only extract topics and replies posted during the employee's business
hours. Run the compiled text file through a word counting routine, and
then divide the word count by the assumed typing speed of the individual.
Add up the nonproductive time spent by the employee haranguing others in
notesfiles. Terminate the offending employee for taking daily
unauthorized leave.
1228.27 | Open the door and slam it in their face. | COMET::LAFOREST | | Mon Oct 15 1990 17:45 | 6 |
| Let them use the "Open door policy" then kick them out for
insubordination! I didn't get kicked out but I did get written up for
taking my issue to my bosses boss a few years back. He even told me, in
no uncertain terms, to never go above his head again. Lesson
learned....Don't believe an open door policy exists unless you want to
commit career suicide.
1228.28 | that's NOT your job -- stop doing it | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Mon Oct 15 1990 17:48 | 10 |
Writing memos and/or writing notes that DO relate to ideas or opinions
or suggestions to build a better and more successful company are NOT
part of your "official" job. Stay in your cube or else. Mind your own
business. YOU are NOT paid to be creative OUTSIDE YOUR job
description. Period. Encouragement from "corporate" is just "public
relations" and isn't really meant to be acted on by employees like YOU.
1228.29 | | VCSESU::COOK | Run silent, run deep. | Mon Oct 15 1990 18:21 | 5 |
Or just send your ideas directly to Jack Smith and you won't have to
deal with any of the previous replies.
1228.30 | | ESCROW::KILGORE | $ EXIT 98378 | Mon Oct 15 1990 18:40 | 8 |
This note gives us two very valuable pieces of information:
1) a long list of tactics to watch out for
2) proof positive that they don't always work (not sure whether
this is good news or bad...)
1228.31 | Read it and weep, "trouble-makers". | MPGS::BOYAN | | Mon Oct 15 1990 19:16 | 11 |
| re.0
Transferring said "trouble-maker" to another department the day
after said "trouble-maker" was asked to contibute opinion at group
meeting. Once there, inform said "trouble-maker" to look for another
job or face being put into transition.
Tis' a fact.
Ron B.
1228.32 | A couple of reactions | COUNT0::WELSH | Tom Welsh (UK CASE Marketing) 768-5225 | Mon Oct 15 1990 19:32 | 27 |
| re .10 (Brunner):
>>> While I think it is deplorable and shocking that these things go on
>>> inside Digital they are not unique to Digital alone...
>>> If anyone can figure out how to keep these people out of Digital, the rest
>>> of the world can truely benefit from the same technique.
Conceded that the average company, or even most companies,
suffer from these behaviours.
But we believe, don't we, that Digital can and should be in the
top 10% - or 1% - or 0.0001%? In fact, that it can and should be
absolutely the best.
So let's keep looking for ways to transcend the normal, the
everyday, the human. We're on the leading edge!
re .26 (Moeller):
>>> Add up the nonproductive time spent by the employee haranguing others in
>>> notesfiles. Terminate the offending employee for taking daily
>>> unauthorized leave.
Are you sure you're approaching this topic in the right spirit??
1228.33 | "Social leper" | COUNT0::WELSH | Tom Welsh (UK CASE Marketing) 768-5225 | Mon Oct 15 1990 19:40 | 26 |
| Tell the employee that he is generally disliked by his fellow
employees. Suggest that his behaviour falls short of social
acceptability in some ill-defined but decisive way. Make it
clear that he isn't liked, trusted, or "one of the boys".
After a couple of doses of this (preferably delivered at the
end of a 12-hour night shift or similar), the employee should
feel so guilty, uncomfortable and resentful that he really
starts behaving like a friendless loner.
The key to this strategy lies in never specifying what the
problem is, exactly. Just say "you don't seem to get on with
the others", or "I've been getting a lot of negative feedback
about you". This effectively blocks any attempts at improvement,
as any change can be depicted as a move in the wrong direction.
I have seen this used several times by managers who were
themselves generally disliked and distrusted. Some sort of
transference? Nonetheless it is supremely effective - unless
the employee recognises it. In that case, just laugh and say
"Oh, the old "social leper" trick! You'll have to do better
than that". Then walk out, invite all the other members
of your group out for a beer, and tell them all about the
conversation you just had.
1228.34 | "Rude" | COUNT0::WELSH | Tom Welsh (UK CASE Marketing) 768-5225 | Mon Oct 15 1990 19:48 | 32 |
| Stage 1: When the employee makes a suggestion, ignore it
Stage 2: When the suggestion is repeated, rather more firmly,
continue to ignore it as long as possible. Then say you'll
look into it.
Stage 3: Do nothing about the matter. If the employee gives up,
you win - climb two rungs up the golden ladder. If the employee
persists, point out that you're "getting rather tired of this
subject", and you "really don't want to hear any more about it".
Stage 4: At some stage, the employee will crack. This may happen
when you announce that someone in some other group has just won
a cruise in the Caribbean for making the identical suggestion, or
that another team has just pulled off some terrific success because
they had been given what this employee was denied.
Typically, the employee will stand up in a meeting and
scream "%^$#@%^$% you &^%s of *&^%$#%$s, if you'd listened to me
this %^$#%$ %$@#*^&% would never have happened!" (or words to that
Stage 5. You have now won. Announce publicly that the employee
HAS BEEN RUDE. No other statement need be made. Totally ignore
the subject under discussion, the suggestion, etc. Quietly
suggest to the employee that he had better move to another
continent (or, preferably, galaxy) if he ever wants to get
a review again. ("None of the managers in this facility will
have any time for you - they know YOU WERE RUDE").
1228.35 | | COOKIE::LENNARD | | Mon Oct 15 1990 19:52 | 3 |
| If you are a senior manager, arrange to have employee's immediate
manager walk out of your office just as the person who asked to see
you show's up. This used to work really well in a previous job...
1228.36 | try this one. works on me...... | CSC32::PITT | | Tue Oct 16 1990 01:14 | 9 |
When an employee makes the mistake of asking a question concerning
pay raises at an open forum meeting, make sure you scream at the
top of your lungs in front of 500 of their peers that if they don't
like it they can go and damned well work someplace else......
waving your finger in their face and sweating on them adds a little
drama to it.
1228.38 | messages from the "fearful unknown" | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Tue Oct 16 1990 11:28 | 29 |
I've been thinking about adding one that happening to me awhile back,
but taking you up on your offer, I'd like to ask you to post it for me
anonymously, if you think it's worth repeating.
An effective way to silence an employee who is trying to change some
things that are wrong is to send him vaxmail anonymously. You've all
seen the vaxmail hack where the author field is simply something like
"YOUR SEMI-FRIENDLY ADVISOR" (with no node name or anything), and in
the text is a message something like:
Your noises are being heard, but you are rocking the boat. The
situation cannot and should not be changed for various reasons that you
do not need to understand. If you persist in trying to make these
changes, the top dogs are getting very upset with you, and heads may
roll (yours) as a result.
This actually happened. Yea, I know, mail like this can be tracked
down via NETSERVER.LOG and things, but on a large system, getting the
systems people to do that task is like pulling teeth around here.
(Please, no ratholes about system managers). I still don't know who
sent that mail and probably never will. If it was *really* a "friend",
then that person could have at least had the common courtesy to send
"regular" vaxmail.
1228.39 | A mixture of techniques | RANGER::JCAMPBELL | | Tue Oct 16 1990 11:56 | 44 |
| 1. Tell the employee, even if he is a principal engineer, that the
problem is being "worked" by others on the "team" (when you know
damned well that the problem is not being "worked", except maybe
for years off).
2. When the employee attempts to analyze the problem nonetheless,
ask him to include the people who don't want to work on the problem.
3. When he finds a method that might work, but involves significant
management time for coordination, tell him that "we cannot have a
technology shift in a maintenance release". Pay no attention to the
memos coming in telling you how bad the problem is.
4. When the employee has the gall to talk about his proposed solution
in a public status review meeting, just look very uncomfortable, and
then call him into a private conference room, in which you:
a. Ask him how he is doing, and listen attentively for his response.
b. Tell him that, in fact, he is doing terribly, that everyone in
the group has been by your office to complain about him or something
he is doing,
c. Tell him that your feedback system and his feedback system seem
to yield different results for some reason. (This is the one that
is most effective: it says "if you ask them, they'll lie to you!").
d. Tell him that you are going to get personnel to bring in a
consultant to verify which feedback system is correct.
5. If the employee, out of loyalty to the Corporation, still persists,
claim that the Consulting Engineer of the group came up with the
solution, along with the person who was working on the next major
version, when in fact the former had done what his title implies - given
pointers, advised, and reviewed - and the latter had done nothing.
6. When the employee finally realizes that he will get no recognition
for essentially saving the product and allowing the sales of probably
$5 million VAXstations as a result of the innovation (to customers
which required it for the sale to proceed), the employee will probably
show some sort of anger or hostility. When that happens, you can show
him to the door. He will WANT to go.
Actual case. NAC, 1988-1989
1228.40 | | CSSE32::LESLIE | Andy Leslie, taking Pride in DIGITAL | Tue Oct 16 1990 14:27 | 4 |
I fail to see what this litany of woe achieves, other than lowering
1228.41 | Read note 1230 | SELECT::MAGID | | Tue Oct 16 1990 14:40 | 3 |
| .0 - .39
Read note 1230.0 before you reply to this base note.
