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Title:DECmcc user notes file. Does not replace IPMT.
Notice:Use IPMT for problems. Newsletter location in note 6187
Created:Mon Aug 21 1989
Last Modified:Wed Jun 04 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:6497
Total number of notes:27359

2845.0. "Fault Diagnostic with Oracle ??" by LFOIS1::ALIE () Fri Apr 24 1992 14:44

    One of our cutomer in Lille (France) have "Oracle" has database.
    He is intersting by the Decmcc Fault Diagnostic; Is it a possibility to
    work with Oracle, or does he have to buy Ingres & ingres tools ?
    If he must buy Ingres , does he need something else than Ingres tools?
2845.1I don't think you need eitherTOOK::MINTZErik Mintz, DECmcc Development, dtn 226-5033Fri Apr 24 1992 16:519
Ingres is required for Exporting only.
Ingres + Ingres tools are required for the sample reports.

I don't believe any database is required for the TCP/IP Diagnostic Assistant.

In any case, we have not done any work with Oracle.

-- Erik

2845.2export db of your choiceSKIBUM::GASSMANTue Apr 28 1992 22:076
    At DECworld we're been getting a few questions about mixing exported
    databases.  Customers have asked for Oracle and others on UNIX, and we
    even had a request for INGRES on VMS.  How big an issue would it be to
    give customers access to any SQL database they wanted?
2845.3That's an opportunityLFOIS1::ALIETue May 05 1992 09:486
    The intersting issue is that some of our customer have enterprise
    strategy and cannot have another database than Oracle and so on...
    So we can't sell our FM to those customer.