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Conference azur::mcc

Title:DECmcc user notes file. Does not replace IPMT.
Notice:Use IPMT for problems. Newsletter location in note 6187
Created:Mon Aug 21 1989
Last Modified:Wed Jun 04 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:6497
Total number of notes:27359

2658.0. "Invalid ethernet: "MCC-E-INVDEVNAM"" by LFOIS1::ALIE () Tue Mar 31 1992 08:00

2658.1Need more information...CHRISB::BRIENENDECmcc LAN and SNMP Stuff...Tue Mar 31 1992 12:4017
Please enter the following pieces of information:

1. Command entered to do the register (IMPM or FCL?). What type of
    Station is it (i.e., DECserver 200?  DECbridge 500? Cisco Router?)?


3. Type of system you're using. Does it have a FDDI port?

4. Has a SHOW command been tried from FCL given the address as the
   identifier?  Does the same error result?
   If so, can you try using VIA PORT with the SHOW command?

5. Has the REGISTER command been tried with the VIA PORT qualifier?

						Chris Brienen
2658.2we try ...LFOIS1::ALIEWed Apr 08 1992 13:3618
    I am sorry but i could not answer your qustion until today...
    1/the station we try to register is a Decsystem 5240
    2/when we try :"show mcc 0 ethernet_am available ports", we have:
    	----------> cannot communicate wih target
    3/ we don't have FDDI port
    I hope it will help you to help us .......
2658.3Does it happen with T1.2.7?CHRISB::BRIENENDECmcc LAN and SNMP Stuff...Mon May 11 1992 20:0614
Thanks for the additional information.

There were some problems with the MCC_EA Routines in the area of device
string handling that were discovered after T1.2.4 went to External
Field Test.

We believe that these were fixed in the T1.2.7 (External Field Test Update)

Could you verify that T1.2.7 actually fixed the problem for you (if not,
PLEASE let us know).

					Chris Brienen
2658.4Always the same thingLFOIS1::ALIETue Jun 09 1992 09:517
    Unfortunally, i get th same pb with the DECMCC version 1.2-7 ..
    It is really a bad things for us ....
    Help me ....... Thanks
2658.5QAR 3129TOOK::MINTZErik Mintz, dtn 226-5033Tue Jun 09 1992 11:362
Entered as QAR 3129

2658.6Update.CHRISB::BRIENENDECmcc LAN and SNMP Stuff...Mon Jun 15 1992 15:319
This potential problem is still being worked via MAIL.

Still to be answered (from note 2658.1):

> 4. Has a SHOW command been tried from FCL given the address as the
>   identifier?  Does the same error result?
>   If so, can you try using VIA PORT with the SHOW command?
> 5. Has the REGISTER command been tried with the VIA PORT qualifier?