T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
704.1 | nice or very nice tool ? | TLSE01::HAGENMULLER | | Mon Feb 11 1991 15:15 | 25 |
| Sorry , but I ( it doesn't matter ) and some customers (more important)
don't find Decdecision is a very nice tool .
A very nice tool should be :
1) in first menu , show all known relationnal databases
2) select with the mouse that one you want to access
3) show all known relationnal tables
4) select that one you want to open
5) select fields you want to work on
6) play ....
Today , customers who doesn't know anything about VMS & RDB cannot use
this tool without the help of a DEC person ( may be a good opportunity
to sell support ) or without the documentation set .
may be Decdecision is only a nice tool ...
704.2 | Differences... | ZPOVC::ANDREWWAITES | Singapore - Asia's Wellington | Fri Feb 15 1991 16:22 | 15 |
| re .1
I'm sorry but if I had a penny for every customer who wanted things
like DEcdecision to look a bit different (every customer wanting a
different bit to look different in a different way) then I'd be a rich
man. There may be ways that the info can be better presented but a hell
of a lot of "better" ways are based on cultural or (more commonly) PC
s/w exposure issues.
DECdecision isn't perfect and could be better but I don't think we
should start recommending UI changes to that product in this
(can you tell its 2am here?)
704.3 | a matter of integration | TLSE01::HAGENMULLER | | Tue Feb 19 1991 08:00 | 18 |
| I quite agree with you . This conference is not the right place for
discussing how things could be better presented in DECdecision .
However , we believe we must give our customers a complete set of tools
that answers their needs : some customers need to produce graphical
outputs of their network activity . What do you sell them ? If you sell
DECdecision , your customer will ask you how to get the informations
from RdB . It is not a matter of how things should be presented , but
how tools are integrated .
According to some customers , the fact you must run SQL or RDO and do
some " declare schema file ... " & "show tables *" commands before
using DECdecision is unbearable .
It is not funny for us to tell you most of the time about problems and
customers' requirements while you are working and creating a very good
product . We don't do it on purpose . We compete against other vendors
and have to be better than them .
regards , christophe
704.4 | Another DECdecision hint. | TOOK::A_MOORE | | Tue Feb 19 1991 20:49 | 30 |
| This should help making DECdecision easier to use for customers.
There are three ways to determine what the rdb relation is in MCC_EXPORT.RDB
is. DECdecision needs to the relation when it is first set up.
1. Know the how the relation names are made up. If the customer exported
a NODE4 entity the relation name is MCC_NODE4. If they exported a
NODE4 foo line QNA-0 the relationship name would MCC_NODE4_LINE
2. Use SQL. Mention that SQL is considered standard, learning something
about it is valuable.
3. Use RDO. The commands are
1. Run sys$system:RDO
2. INVOKE DATABASE FILENAME mcc_system:mcc_export.rdb
Another point think Sales needs answer PC world expections. On a PC searching
the disk for reasonable number of files to present as choice is great.
It needs to be explained that this does not scale on a cluster. Our
cluster can have over 150 people logged in with 58 large disks, search this
and asking them to choose would not make a customer happy. This is a feature
when they grow bigger.
Still a question how do both somehow.
Do the competive systems have these features? Do they have tightly integrated
704.5 | problem accesing RDB with DECdecision | CLARID::HOFSTEE | Take a RISC, buy a VAX | Tue Mar 24 1992 07:44 | 39 |
I have exported some data , and would like to have a look at it , using
decdecision. I followed the procedure as mentioned in .0, but got the
following error:
I started DECaccess , database maintenance, Reference RDB/VMS Relation window.
Typed in the name of the RDB file, the name for new table 'MY_TABLE' and
the name of RDB/VMS relation MCC_NODE4. When I click on OK, I get the error
You cannot update this folder now
The error returned from RDB/VMS is listed below. For more information
refer to ....blablabla (which I did but that doesn't give much more info)
%RDB-E-NO_DUP, index field value already exists; duplicates not allowed for x
I can acces the RDB file with SQL and RDO directly
$run sys$system:rdo
RDO>invoke database filename decision$access_db
RDO>show relations
User relations in Database with filename decision$access_db
So what is the problem?