1228.42 | | SA1794::CHARBONND | DELETE the Simpsons | Tue Oct 16 1990 19:48 | 1 |
| re .40 maybe it explains why morale *is* low ?
1228.43 | | CSSE32::LESLIE | Andy Leslie, taking Pride in DIGITAL | Tue Oct 16 1990 20:16 | 1 |
| Supply fixes, not problems.
1228.44 | hey, everybody! Let's play POLLYANNA! | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Tue Oct 16 1990 22:59 | 47 |
I support your belief that ALL employees should take pride in their
work, and positively contribute to change and building a better and
more successful Digital. What makes you think most employees don't
take pride? And on the other hand, what makes you think most really
think they have any responsibility to turn things around through
utilizing their intellect and intuition to create and drive change, and
in spite of havng to fight against an entrenched bureaucracy into on
control above all else? I think most are just "waiting" for ol' Ken
and Jack to make things better; thus, the very low level of employee
involvement in creating and affecting change.
You would have us all deny what dysfunctional practices that exist just
for the sake of thinking positive and that alone will secure our
future! Without the revealing of ALL problems and discussing them
openly, there can never be change. NEVER.
Thus, you are guilty of preaching that all Digital employees should be
pollyanna - noun. One having a disposition or nature characterized by
irrepressible optimism and a tendency to find good in everything; an
overly and often BLINDLY optimistic person.
We have too many blind people now and too many willing to be and STAY
blind, giving up all responsibility for turning Digital around PLUS
creating and incurring methodical change to increase efficiency and
effectiveness to build a better and GREATER Digital than ever was to
Your advocating we all remain blind contributes little to solving REAL
shortcomings of the system and operating culture of this company. For
too long the culture of Digital has effectively SQUELCHED all attempts
to reveal problems and your attempt to blame low morale on those now
willing to stand up and reveal some ugly truths is another blatant
attack and attempt at silencing intelligent discussion, albeit even if
around a global electronic water cooler, to discern facts from fiction
and perhaps set a course of change that will make for a better Digital
in which to work where all employees can have a true sense of being a
"partner" in building a great enterprise.
Your words bespeak co-dependency: deny, deny, deny.
1228.45 | Grousing as an end in itself? | STAR::BECK | Paul Beck | Wed Oct 17 1990 00:29 | 13 |
| I didn't hear Andy *deny* that any problems exist. I didn't hear
Andy suggest anybody *else* deny that any problems exist. Strikes
me that it's an equally Pollyanna attitude to spend your time
grousing and assuming that a priori the grousing will set things
> Without the revealing of ALL problems and discussing them
> openly, there can never be change. NEVER.
This is silly. If my car has a flat tire and a scratch in the
door, I can't fix the tire until I paint the car? Get real. The
more you indulge in obvious hyperbole, the less seriously you will
be taken in more reasoned suggestions.
1228.46 | nice one, Karl | CGHUB::CONNELLY | Eye Dr3 -- Regnad Kcin | Wed Oct 17 1990 02:03 | 4 |
.26 is still my favorite!
1228.47 | I know my rights and responsibilities | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Wed Oct 17 1990 11:27 | 35 |
| Ref: <<< Note 1228.45 by STAR::BECK "Paul Beck" >>>
"Without the revealing of ALL problems and discussing them openly,
there can never be change. NEVER."
>><<This is silly. If my car has a flat tire and a scratch in the
door, I can't fix the tire until I paint the car? Get real. The
more you indulge in obvious hyperbole, the less seriously you will
be taken in more reasoned suggestions.>>
You're quite correct. What I meant to say was that unless problems are
revealed and discussed OPENLY, and therefore acknowledged as existing,
then such problems are likely never to be corrected. And from that,
all problems will be corrected only when all problems are revealed,
acknoweldged and addressed.
Regarding grousing and complaining, I guess that depends on your
perspective. Over centuries, there were small groups of people who
were accused of grousing and whining for centuries about the
immorality of slavery. Until an unethical action is addressed, I stand
on my right to complain based on moral indignation. And speaking
personally, I do more than just complain -- I do offer specific actions
to address said problems. When you complain about complainers, on what
ethically basis is your argument that I or any employee should be
silent, no longer saying anything, with problems allowed to go
I am NOT a "resource" to be used and abused at will. I am a member of
the Digital family and with the values espoused by Ken Olsen, I am a
partner with equal responsibility to affect change to help build a
better and more successful Digital. And that means thinking for
myself, bringing my intuition and intellect to creating ideas for
improvement, and ALSO INCLUDES identifying problems and bringing them
into the light of day to be addressed.
1228.48 | Not looking to start a debate... | SKIVT::HEARN | Time will tell... | Wed Oct 17 1990 12:54 | 14 |
re .47
I believe you've hit the "nail" on the head with your mention of
In spite of all the words being "slung" around the corp about them,
to me anyway, it appears that not many folks spend time understanding
what those words mean as applied to each and every aspect of what we
do everyday.
These thoughts are "simplistic" only because I don't want to get too
1228.49 | then again, maybe I'm just young and foolish. | SELECT::GALLUP | Drunken milkmen, driving drunk | Wed Oct 17 1990 13:07 | 15 |
1228.50 | | SAUTER::SAUTER | John Sauter | Wed Oct 17 1990 13:12 | 8 |
| re: .49
I can't comment on your youth, but if you think you can get a job
easily today, you verge on being foolish. For the next 18-20 months,
jobs are going to be hard to get, even for well-qualified people.
Don't jump ship unless you have an iron-clad guarantee of a place
to land, or no need of a job.
John Sauter
1228.51 | Yes, it's much more involved than this simplistic view. | SELECT::GALLUP | Drunken milkmen, driving drunk | Wed Oct 17 1990 13:35 | 22 |
1228.52 | mobility | LEMAN::DAVEED | What you get is how you do it | Wed Oct 17 1990 13:54 | 12 |
| re -.1
Many folks at Digital started here a "few" years ago sans family,
mortgage, etc. Please realize that we are not anymore in a position
to flip hambergers and sling hash. The fact that we are not as mobile
as we used to be doesn't mean that we are not deserving of respect by
the company's management. Voting with one's feet is an effective way
of preserving one's rights and integrity. But it's not the only way.
1228.53 | Benefits of this note | GBMMKT::MCMAHON | Carolyn McMahon | Wed Oct 17 1990 14:10 | 20 |
| .45: A scratch on the door and a flat tire to 2 mutually exclusive problems
of extremely different impact of the functionality of the whole. Since
the solutions to these problems are independent of each other, this
analogy doesn't apply to the topic of this note.ok
Actually I see this note in a constructive light:
1. For those who deny there are these behaviors or that they're fairly
widespread, they can look over the variety of these notes
2. There are few things more eroding to morale and motivation than the
feeling of isolation. This note allows many of us to see that we're not
alone. It gives hope and, therefore, optimism.
3. The ethical deterioration we're having is, in part, fed by declining
hope. If hope can be raised, so will ethics.
I see this note as a beginning - not an end. If those who must be
convinced that there's a management style problem are not, then this
notes will be an end.
1228.54 | I failed effective communication today, I think. | SELECT::GALLUP | Drunken milkmen, driving drunk | Wed Oct 17 1990 14:23 | 30 |
RE: .52
> The fact that we are not as mobile
> as we used to be doesn't mean that we are not deserving of respect by
> the company's management.
I never implied that in any way, come on! (Hell, for a minute
I thought I was in SOAPBOX).
Of COURSE everyone deserves respect! And I will always
fight hard to get it! But when all the fighting is
done, when I have no OTHER recourse, when there IS nothing
more I can do......I will not submit.
I'm expressing a personal opinion here...what *I* would do. Your
mileage may vary. I'm a fighter, not a walker......but I think
all fighters know that sometimes walking is better than submitting.
And sometimes, the needs of others outweigh the need to walk.
I'm not saying one way is better or worse....My point is that we
DO have control over our situations...we are NOT helpless.
nuff said.
1228.55 | | GBMMKT::MCMAHON | Carolyn McMahon | Wed Oct 17 1990 14:28 | 17 |
| There's been a lot of talk here about "why not leave such a rotten
place" and "there aren't other jobs to get." I'd rather see this thing
a bit differently.
If you're really part of a family or a real team, do leave when there's
trouble? If you really care for the group, do you give up after the
first couple tries or bad experiences? Maybe some do, but others
don't. I believe in the outside world some call sticking it out
"loyalty and dedication."
However, I suppose if one puts up with it too many times, one could be
called a sucker. So there is a fine line we each have to find for
Just started "The Addictive Organization" by Schaef and Fassel.
Contains very interesting perspectives relative to this note
1228.56 | This is why I stayed... | RANGER::JCAMPBELL | | Wed Oct 17 1990 20:05 | 27 |
| Please refer to note 39, item 5 within the note, for why someone
might hang around even though he was abused by a manager.
