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Conference 7.286::digital

Title:The Digital way of working
Created:Fri Feb 14 1986
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:5321
Total number of notes:139771

371.0. "DECWorld 87" by ANGORA::MORRISON (Bob M. LMO2/P41 296-5357) Tue Aug 25 1987 22:02

  I just read the article in today's Boston Globe about DECWorld
87. I knew it was big but I didn't realize until I read it just
how big it is. It could be the largest convention in Boston history.
   There are two things in the article that bother me. The first
is that it says "Just rebuilding the [Commonwealth] Pier to accom-
modate the cruise ships will cost nearly $1 million". Is DEC paying
for all of this itself? The other thing is that the article says
the convention will run 10 days and end Sept. 18, which means it
begins Sept. 8. The QE2 will arrive that day. But DEC Employee Day
is Sept. 4. Does that mean that not all of the exhibits will be up
and running this day?
   I had heard earlier that the QE2 would not be there on Employee
Day, so that is not a surprise. But I think some employees attending
Employee Day don't know about this and will get an unpleasant sur-
prise when they arrive and see empty space where the QE2 is supposed
to be.
371.1QUARK::LIONELWe all live in a yellow subroutineWed Aug 26 1987 02:4811
    Employee Day is being used as a "dress rehearsal" for the real
    thing, so I expect most exhibits will be up and running.  The
    QE2 will likely not be there on the 4th - I think it arrives
    over the weekend.  The Oceania may be there, however.
    DEC is indeed paying for beefing up the pier to hold the
    QE2.  The way I see it, and based on past events, DECworld
    ought to pay its way many times over in added sales.
    		Steve (who will be working at DECworld the 14th-15th)
371.2DECWORLD_87 conference no longer availableODDSON::BOURNEDyslexia Lures KO!Wed Aug 26 1987 07:477
    You may be interested in a conference dedicated to DECWORLD!
    I will try and add it to this reply so that you can use KP7 but
    if it does not work the conference is at 39700::DECWORLD_87.
371.3ULTRA::HERBISONLess functionality, more featuresWed Aug 26 1987 14:378
        Re: .0
        The QEII is for floating hotel rooms, not exhibits, so its late
        arrival does not prevent employees from seeing exhibits.  But
        the people going to Employee Day just to see the QEII will be
371.4should be a blastCURIE::LEFEBVREMichael LefebvreWed Aug 26 1987 15:0211
     The QEII will arrive in Boston on Sept. 8,opening day per say.
     Sept 4 is employee day and is like a dress rehersal for all
     involved, all equipment should be running..we hope.
     The actual show will run sept 8-11 and sept 14-18.
     Last count was expecting upwards of 50,000 people either
     working or viewing.
     Should be busy with college starting plus the 200 anniversary of
     the Constitution going on at the same time..
     Mike Lefebvre..who is moving in town from aug 31 to sept 19 AUGHHHH
371.5if its worth doing, its worth over-doing!KACIE::WAGNERI want my <esc> TV!Wed Sep 02 1987 12:2914
    So far, virtually everything is correct. Employee day is more of
    a dry run, with all demos (please not *exhibits*!) up and running.
    The purpose of the employees invited is to "grill" the demo and
    floor personnel and help fine tune the whole scene.
    Having been down here since the 18th of August, and staying through
    30th of September (for tear-down) I am continually amazed at what
    we are doing here. Yes we did spend $1 million for the pier changes.
    For more information see the DECWORLD notes file on HPSVAX::DECWORLD_87
371.6Are we no longer a "Mickey Mouse" outfit?QUARK::LIONELWe all live in a yellow subroutineThu Sep 03 1987 03:546
    I saw the DVN presentation of the DECworld orientation this morning.
    By the end of Joe DeNucci's hilarious wrapup, I became firmly
    convinced that DECworld is Ken Olsen's way of playing Walt Disney,
    and DECworld is his Walt Disney World.  Note that this is a
371.7VCQUAL::THOMPSONNoter at largeThu Sep 03 1987 12:558
    RE: .6 Does this me we can change Engineer to Imagineer? It's
    a title that's more fun.
    I agree that comparing DECworld to Walt Disney World is a
371.8it's Joe DiNucciMELKOR::HENSLEYFri Sep 04 1987 00:250
371.9QUARK::LIONELWe all live in a yellow subroutineSat Sep 12 1987 15:354
    Sorry - I only heard it pronounced...
    I'll give you a report on Wednesday after I've done my stint there.