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Conference azur::mcc

Title:DECmcc user notes file. Does not replace IPMT.
Notice:Use IPMT for problems. Newsletter location in note 6187
Created:Mon Aug 21 1989
Last Modified:Wed Jun 04 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:6497
Total number of notes:27359

1447.0. "Inconsistantclass????" by CSC32::WOESTEMEYER (Why??...Why not!!!) Wed Sep 04 1991 15:58

Cannot register a DECnet Phase IV node via DECmcc.

Command used:
	Register node4 .dna_node.tesla synonym=tesla

Error returned:
	Specified class inconsistant with entity class

Checking DNS found all directories present.  One problem that was
unusual, person who had installed MCC has specified and IDP of 41,
this differed from the MCC_IDP logical which was set to the default
of 49.  We use MCC_DNS_SETUP.COM to create the DNS directories for
the default IDP.

Again we tried to register the node, with the result being the same
error.  A 'show node4 tesla all characteristics' works fine.  We were
able to deregister/register bridges,  this would seem to indicates that
the problem is confined to the NODE4 access module.

A search through the MCC notes file produced no similar errors. This
will be posted there.

At this time the Parse tables are being rebuilt on the assumption
that they may have been corrupted.

    test mcc 0 dna4 returns success
    Any Ideas out there in MCC land?? 
1447.1Is the name in use elsewhere?NSSG::R_SPENCENets don't fail me now...Wed Sep 04 1991 16:144
    Any possibility that the simple name is already in use for something
    else (like a domain, a station, a bridge or an IP host)?
1447.2Syntax, Maybe?.KERNEL::OSBORNEThu Sep 05 1991 10:577
    The syntax that I have used, and sorry if this is obvious or of no
    validity with respect to the problem you have, is as follows;
1447.3Looks like .1 is right on....TOOK::CAREYThu Sep 05 1991 14:0950
    The "inconsistent class error" is usually a DNS problem....
    .dna_node.tesla is apparently already in your Namespace, known to MCC, 
    and the name of a different entity.
    The easiest way to find out is to try the fullname against each of your
    global classes:
    	MCC> dir NODE .dna_node.tesla
    	MCC> dir SNMP .dna_node.tesla
    	MCC> dir STATION .dna_node.tesla
    If you scout around in the namespace using DNS$CONTROL or something 
    similar, remember that the SNMP stuff is under a "hidden" directory,
    MCC_IP.  MCC thinks that MCC_IP.dna_node.tesla is the same as
    I don't know what kinds of quirks you may be hitting because of the 
    different IDP.
    If you'd like to further check out the DNA4 AM on this problem, you can
    try the following commands to the AM to ensure that access to the node
    is working okay:
    	MCC> SHOW NODE4 tesla all ident
    	MCC> SHOW NODE4 tesla circ * all ident
    	MCC> SHOW NODE4 tesla line * all ident
    	MCC> SHOW NODE4 tesla circ * all char
    	MCC> SHOW NODE4 tesla line * all char
    These are the requests the the Registration FM makes to us when
    registering a Node4.  If these work, then the AM is very likely
    handling its part of the job correctly.
    When you do the SHOW NODE4 tesla all ident -- make sure that the name
    that comes back is Tesla.  We ask the actual node4 indicated to tell us
    what *it* thinks its name is.  If it has a different opinion (say
    someone traded names but not addresses), then there may be another set
    of considerations.
    Hope this helps.
    -Jim Carey
1447.4Parse Table rebuild was the AnswerCSC32::WOESTEMEYERWhy??...Why not!!!Thu Sep 05 1991 16:037
    Don't ask me why, but the fix was the rebuild of the parse tables.  As
    soon as this was completed the customer had no problem registering his
    NODE4 entities.
    Any ideas??
1447.5Parse table rebuild?TOOK::CAREYFri Sep 06 1991 20:5420
    Nope, no clue at all.
    I was going to guess that an attribute partition got incorrectly
    redefined so that the Node4 requests were failing.  Say the
    characteristics partition got itself assigned a different id.  Then the
    DNA4 register would fail, but others might succeed.
    However, I think the Bridge AM also queries characteristics during a
    register (is that right, Chris?) in which case I just offered nothing
    at all.
    I put this in hoping something would tumble for somebody.
    Steve, is there anything extra in this MCC?  New AM, FM, PM?  Even
    something we gave you that isn't part of the BMS kit might have a
    strange problem in it, and that's all I can think of.