Let me elaborate. I was the one abused. Psychological warfare was
used on me to try to force me out of an organization in NAC (when
it was still called NAC). This same manager used a similar technique
on at least one other person working for her.
The reason I stayed is loyalty to the Corporation and to its customers
who rely on the product on which I was working. Knowledge that if I
left that the project would certainly fail. (This is not egotism on
my part. It is verifiable fact.) Knowledge that the sale of 300
VAXstation 3100s by one customer hinged on the success of the project.
And, finally, the hope that if I succeeded that my manager, and the
organization I was working in, would openly discuss her mistaken
management methodology (I'm being kind here) and correct it.
The project did succeed, and will bear the mark of my work as long as
it continues to provide that service. And I did get recognition for
the work, but only outside of that organization.
We need to understand why and how we have been hurt by mismanagement
in order to heal, grow, understand it, reject it in the future,
empower ourselves.
1228.57 | why I think topic can be useful | GUFFAW::LINN | Just another chalkmark in the rain | Wed Oct 17 1990 20:57 | 30 |
| Re: base note and those opposed to it
A slight elaboration of .53, I think.
I have, in the past, worked in several groups in an (unnamed)
organization where I found myself a target of a couple of the
previously named tactics.
It was devastating. I was an individual contributor in different
groups of individual contributors: everyone was pretty much on
his/her own.
Eventually I got frustrated that I started to actually talk/befriend
others in my group. What I learned was that I was not the only
one who was a target of such control techniques.
And it helped to talk: It helped me, and others. Because those
others had told me what I felt. I felt, "It must be me, they
don't like me, I'm the one screwing up, I'm going to get fired,
or never get anywhere....
So, you see, talking about these things helped because I realized
that it wasn't personal -- that I was simply watching the techniques
of controlling people in the groups/organinzation in which I worked.
It helped to know I wasn't alone.
Our group mental health was benefitted, and we all moved on, knowing
that there really wasn't anything wrong with us.
1228.58 | I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it? | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Thu Oct 18 1990 01:15 | 58 |
Here's a fresh actual case:
Manager to Employee A: "I just spoke with Employee Y and Employee Y
has accused you of doing X. This is unacceptable. You cannot remain
in my group. Your job is essentially immediately discontinued and you
will find aonther job elsewhere."
Employee A: "I did NOT do X at all. That's a lie!"
Manager: "I can't trust you. You're out." End of discussion.
Employee A then goes to personnel rep, supposed representing the
interests of employees, and NOT being management mouthpieces [quote
from John Sims, Digital VP Personnel].
Employee A to Personnel Rep: "I did NOT do X. Can my manager do this
to me."
Personnel Rep: "Sure can. Nothing you can do." End of discussion.
Next day or so. Manager to Employee A: "Oh, by the way, here's your
WRITTEN warning."
Suffice it to say, Employee A, claiming innocence, is devastated and
was an inch from resigning and walking out the door. Hasn't yet. When
questioned as to what happened to personnel supporting ethics and due
process for JUSTICE, like in the ability to confront an accuser and
deny charges, Employee A was so shaken that Employee A couldn't think
straight and is totally shell-shocked from even using the Open-Door
policy JUST TO GET DUE PROCESS! And, after all, the Personnel Rep has
further said that manager was within rights to slap Employee A with a
written warning!
Is this the ethics this company preaches?
Is this due process?
Is personnel representing justice and due process and the interests
FIRST of the employee?
Is this how easy it is now to get rid of someone? If I call Ken Olsen
and say Jack took home company pencils, and even if Jack says it's a
lie, that Jack will have his job immediately discontinued with a
warning to find another real fast or else, and if Jack consults his
personnel rep, he gets slapped with a WRITTEN WARNING lickedy split in
RETALIATION! And Jack has yet to have due process where he gets to
confront his accuser, me, where some wisdom needs to be brought in to
determine who IS speaking truth, and what the ETHICALLY action is
called for it, ESPECIALLY if it is NOT proven one way or the other?
What happens if I now accuse all employees of taking home a company
pencil? Is everyone going to be gone?
Hello, hello?
1228.59 | Just an eavesdropper. | MAIL::WORSHAM | | Thu Oct 18 1990 01:43 | 9 |
Sounds like .50 bought this one or lives in New England.
No personal attack intended.
1228.60 | true, even though abused | SAUTER::SAUTER | John Sauter | Thu Oct 18 1990 10:26 | 14 |
| re: .59
While I acknowledge that no personal attack was intended, as the author
of .50 I feel obliged to respond. Even though it is used as an
intimidation tactic, ``you are lucky to have a job'' is true in today's
economic climate. Nobody who is harassed by the tactics described in
this topic should resign without first thinking carefully about what he
will do after leaving Digital.
Also, if you resign as a result of harassment, you encourage the
tactic. I encourage everyone who thinks he is being treated unfairly
by his management to hang in there and continue making a nuisance of
himself for as long as possible.
John Sauter
1228.61 | Mom, Y hit me and the mistress punished me.. | BEAGLE::BREICHNER | | Thu Oct 18 1990 10:33 | 9 |
| re. 58
This whole case sounds like a very bad joke or a story brought
back home from Kindergarten age!
Did anyone try to find out the truth ?
Had I been employe A, that would have been my first action !
Running to a "Human Resources" lawyer without having done a little
investigation yourself sure won't help a lot.
1228.62 | The key question | BEAGLE::BREICHNER | | Thu Oct 18 1990 10:35 | 3 |
Forgot to be specific:
Did employe A ever ask employe Y about the accusation ???
1228.63 | where is the common sense here? | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Thu Oct 18 1990 11:43 | 28 |
Ref: .58 - Employee A
Employee A did not confront Employee Y, either officially (which should
have been DEMANDED, and supported by Personnel, doing their job
ETHICALLY) nor unofficially to my knowledge. Now that said employee
has calmed down enought to think, the debate now within this employee
as related to me, is "do I go with the flow and don't make waves and
get another job IN Digital, or even OUT of Digital, and start afresh"
or "is this a concerted effort to get me out the door and should I
start fighting for ethics and justice, and the right to face my accuser
since I did NOT do what I have been accused of doing."
Which suggests that the Personnel Rep should have represented the
interests of the employee, saying at the first consultation: "You say
this accusation is a lie? Okay. I will set up a meeting where you,
your accuser, personnel and the manager will confront this. Then, and
only AFTER then will it be determined who speaks truth, if possible;
just how serious this "x" action you are accused of doing ACTUALLY IS
in the great scheme of things in Digital; and what actions will be
therefore taken. Shall I set up this meeting?"
This seems like the common sense approach to me.
What do you think, John Sims?
1228.64 | Lets be honest about it. | BEAGLE::WLODEK | Network pathologist. | Thu Oct 18 1990 13:25 | 13 |
Apart from the sick case ( employee A/B) and anonymous mail message
( contact security immediately) well, all other examples can be more or
less summarize as, a manager told an employee "go back to work".
For different reasons and with varying degree of tact.
This an unacceptable harassment , right ?
The go an sell your stock, at $46 it's still a good price .
I have been told off several times, this is a price of having opinions
and expressing them, and I was wrong quite few times as well.
1228.65 | Yes, I think this note has value | DECWIN::MESSENGER | Bob Messenger | Thu Oct 18 1990 13:53 | 5 |
| I think this note is valuable because it shows us the kinds of tactics to
look out for. Once you see beyond the intimidation and understand what's
really happening you'll be better prepared to decide what to do next.
-- Bob
1228.66 | | VCSESU::COOK | Run silent, run deep. | Thu Oct 18 1990 16:50 | 8 |
I've been burned once, but this is ridiculous. Thank God it wasn't my
I'd be interested to know how many of these incidents happened in an
Engineering group.
1228.67 | | PSW::WINALSKI | Paul S. Winalski | Thu Oct 18 1990 20:25 | 12 |
| RE: .58
We are, of course, only hearing Employee A's side of the story. Before passing
any judgement I would also like to hear the Manager's and Employee Y's
viewpoints on the incident.
For all I know, Employee A may be a bona fide chronic troublemaker, and this
incident was, as far as Manager and Personnel Rep are concerned, the last
straw. I am not saying that this in fact is the case, but it would explain
management's behavior and it fits the facts that have been presented.
1228.68 | Careful about the def of "troublemaker" | RANGER::JCAMPBELL | | Fri Oct 19 1990 02:15 | 38 |
| Re: .67
One has to be very, very careful about definitions of "chronic
troublemakers". My coworkers sometimes, in jest, say that my
middle name starts with T, because I am the one who often raises
a fuss when something stupid is happening - I don't "go with the
flow" when we're obviously doing the wrong thing. And I often lead
an effort to do the "right thing" such as (on my previous project):
1. starting to maintain a notesfile
for formal communication between the engineers and the writers when
reviewing product manuals. When the writer left Digital, leaving no
paper trail behind her about what she had done or not done, the
notesfile was still there to guide the new writer.
2. establishing a master edit history for a
product that is more lucid and detailed than CMS edit histories.
When bugs arose, we could look at the engineers' detailed descriptions
of what was done to the product to figure out what went wrong.
3. using formal inspections for the manual set and product documents.
We caught numerous defects that would have been found by the customers.
