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Conference azur::mcc

Title:DECmcc user notes file. Does not replace IPMT.
Notice:Use IPMT for problems. Newsletter location in note 6187
Created:Mon Aug 21 1989
Last Modified:Wed Jun 04 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:6497
Total number of notes:27359

2350.0. "How to change graph colors" by TOOK::A_MOORE () Fri Feb 14 1992 18:09

How to change the colors of the Iconic Map real time graph.  

The real time graph colors can be changed by creating a realtime graph resource 
file in ascii text. 

Below is an example of the ascii text that could be in the file.

*Bar*barColor:			Green
*Bar*alarmColor:		Yellow
*Bar*sunColor:			PaleGreen
*Bar*shadowColor:		DarkGreen
*Bar*axisColor:			Blue
*Bar*foreground:		Red

This will work for field test T1.2.4 except for *Bar*foreground which has a bug.
The bug will be fixed for next release.  

  *Bar*barColor		Controls the normal bar below the the threshold.  
			It also controls the color of Threshold control,
			Grid selector,  Graph type selector, Locked control,
			and Stick figure status indicator.   Default blue

  *Bar*alarmColor	Controls the color of the graph bar above the threshold.
			It also controls the color of the Suspend control and 
			Unlocked control.   Default red

  *Bar*sunColor		Controls the color of the leading and top bevel of the 
			bar graph.  Default grey.

  *Bar*shadowColor	Controls the color of the right side bevel of the 
			bar graph.  Default dark slate grey

  *Bar*axisColor	Controls the color of axis and threshold line.
			Default black.

  *Bar*foreground	Controls the color of the text and labels.  
   			This has a bug in the field test version.  So a light 
			colored screen must be used until next version.
			Default black.

If *Bar*barColor and *Bar*alarmColor are set to the same color
the effect of the threshold will be disabled.

The background color of graph will be the same as specified in 
mcc_resource.dat for the map.  Create a line:
	mcc_pml.map_window_Background: white

For field test on VMS  use:			 sys$login:shell_class.dat

For next release on VMS	use:			 sys$login:mcc_graph_resource.dat

For Ultrix use the home directory hidden file:	 .Xdefaults 

The .Xdefaults file effects the local server.
Any file could be used as a resource file if pointed at by XENVIRONMENT pointer.

		a. On Ultrix: setenv XENVIRONMENT mcc_graph_resource.dat 
		b. On VMS:    define XENVIRONMENT mcc_graph_resource.dat    
