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Conference azur::mcc

Title:DECmcc user notes file. Does not replace IPMT.
Notice:Use IPMT for problems. Newsletter location in note 6187
Created:Mon Aug 21 1989
Last Modified:Wed Jun 04 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:6497
Total number of notes:27359

4218.0. "Search New Icons" by LFOIS1::ALIE () Wed Dec 09 1992 14:04

    we have developped a specific module for unix on Decmcc 1.2
    we try to find an icon for this new module, i saw in note 2969 that
    there are some icons one NETS::USER$NETS:[MCC011...], but this is not
    Do you know where i can find those new icons ?
    Thanks for your help.
    I make a demo next week.
4218.1Tools notes file has the locationFARMS::LYONSAhh, but fortunately, I have the key to escape reality.Wed Dec 09 1992 15:584
The MCC_TOOLS conference has a pointer to a "survival area" which has
a subdirectory dedicated to Icons.  Look at TOOK::USER$778:[SURVIVAL...]

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