Leadership from the ranks - I was just one of four principal engineers
on my last project - can be seen by management as a blessing or as
chronic trouble, depending on the commitment of the manager to quality
workmanship. Unfortunately, my manager was committed to hiding
problems, mouthing abstract good-sounding slogans and goals, and producing
terrific-looking presentations and plans for her boss.
In retrospect, it would have been much healthier for me psychologically
to have left that organization and let them fail. In a healthy company
these situations should be rare or non-existent. I hope that Jack and
Ken will read these notes and realize how awful things can be when
there is no focus on quality/excellence/empowerment.
1228.69 | {Calibration - we have an Open Door | MOCA::BELDIN | Pull us together, not apart | Fri Oct 19 1990 14:54 | 30 |
| Let's calibrate our expectations. I share the concern for the way some
managers manage upwards, issue superficial propaganda as if it were
sound business decisions, put down boat rockers, and, in general, waste
the company's most important assets, its people. Whenever the open
door policy fails, we have a problem. Where people are doing "the
right thing for themselves, not Digital", we have a problem.
But, we must be realistic. Managers are people. We all know we don't
live in a perfect world. We have been stiffed by people outside
Digital as badly as by Digital managers. My experience is that Digital
managers are more enlightened than those in other industries and
businesses, not perfect, but (generally) better.
Every case of managerial abuse must be dealt with as the exception it
is, not as justification for generalizations which are just as false as
the rosy view that denies we have problems.
No sucessful business makes general policy based on exceptional cases.
It places the accountability for handling the exceptions squarely on
the management chain. So if manager A is a despot who reports to
manager B who is a despot who reports to manager C who is a despot ...
We need to exercise the Open Door policy all the way up the chain until
we get to someone who understands and disapproves. Short circuiting by
going directly to Jack or Ken may appear to save time, but I think that
is an illusion. Working the Open Door is not quick or simple, but when
you find that receptive manager in the chain, you have clear
documentation of where the problems lay. That doesn't happen if you
work top down. Persistence in the face of adversity is tough, but I
think it will pay off.
1228.70 | .69: Wish it WERE realistic | CSOMKT::MCMAHON | Carolyn McMahon | Fri Oct 19 1990 15:50 | 0 |
1228.71 | | PSW::WINALSKI | Careful with that VAX, Eugene | Fri Oct 19 1990 22:10 | 7 |
| RE: .68
I agree totally. My point in .67 is that every argument has two sides, and a
fair judgement of who's right and who's wrong cannot be arrived at without
hearing both points of view.
1228.73 | keep 'em on the move | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Mon Oct 22 1990 11:52 | 105 |
(posted on behalf of a Digital employee who wishes to remain anonymous)
I have recently had an experience with my supervisor that reenforces my belief
that my whole career in DIGITAL has been predetermined, or at the very least
manipulated so there is a no win situation on my part. I also firmly believe
that any effort that I undertake to progress my career will be fruitless.
I have witnesses that will testify that information is not shared evenly in
the group. Selective information sharing can make or break a career
depending HOW it is delivered, IF it is delivered, WHEN it is delivered, the
CONTEXT in its delivery, and MANNER of intention.
Here is a recap of my "TOUR OF DUTY":
I started as a "WORKER 1" in the subcontract business and eventually was 100%
responsible for 55% of the total Plant shipments. As a "WORKER 1", I had
trained 2 new hires that came in off the street that were hired as "WORKER 2's".
I applied for two "WORKER 2" position's in the same group, that I was working
in and was refused twice!!
The only noticeable difference to the "WORKER 2" position was a list of EOL
products that I transferred over to that person. I have had "MY" ideas stolen
and transferred to that person so they could receive credit. This form of
activity is very upsetting and used as a standard, call it "Internal Controls
politics" (ICP) if you will.
I was rotated through several Managers only to be labelled as a minimal
capabilities "WORKER". I believe that this is still in my personnel file
from a MANAGER'S review that I received. I believe that I am the victim of
manipulative Managers who do not realistically do jobplans, don't take
ownership, don't support their people, don't promote training, don't promote
career development, promote favortism, punish the less favored regardless of
ownership and spread damaging rumors.
YET! I was training a "WORKER 3"!!! Then through a re-org I was dumped into
an ailing "FIX-IT" business in which a fine tuned "WORKER 3" would not touch and
or cringe at the workload involved. The people working for that particular
"WORKER 2" at the time were tremendously relieved of the change. Morale
was at its lowest ever, it took me about a year to un-do all the unrealistic
screwed up schedules and procedures this person had created.
YET! That particular "FIX-IT WORKER 2" was promoted, you see "WORKER 2"
followed "ICP" politics closely.
A "WORKER 3" position was given in my present group and was not announced
for about a month. The information of this news came from OUTSIDE the
organization. I fronted my supervisor about this and he informed me
that "I hold your paycheck and I can do what I want". At the time I was
carrying the total workload of ANOTHER "WORKER 1" as that person was out on
Besides carring the heavy "FIX-IT" workload and overseeing a co-op student and
some other EXTRA "WORKER 1" duties in the traditional space.
I hate to mention all my Jobplans that were thrown out, rejected, re-dated,
rewritten. It didn't make much difference anyways, I was never going to get
the chance to grow and develop favorably. My supervisor has actually re-dated
many of my previous jobplans and submitted them as such, without even talking to
I once applied for a job within the Cost Center with (NAME) and was not
even considered as an interview candidate. The reason given was that I didn't
have the necessary skills that the job required.
This was a "WORKER 2" position that was to replace (NAME). End result was
that an outside untrained NEW hire was awarded the position.
-I was later the welcoming bridge between the TWO jobs because I had the
knowledge, drive and people skills to "DO" the job. This can be
reinforced by the very same "WORKER 2" that was hired from the outside,
whom I also trained a great deal.
About nine months ago in the latest of the re-org's... I was slated to go
into another group. Let's make it a little stronger "PROMISSED", but because a
person literally cried and made a big scene, that person refused to put up
with my current supervisor and I was forced out of the position. There was no
reward or human emotion for MY part, I was heart struck and felt that I had
just been fired.
I also applied to work within another Cost Center position with (NAME). I had
all the skills and expertise that this particular MANAGER was looking for, but
was told that OUR cost center couldn't afford to promote me to the position.
This job would require that I work on weekends. An outside "WORKER 3" was
hired and would never fulfill the stated job requirements.
-Just a note, recently I have been selected as having the expertise
necessary to do this job and have been transferred to the VERY SAME
POSITION to fulfill requirements in that capacity. Now I'm working
I have since had two offsite meetings with the Cost Center Manager, about a
multitude of problems posed by my supervisor, a third offsite is currently
scheduled. Nothing has been accomplished except for the fact that I've been
Now, we are going through another re-org cycle.
Why I haven't I changed jobs?? Maybe because I see the potential that this
job could have.
Do I need to change jobs? YES, I believe it to be in my best interest if there
is such a thing as a career in Digital.
I have recently upgraded my resume and hope to share my money making ideas and
expertise with a growing company.
1228.74 | Another trial by NOTES...Kangaroo court now in session | ALOSWS::KOZAKIEWICZ | Shoes for industry | Mon Oct 22 1990 11:57 | 11 |
| re: .72
You cannot judge a process outside the context of the situations to
which it is applied. What matters are results. In this particular
case, we have been presented precisely half a story (which is no
guarantee of half the truth) by an aggrieved employee. That alone is
enough to make the articulated "truths" suspect. Without the other side
of the story, this discussion is just so much balloon juice.
1228.75 | ask me about the "competence curve" and promotions | RICKS::SHERMAN | ECADSR::SHERMAN 225-5487, 223-3326 | Mon Oct 22 1990 12:34 | 13 |
| re: .73
One of your problems is classic. That is, you have become the expert
in your field and are, as a result, unpromotable. Had you been only
above-average you might have been promoted. I suspect your managers
realize your expert position and have sought to keep you put so that
your group could be successful. There may also be a problem with your
resume in that others have looked better than you on paper. If you
have submitted ideas that others have used, it does not serve anyone
for you to pretend that the ideas were not yours. You should claim
them and be vocal about it.
1228.76 | Kanter's Ten Rules | LEMAN::DAVEED | What you get is how you do it | Mon Oct 22 1990 20:33 | 33 |
| The following ten rules for stifling initiative are discussed in
The Change Masters by Rosabeth Moss Kanter:
1. Regard any new idea from below with suspicion - because it is new
and because it is from below.
2. Insist that people who need your approval to act first go through
several other levels of management to get their signatures.
3. Ask departments or individuals to challenge and criticize each
other's proposals.
4. Express your criticisms freely and withhold your praise. (That keeps
people on their toes.) Let them know they can be fired at any time.
5. Treat problems as a sign of failure.
6. Control everything carefully. Count anything that can be counted,
7. Make decisions to reorganize or change policies in secret and spring
them on your people unexpectedly (that also keeps them on their toes).
8. Make sure that any request for information is fully justified and
that it isn't distributed too freely (you don't want data to fall
into the wrong hands).
9. Assign to lower-level managers, in the name of delegation and
participation, responsibility for figuring out how to cut back,
lay off or move people around.
10. Above all, never forget that you, the higher-ups, already know
everything important about this business.
1228.77 | generic problem | CGHUB::CONNELLY | Eye Dr3 -- Regnad Kcin | Mon Oct 22 1990 21:36 | 21 |
All of the examples of people abuse given here are characteristic of bad
management--in any company, not just in Digital. There's nothing unique
about our situation.
How does (generic) bad management get a foothold and then persist, anywhere?
1. Bad management could come from the top down (not true of us, i
hope), in which case there's no way to fight it.
2. It could be that the measurements used to judge performance of
middle and lower echelon managers are off-base (don't reflect
what people really need from a manager).
3. It could be that managers are actually being judged for things
other than what they're supposed to be measured on (old boy
network, number of "errands" run for boss, etc.).
4. It could be that the person doing the measurement is too distanced
from the situation to judge how good a job the manager is doing.
I suspect we have some combination of 2, 3 and 4. The fixes are easy to see
(just invert the conditions described), if not so easy to implement quickly.
We seem to be belaboring the point over dozens of topics and hundreds of
replies though. What is any of this contributing to a solution?
1228.78 | full participation vs. non-participation | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Mon Oct 22 1990 22:35 | 37 |
| REF: <<< Note 1228.77 >>>
>><< What is any of this contributing to a solution?>>
Increased Awareness among lots of good employees who joined to be a
part of something, to build something, and to share in that success.
Who then, having increased awareness, start speaking up, communicating
direct to Jack Smith (who welcomed direct feedback in his last DVN -
JACK SMITH @CORE) what needs to be brought into the light of day --
problems, impediments to constructive change and genuine employee
involvement, and ideas for cutting waste and expense, plus increasing
productivity and building customers, revenues and margins.
This topic is the public forum to reveal ALL methods used to
effectively intimidate employees into NON-participation, which is NOT
in the best interests of this corporation and its members -- the
employees who want to work here, who want to contribute both their
labor and their minds grow this company.
What is missing in these public debates in the DIGITAL VAXnotes
conference is executive management commitment in VAXnotes. Jack has
said "send me memos"; Jack needs to now enter this conference and put
in a reply in every existing topic that is relevant to what needs to be
done to change the system: "Tell me more everyone."
And he needs to start NEW topics on those subjects he wants feedback
on. When all of us start believing we really are Digital partners,
owning joint rights and responsibilities to build a better and more
successful Digital, then Jack will see a million ideas a year, just
like Toyota, and perhaps like Toyota, huge margins and $18,000,000,000
in extra cash sitting in the bank.
Just 1,700 contributors (or was it just ideas submitted) in the last 12
months in DELTA falls a bit short of full participation by 70,000+
employees in the United States. I wonder what it was worldwide.
1228.79 | And just who has *time* these days to fix problems? | SVBEV::VECRUMBA | Do the right thing! | Tue Oct 23 1990 17:24 | 23 |
| re .77
> How does (generic) bad management get a foothold and then persist, anywhere?
> 1...2...3...4...
Yes, there will always be cases of "bad" management -- and this question
of persistence is really the key. Actually, the answer is pretty simple.
It persists because it's not rooted out. Why? Because our perennial
management changes make it impossible for managers to get to know the
managers working for them. Look, say you're a manager in a new job. The
first question you have to answer to your boss is how your business/
plant/ software release/ whatever are doing, not, "What is your in-depth
appraisal of your group's management talent/expertise?"
When we constantly put our company in a position where untold numbers of
people are spend 99% of their time figuring out what they're doing and
how they're doing at it because they're new at it, what else do you expect?
I'd be interested in seeing how management turnover/reorganization and
"bad" management persistence are correlated. (Only a rhetorical question.)
1228.80 | games theory | LEMAN::DAVEED | What you get is how you do it | Tue Oct 23 1990 17:52 | 24 |
| re .79
How (generic) bad management and other antisocial behavior gets a
foothold, persists and can be rooted out has of course been discussed
for years from alot of perspectives. A few months ago I came across an
interesting book on this subject called "The Evolution of Cooperation".
The author's name is Axelrod, if I remember correctly. His perspective
was games theory. The model he uses is a game called "the prisoner's
dilemma". Briefly, the conclusion is that an appropriate strategy for
many business and political situations is "tit-for-tat". Begin every
new encounter with cooperation. Thereafter, do what the other person
did last time. There are a few refinements, such as always retaliating
a bit less than the other person and watching out for unproductive
cycles of retaliation. Applying this to Digital, I believe that we
have traditionally had a culture where cooperation is highly valued.
Over the years exploitative players entered the group slowly. Many of
us (I include myself) failed to retaliate against the exploiters. At
this point the exploiters are on the verge of taking over (I don't
think that they have yet). The solution is something I learned when I
first went to elementary school...stick together with the "good" kids
and stay away/ostracise the "meanies". In time, the benefits of
cooperation accumulate while non-cooperation is seen as unsuccessful.
1228.81 | IDEAS CENTRAL - blowing hot air | MAMTS3::CHOOVER | | Mon Oct 29 1990 14:17 | 3 |
| "IDEAS" They are what made this company what it is or was. Now they
have come up with IDEAS CENTRAL for all us to "contribute". It would
be nice to see a reply when you write to them.
1228.82 | you should have gotten a reply | SAUTER::SAUTER | John Sauter | Mon Oct 29 1990 15:44 | 4 |
| re: .81
I have gotten several replies to one of my ideas.
John Sauter
1228.83 | double standards | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Mon Oct 29 1990 18:35 | 13 |
During a performance appraisal, tell the employee that "contributions
to SIX/SIGMA, DELTA, Employee Involvement" do NOT count as doing
"extra" as part of one's "job" in Digital. Then turn around and tell
the employee that any passion and fire reflected in making those
contributions to employee involvement is adversely affecting the
employee's performance of his or her work. Hopefully, the employee out
of spite will cease and desist from participating any further in
anything, and will just keep silent, doing "just the job" he or she is
paid to do and nothing more.
1228.84 | in the eye of the beholder | KEYS::MOELLER | Silopsism's not for everyone | Mon Oct 29 1990 20:00 | 17 |
| <<< Note 1228.83 by SAHQ::CARNELLD "DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF" >>>
>During a performance appraisal, tell the employee that "contributions
>to SIX/SIGMA, DELTA, Employee Involvement" do NOT count as doing
>"extra" as part of one's "job" in Digital.
That's clear enough - no brownie points for these activities.
>Then .. tell the employee that any ... contributions to
>employee involvement is adversely affecting the employee's performance
>of his or her work.
The two attitudes as expressed are congruent. No points for employee
involvement activities, and the time thus invested is seen as time away
from the job one is paid to do. I see no hypocrisy here.
1228.85 | | ALOSWS::KOZAKIEWICZ | Shoes for industry | Mon Oct 29 1990 22:40 | 30 |
| re: .83
Enough already! DELTA is not an excuse for not doing your job!
Everyone is expected to do their part to make the goals of their
organization a reality. That is the MINIMUM expectation for an
employee's performance. That's why they give us a paycheck. If someone
cannot consistently meet the minimum expectations of their job, they
shouldn't be here.
Neither is DELTA a substitute for functional excellence. Granted,
reward and recognition for employee involvement should be awarded and
involvement outside the narrow scope of your job is certainly a good
thing. But why should that recognition and reward manifest itself as
raises and promotions if the substantial portion of your job
description does not read "Corporate idea submitter"? In the true
spirit of Digital, "he who proposes, disposes". Anyone who feels that
participation in DELTA is more important than any parochial concerns
OWNS THE RESPONSIBILITY for placing themselves in a position where they
can contribute in an appropriate manner.
Employee involvement is an excellent vehicle for getting people to
improve the quality (in every sense of that word) of their job. It's
a great way of letting each and every employee make a significant
contribution to the overall success of Digital.
But I must have been napping when they said I didn't have to sell as
long as I occupied my time making submissions to IDEASCENTRAL.
1228.86 | | CGHUB::CONNELLY | Eye Dr3 -- Regnad Kcin | Mon Oct 29 1990 23:08 | 6 |
| re: .81,.82
Things seem to have slowed way down lately in the DELTA notes conference too.
Is it possible they've just been swamped under with suggestions since the Jack
Smith DVN broadcast?
1228.87 | Hey, Ma, I don't have to change nothing. Do I? | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Tue Oct 30 1990 11:30 | 31 |
Ref: last several
My perception shows that employees ARE doing their jobs, and doing them
well; AND are getting dinged for "contributing" outside their "boxes".
Contributing an idea to SIX SIGMA or DELTA for other parts of Digital
has nothing to do with one's work assignments.
Maybe DELTA is slowing because of this plus few submissions are being
given any serious consideration and most employees are seeing that
"contributing" more to Digital outside one's box gets nothing in
return, not recognized as a Digital partner and getting dinged for it
on top of that!
Don't propose unless you do it is absurd; if you are the recipient of
an incoming idea that would lead to greater efficiency or
effectiveness, it is YOUR responsibility to seriously consider
implementing it for it affects YOU and YOUR WORK/GROUP and YOU have the
authority to do it; not the submitter.
Every group for themselves, every employee for his or herself!
Anarchy and self-serving interests already reign here, manifested in
the bureaucratic controlling and manipulation, and slogans that pass
the buck for responsibility!
Let's have a new slogan:
1228.88 | make 'em sweat | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Tue Oct 30 1990 18:05 | 23 |
Call the employee and tell them you're from Ken Olsen's office and that
if the employee doesn't stop writing and sending memos, [meaning
advocating change, employee participation], that he or she will be
fired. Hang up before the employee can get a name and telephone
Sidenote: No, please don't call me with this one. I just got my call.
In fact, I got such a call three years ago from "someone" from Jack
Shield's office regarding my not following "protocols" [I sent a
marketing idea suggestion regarding a way to get more customer
intelligence]. Regarding the latest call I just received, about 30
minutes ago, I then accordingly called Ken Olsen, his secretary, Ann
Jenkins, plus John Sims in order to seek verification of what is truth;
and if false, to inform them of said intimidation accordingly. They
were all out of the office; other secretaries said such a thing would
NEVER come from said office.
I guess some do not want some of us to think of ourselves as Digital
1228.89 | | SA1794::CHARBONND | but it was a _clean_ miss | Tue Oct 30 1990 18:23 | 5 |
| re .88 check with the person in you facility who handles phone
services. I know they can print out all numbers dialed _from_
a given extension, maybe they can find out who called _you_.
Get security on it, too. Harassment of employees in this manner
is *wrong* !
1228.90 | IDEAS CENTRAL speaks . . . | CAPNET::CROWTHER | Maxine 276-8226 | Wed Oct 31 1990 16:23 | 19 |
| RE: .86
You have hit the nail on the head!!!
IDEAS CENTRAL has received and processed 1000 ideas this month. We
processed about 300 in September. Our first priority is to acknowledge
and forward off all of the ideas and we have just about caught up.
New notes will be put in the CAPVAX::DELTA_IDEAS notesfile as soon as
we can. They are all identified but time is at a premium right now.
Be patient! We have added some extra automation to our system as
a result of this month's volume and shouldn't have this back up
Colleen - we have status on both of your ideas. Please contact
IDEAS CENTRAL @OGO, as requested in our acknowledgement, if you
have any questions.
1228.91 | | KEYS::MOELLER | What's 'disingenuous' mean ? | Wed Oct 31 1990 17:09 | 3 |
| Only ten notes to go ! Keep those replies coming, it's a GREAT cause!
1228.92 | Cut Their Lines of Communication | RAVEN1::LEABEATER | | Fri Nov 02 1990 00:28 | 6 |
Your mail messages to the engineers cause alot of heat. Fom now on I
want you to send all E-Mail to me (supervisor, manager, etc.) first.
I'll just take a look at them and send them on when appropriate.
1228.93 | a few more ways to deliver "hints" | SAGE::SILVERBERG | Mark Silverberg DTN 264-2269 TTB1-5/B3 | Tue Nov 06 1990 11:21 | 14 |
| A few I have been involved with:
1). Don't respond to note # xxxx because it will just create more
2). No memos to or conversations with a vice-president until you
clear it with me first.
3). We are developing a reorganization plan; we'll let you know where
or if you fit when it's done
4). We are different than most other groups; we will add layers of
management & because we are so different & complex, we will have
a ratio of 1-2 workers to manager
1228.94 | here's a negitive one | KARHU::MICCILE | | Wed Nov 14 1990 19:21 | 9 |
Here's an actual statement that was addressed to a Field Service
department in a staff meeting by a district manager.
"MYWAY_OR_THE_HIWAY". His arrogance and total lack of understanding
still burns in my mind. Like one of the replies said...this company
was built by ideas, actually one mans dream. And i believe that for
Dec to be successful in the future it will need alot more great or
not so great ideas. It will only better the company as a whole.
1228.95 | what does Jack Smith "mean" about NO retaliation | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Fri Nov 30 1990 11:24 | 23 |
Using my own example:
Yesterday at 5:15 pm I was informed in a conversation with local
management that under Digital's downsizing guidelines that management
had the right, if they saw fit, to take my job and work away, and give
it or contract it to other Digital employees in another Digital group,
and then accordingly transition me into the Digital unemployment
resource pool.
Should this happen, it would then be my problem, of course, to find
another job. I was encouraged to "apply" for any proposal positions
that might be posted, created to do proposal work in other groups. It
was indicated that this was within corporate downsizing guidelines, and
was ethical, moral and legal.
Take away people's jobs and then create new job reqs elsewhere to do
the same work. Absurd. But that's just my opinion (and, yes, I know
I'm guilty of exceeding my quota some would like to impose of allotted
public forum space per employee for opinion expression).
1228.96 | | WLDWST::KRAGELUND | IRAQnophobia | Thu Jan 10 1991 04:22 | 1 |
| 5 more to go
1228.97 | That's great BUT.... | AUSSIE::BAKER | I fell into the void * | Thu Jan 10 1991 19:49 | 23 |
"I think I have a new, innovative idea for a product which I'm quite
excited about......"
rough explanation of idea.....
"Well thats really terrific, BUT we find the best ideas come from
"Well thats really terrific, BUT we have already presented to the
Investment Review Board, it would be at least 1 year before we could
even start to look at this."
1228.98 | | RAVEN1::PINION | Hard Drinking Calypso Poet | Fri Jan 11 1991 03:52 | 11 |
| Manager: "It's not your decision to process this or not to process it.
It's your job to do what I say!!!"
Me: "So what you're saying is that my opinion that this process will
scrap this board means nothing???!!!" (me, being the operator)
Manager: "Yes!"
The quotation marks are there for a reason...exact dialogue.
Capt. Scott
1228.99 | | HYEND::KPARRIS | SET HOST, then Control-P | Tue Jan 15 1991 19:30 | 8 |
| Manager: The idea of doing such a thing is not new. It's probably not even
feasible, because no one else has done it yet.
I've read Peters. Right now, Digital needs all the wild ideas it can come up
with. A few will be big winners.
Sometimes I feel that in Digital you have to create a demonstratable product as
a midnight project before anyone will believe some things can be done.
1228.100 | Not to start a war, especially not today, but | VMSDEV::HALLYB | The Smart Money was on Goliath | Tue Jan 15 1991 19:46 | 8 |
| > Sometimes I feel that in Digital you have to create a demonstratable product as
> a midnight project before anyone will believe some things can be done.
Ah, but if you do this then surely some other group in the company will
complain that you are infringing on their turf. Or their planned turf.
Or their envisioned turf. At least as they see it.
1228.101 | kill them off (figuratively speaking, of course) | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Wed Jan 16 1991 11:22 | 8 |
Selectively lay off those who are too outspoken; those who challenge
the system; those who are whistleblowers; those who espouse ideas for
change; those who promote equality of reward, genuine participation and
real empowerment; and those who express opinions contrary to the status
quo and acceptable.
1228.103 | Selective discrimination exists | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Wed Jan 16 1991 14:20 | 23 |
<<< Note 1228.102 by CSSE32::M_DAVIS "God bless Captain Vere." >>>
>><<re -1
>>You might want to label your note "pure speculation" unless you have
facts to substantiate such serious accusations.>>
I've seen employees "harassed" over the years into leaving Digital.
And speaking for myself, my duties of generating proposals, done
successfully, doing over 200 over 3 years, influencing winning and
retaining potentially over $120,000,000 in customer services revenue
(includes multi-year contracts), were "given away" on December 3 and I
was "volunteered" and somehow I have ended up the ONLY customer
services employee in an Area Hdqs who has no job now and who is the
ONLY customer services employee now sitting in the resource pool in
this Area Hdqs, where my "new" temporary work is data entry, and who
will likely be among those laid off since I have no job, having had it
"given" to others in other groups doing proposals in far less time than
I have been. Since Digital has announced "involuntary methodology" that
will lead to reduction in the workforce, then I include reply 101 as
part of that "methodology" that may likely be defined by some.
1228.104 | | ODIXIE::GEORGE | | Wed Jan 16 1991 16:30 | 8 |
| RE: .103
>> ...were "given away" on December 3 and I was "volunteered" and
>> somehow I have ended up the ONLY customer services employee in an
>> Area Hdqs who has no job now and who is the ONLY customer services
>> employee now sitting in the resource pool in
David, weren't you offered the CHOICE between sitting in the resource
pool and taking TFSO?
1228.105 | Never mind the competition, let's get these dissidents! | COUNT0::WELSH | What are the FACTS??? | Wed Jan 16 1991 16:52 | 16 |
| re .102:
I'm afraid you walked into an elephant trap there, Marge. 8-(
re .104:
Having thought it over carefully, and in the light of my limited
information, I feel that David Carnell's case is one of many in
which the MOST CHARITABLE interpretation is that management is
laying off people without regard to their contributions.
The other interpretation is the one which he has offered, and
I must admit that it's hard to label his thinking paranoid. On
account of the big axe sticking in his back.
1228.107 | Choices? | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Wed Jan 16 1991 18:13 | 17 |
| <<< Note 1228.104 by ODIXIE::GEORGE >>>
>><<David, weren't you offered the CHOICE between sitting in the resource
pool and taking TFSO?>>
No, there was NO choice. Our group was a volunteer group. I was
"volunteered" into unemployment AFTER the window closed. There was NO
choice. In fact, weeks earlier I filed a grievance about retaliation
and THAT was not even resolved until AFTER the window was closed. And
it was 90 minutes after being informed by personnel that there was no
retaliation, that I was then informed by local management that my
duties were being given away and I had no job.
You should repeat your story, Steve, about choices. As I recollect,
the prisoner was asked, "Do you want to be hung or shot while trying to
1228.108 | | PSW::WINALSKI | Watch my MIPS - no new VAXes | Wed Jan 16 1991 20:34 | 8 |
| RE: .105
I have only ever heard David's side of the story, via notes in this conference.
I would want to hear management's side of the story, as well as an objective
evaluation of David's value to the company, before I made any judgement on this
1228.109 | Walk a mile in his shoes | WR2FOR::GIBSON_DA | | Wed Jan 16 1991 23:33 | 9 |
| re .108 by PSW::WINALSKI
Obviously you will never hear managements side so you can always cast
doubt on David's view. However, you could volunteer for a tour of
duty in the field and experience it first hand yourself. As part of
that experiment you would have to do many of the same things David has
done, e.g. suggest changes you think would help, write letters (on your
own time), etc. I think you'd be back in your old job sooner than you
expect. DEC Field is not DEC TNSG.
1228.110 | | PSW::WINALSKI | Watch my MIPS - no new VAXes | Thu Jan 17 1991 15:01 | 15 |
| RE: .109
Doing a tour of duty in the field would accomplish nothing towards resolving
this matter. So I'd know what it's like to do David's job. That still wouldn't
give any indication of whether David was doing David's job when he had it.
David and his management have obviously had a major disagreement and
misunderstanding. We've heard David's side in this conference, and after
David's latest reply to this note, people started dumping on his management.
There are always two viewpoints to any misunderstanding or disagreement.
All I'm saying is that we shouldn't make judgements, in either direction,
without hearing both viewpoints.
1228.111 | I've got LOTS of written documentation | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Thu Jan 17 1991 15:28 | 42 |
| REF: <<< Note 1228.110 by PSW::WINALSKI "Watch my MIPS - no new VAXes" >>>
>><<Doing a tour of duty in the field would accomplish nothing towards
resolving this matter. So I'd know what it's like to do David's job.
That still wouldn't give any indication of whether David was doing
David's job when he had it.>>
I was doing my job very well. The written PA done by the cc manager in
November, 1991, says so in writing. In addition, it acknowledges how I
came up with ways for 2 people to do the work that would have taken 6
people doing things the way they were when I started doing proposals
three years ago. In addition, it acknowledges that I have received
many unsolicited memos from the people I support (maybe 20+ memos)
stating in writing the excellent, professional, prompt work I have
done that has helped them win and retain business.
Nevertheless, just weeks before "the volunteer offer" the cost center I
was a part of suddenly had people moved to different cost centers,
including one person junior to me in time with Digital (doing other
work -- only 2 people in the cc were doing proposals - my partner
volunteered, took the buyout, plus was eligible for retirement). And
nevertheless, my duties were given to others who were doing proposals
less than one year vs my three years doing the work well. And it
should be noted that I understood there was MORE than enough volunteers
for the buyout but they still wanted 66% from my tiny cc of 6 and only
got 3 so I was then volunteered, after the window closed on the offer.
The Area Hdqs SALES proposal group as of yesterday was BUSY, including
doing now Customer Services proposals. Yet, instead of allowing me to
continue to do my job that I was doing well, documented by both the
manager and the people I supported, affecting the generation of major
amounts of revenue and margin, I'm instead now jobless, doing data
entry clerk duties as my temporary assignment.
This would make sense to someone off the street?
And I'm the only Customer Services employee in this Area Hdqs who is
jobless. And in addition, while I can't confirm it, I "suspect" the
only employee (or certainly one of but a couple) who is/are now jobless
in this Area Hdqs facility, having had their duties taken away to meet
a headcount reduction number from corporate.
1228.112 | "Use your time productively" | CANYON::NEVEU | SWA EIS Consultant | Thu Jan 17 1991 16:02 | 35 |
| re .111
But David, you said a few replies back that Personnel told you that
you the rational was for you being the "ONLY" CS person without a
job, if you were not being discriminated against?
Also if a new group has taken over doing the work you used to, were
you interviewed for positions with this group, did they have any
Based on your facts, it does read very badly... and maybe it is....
but if your management rated you so highly so recently why aren't
they trying to assists you now... This whole situation is beyond
rational discussion, and noone can help David correct the inequity
he feels, but there were lots of rec(s) in ALF in a variety of
opportunities, so it is even more mysterious that David is doing
clerical work with the skills that he has demonstrated....
I am at a lost to assists you in finding more meaningful work, but
at least they have given you more opportunity to focus on what you
can do to help digital generate more revenue. It would be more
productive for all of us if this is how you utilize your time and
efforts. Mentor the people who haven't been writing proposals as
long and help them produce more winning proposals. Jot down your
experineces and what works and what doesn't, how to get sales and
sales support to gather the necessary information to make the pro-
posal more credible and effective. Dave, you have a lot of ideas
which need to be gotten to people now doing your job, focus on
that and help the corporation out of its need to reduce head count.
I know you might not feel like helping the people who stole your
work, but remember they were not the ones deciding this, be the
professional you project in this notefile and help them out.
Paul N.
1228.113 | what to do, what to do | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Thu Jan 17 1991 16:37 | 56 |
| REF: <<< Note 1228.112 by CANYON::NEVEU "SWA EIS Consultant" >>>
-< "Use your time productively" >-
>><<But David, you said a few replies back that Personnel told you that
you the rational was for you being the "ONLY" CS person without a
job, if you were not being discriminated against?>>
I must have written at least 15 pages documenting this, sent upward to
personnel. I provided local employees to be called to verify some of
the points. Neither personnel nor John Murphy called them. It was
Murphy who informed me there was no retaliation. He also refused to
discuss ANY of the points I had made. No discussion. Zip. Period.
And I was informed the issue was closed; no higher authority as he
spoke for the office of Ken Olsen and Jack Smith.
>><<Also if a new group has taken over doing the work you used to, were
you interviewed for positions with this group, did they have any
The FOUR SALES proposals groups locally (2 at ALF, another 1 fifteen
miles down the street at ATL, and the 4th at ATO twenty-five miles
away) were ALREADY filled BEFORE the downsizing "volunteering" started.
I was informed by all 4 SALES proposals groups that there are no new
job reqs open. They could not hire me.
>><<Based on your facts, it does read very badly... and maybe it is....
but if your management rated you so highly so recently why aren't
they trying to assists you now...>>
I can't imagine. Unless you suppose it has something to do with being
so outspoken, advocating change, employee involvement and empowerment?
>><<but there were lots of rec(s) in ALF in a variety of opportunities,
so it is even more mysterious that David is doing clerical work with
the skills that he has demonstrated....>>
Indeed. And subsequently to having been volunteered, I have yet to
have a single interview, having applied to ALL 40+ of them.
>><< but at least they have given you more opportunity to focus on what
you can do to help digital generate more revenue.>>
I'm hanging in the wind, close to losing my livelihood, without cause,
and subsequently my home and sanity. I fail to see where I have the
wherewithall to contribute via mentoring others, from my current
jobless, seemingly hopeless situation, waiting for the ax to fall, or a
heart attack from the relentless stress, whichever comes first.
You see the stories of corporate whistleblowers on the television
series 60 Minutes who are persecuted just for trying to "do what's
right" for their companies; I never appreciated the anquish those
employees went through until now.
Empowered employees free to express their ideas and opinions indeed.
1228.114 | there, I said it. (clm #2) | WR2FOR::GIBSON_DA | | Thu Jan 17 1991 16:44 | 11 |
| re .110 by PSW
Paul, don't you get it? It has nothing to do with doing David's job.
It has to do with David's suggestion activity. You don't believe it?
That's why I suggested you spend time in the field.
I believe even you, super employee, would suffer if you did the
suggestion activity David did. But you say you wouldn't do that
activity. Aye, but that's not the point!
Career limiting move #1: make waves.
1228.115 | | RAVEN1::PINION | Hard Drinking Calypso Poet | Fri Jan 18 1991 03:22 | 5 |
| Maybe I missed it, but I don't think anyone has asked for someone
to "make a judgement". And for that matter, I didn't think the purpose
of this topic was for advice (sometimes unwanted).
Capt. Scott
1228.116 | We are not harassing you.... | DECWET::MCBRIDE | It may not be the easy way... | Fri Jan 18 1991 18:25 | 8 |
| "Your grievance has been taken to the highest levels of the company. Everyone
agrees that you are not being harassed. However, it has been observed that
you have become emotionally upset over this issue. There is concern that
your performance is suffering. I strongly recommend that you drop this matter.
In the future I will be watching you carefully and monitoring your performance.
I will be sending reports of your performance to my superiors. I also
recommend that you get counseling so that you can learn to accecpt the
work environment of this company. It will not change."
1228.117 | why here? | WMOIS::FULTI | | Fri Jan 18 1991 19:08 | 18 |
| re: .116
At the risk of P$%%ing off the establishment, I just dont like the tenor
of your reply....
I hadn't supported Dave's contention that he was be harrassed, discriminated
against and intimidated but, now I don't know.
>In the future I will be watching you carefully and monitoring your performance.
>I will be sending reports of your performance to my superiors.
What is the purpose of making this statement in this forum? if it is not meant
to intimidate Dave? If you really wanted to caution him I think the proper
method would have been to do it privately, not here. On the otherhand, if as
his topic states you wanted to "silence him" by intimidation, then what you
did was right in line with what he has been stating all along.
I REALLY hope this is an ill advised attempt at humor and not what it seems
to be.
1228.118 | don't overlook those quotation marks... | TWIRL::DWESSELS | of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most | Fri Jan 18 1991 19:31 | 9 |
| re: .117
I took .116's content to be one of the "101 ways to silence an
employee", not a response to anything anyone had written here. I too
would be very disturbed if the sentiments of .116 were actually
directed at me or anyone else.
1228.119 | Might be paranioa!!! But | CANYON::NEVEU | SWA EIS Consultant | Fri Jan 18 1991 19:42 | 15 |
| RE: .116 & .117 & .118
It might be paranioa, but .116 sent me looking to see if there was
a MCBRIDE in personnel at ALF. There is. But then again DECWET is
not at ALF... So maybe its a MCBRIDE in Customer Services, there is
at CXO where DECWET is.... If .116 wanted us to see the quotation
marks better, it would have been nice to start with "another way to
harass/intimi..." and probably to put the smiley face at the end...
This hits very close to home... especially if David's feeling the
way he stated earlier... So lets none of us sya/do anything stupid
on this topic.....
Paul N.
1228.120 | .116 was said to me, not by me | DECWET::MCBRIDE | It may not be the easy way... | Fri Jan 18 1991 19:47 | 3 |
| This was said to me by my supervisor. It is as close as I can get to an
exact quotation, relying on my memory. The event happened yesterday. It's
a little spooky that someone immediately thought of Mr. Carnell's situation.
1228.121 | McBride supports Carnell | DECWET::MCBRIDE | It may not be the easy way... | Fri Jan 18 1991 20:25 | 6 |
| re: 119 (I didn't see it before I wrote 120)
I am an "Information Systems Specialist" (whatever that means). I work
at DECwest Engineering in Bellevue, WA. The author of 119 doesn't need
to be afraid of me, but I don't think the suspicions voiced in that note
are unjustifiably paranoid, based on my experience.
1228.122 | WHEW | WMOIS::FULTI | | Fri Jan 18 1991 20:25 | 14 |
| re: .120
>This was said to me by my supervisor. It is as close as I can get to an
>exact quotation, relying on my memory. The event happened yesterday. It's
>a little spooky that someone immediately thought of Mr. Carnell's situation.
Thank you VERY much for clarifying this for me and all of us. I also, as did
Mr. Neveu looked in ELF to see if there was a McBride in ALF and there is.
Once more the person happens to work in Personnel, which really made me
nervous. I on the otherhand didn't know where DECWET was. I apologize for the
misunderstanding, I saw the quotes but didn't understand the context of the
Well, never mind....
1228.123 | a note on notes | SDSVAX::SWEENEY | Patrick Sweeney in New York | Fri Jan 18 1991 21:45 | 23 |
| re: .116
If I were a moderator here and received a complaint regarding this
reply, I'd delete it.
The offense in a reply is a judgment made by the reader and not by the
author. Intent doesn't count unless it's explicit in the text of the
note. Notes doesn't enable one to read the mind of an author.
Authorship of the text in .116 is unclear. It's also terribly unclear
if .116 is sarcasm or not. Once, in this conference, a person wrote
"only a fool..." and a few lines later mentioned an analogy that I had
written three replies previously. So this is a common problem,
especially in notes which contain ridicule as .116 does.
Regarding the content of .116. I've not read the other replies
recently so the context of the following is self-contained and doesn't
refer to any case in the other replies: I believe that a performance
problem can exist when a employee can't "let it drop" but has stopped
pursuing formal steps to address the problem he or she has with another
employee. If an employee doesn't want to work the system through
personnel that's fine, but if that employee is carrying a grudge and an
infectious bad attitude, that's a performance problem.
1228.124 | re: 123 | DECWET::MCBRIDE | It may not be the easy way... | Fri Jan 18 1991 22:54 | 6 |
| The topic is "101 ways to silence an employee." My note .116 is one
of those ways. That someone would conclude that my note applied to
Mr. Carnell's case is, like I said before, spooky. Mr. Carnell was
never in danger of thinking that himself. I still think my note was
appropriate for this topic, and that it is not really different from
the other 101 ways entered, appart from my being a stranger here.
1228.125 | please explain "spooky" | WMOIS::FULTI | | Sat Jan 19 1991 03:10 | 24 |
| re: .124
As the employee that made the conclusion, I do not know what you mean by
"spooky", please explain.
I'm not passing judgement on Dave but consider the following set of
. Dave authored this topic and is a strong participant in the conversation
. Dave is a stroong advocate for change in DEC
. Dave is undergoing a very tough time and he believes it to be a
result of his outspokenness.
. He had filed a grievence and was recently told that there was no
harassment of him.
. Dave works in ALF
. A number of replies prior to .116 (.100 - .115) discuss Daves current
situation and Dave is again part of the converstion.
. AN employee named McBride works in ALF in the Personnel dept.
. You did not sign (add your first name) to .116
The above set of circumstances led me to incorrectly but. understandably
believe that you were that personnel employee and you were addressing Dave
with .116. I fail to see why thats "spooky".
Again I apologize to you for the misunderstanding and I apologize to
the McBride of ALF.
1228.126 | | CSCOAC::ANDERSON_M | Dwell in possibility | Mon Jan 21 1991 11:48 | 6 |
It's spooky (and more than a little naive) to assume a personnel rep
would make that kind of statement in an open notesfile.
1228.127 | call me, "Mister Fodder" | SAHQ::CARNELLD | DTN 385-2901 David Carnell @ALF | Mon Jan 21 1991 12:13 | 69 |
>><<Your grievance has been taken to the highest levels of the company.
Everyone agrees that you are not being harassed. However, it has been
observed that you have become emotionally upset over this issue. There
is concern that your performance is suffering. I strongly recommend
that you drop this matter. In the future I will be watching you
carefully and monitoring your performance.>>
That example sounded familiar. I received this "line" over two years
ago. I refused to sign the PA that even said it in writing because my
performance had not been affected whatsovever. I used the open door
and was told by a HIGH level manager that PA's "didn't mean anything
anyway." (yeah, sure) I have a copy of that PA but for some strange
reason it never made it to my personnel file, which I just recently had
copied for me.
I also just received a call from another employee from another facility
who not too long ago got nearly the same exact dialogue.
>><< I also recommend that you get counseling so that you can learn to
accecpt the work environment of this company.>>
I received this line, at least six times in an hour conversation, when
I showed for the first time an employee suggestion memo that I was
sending to corporate (KO) in response to Ken Olsen's explicit statement
that any employee was welcome to send him suggestions, ideas and
proposals. It was said by the cost center manager who just recently
volunteered me into no job, having my job duties given away.
Speaking of spooky, I'm reminded of the story of Saddam telling his
cabinet ministers to speak their opinions freely. And the reported
outcome to the health minister who thought the invitation was for real.
Or the more recent free press and opinions being expressed in the
Baltic states in the USSR and the subsequent crackdown this last week
by a threatened Soviet bureacracy.
More madness than spooky considered IBM just generated for the quarter
about $2.6 BILLION in profit, almost yearly in PROFIT compared to what
Digital does in SALES. I fail to see Digital EVER catching up, with
IBM or Japan, unless EVERY employee is treated as a "partner" in
bringing their intelligence to the table for original thinking to
affect some quantum leaps of effective change in literally every
function within this company. All my suggestions were in this
direction and in building customer satisfaction and more accurately
matching customer wants and expectations in products, services and all
actions within Digital.
Yet, instead of moving in the direction of a Toyota-like environment,
where every thought has value, with employees treated like partners,
and the company makes tons of profit because of employee involvement
and TQM and listening to customers, it seems that the environment in
"some" pockets of Digital is more like Eastern Airlines -- who's
expendable, who's no longer wanted, who's too outspoken, challenging
abuse of authority and bureaucracy. In short, management vs employees.
Yet, Ken Olsen and Jack Smith and DELTA have encouraged employees to
challenge the bureaucracy and red tape!!!! How can any employee be
expected to do this when the risk of suddenly having one's duties
"given away" at will, making any suddenly "unemployed" is a REAL
possibility? Why bother, why take the risk to one's income, and
therefore the well being of one's family and home and security?
Real teamwork and commitment and loyalty means everyone sticks together
to succeed, and always acts together as one; no individual is left on
the battlefield, dismissed as cannon fodder when no longer needed, or
wanted, to be used and then discarded.