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Conference vaxaxp::vmsnotes

Title:VAX and Alpha VMS
Notice:This is a new VMSnotes, please read note 2.1
Created:Thu Jan 23 1997
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:703
Total number of notes:3722

554.0. "What does loginout.exe do?" by CHEFS::WILLIAMSA (I wanna be Luke) Thu May 01 1997 15:38

    I have a customer asking me EXACTLY what loginout.exe does, other than
    validate logins. He is concerned that process creation is being unduly
    slowed up by loginout. He is basing this assumption on some PSPA graphs
    that I don't unfortunately have access to. Can anyone point me in the
    right direction, or answer this. Below is the customers mail...
    <Mick Williams  1-MAY-1997 11:44> OK. There is no suggestion that it is
    faulty , or anything.....I suppose the question is... What does it
    do...Obviously looks at the UAF...what else... the I/O is not LOW so we
    were looking at what can be done to improve this if anything. The
    sys$manager:sylogin.com, and its subcalls are being looked at....
    (Removal of redundant symbols, moving out logical assignments from
    sysassign, not calling redundant code..etc..) . If we new,
    specifically, what it does, we could have a look around for every
    nano-second of possible improvement. . We only started to look at this,
    because it was shown on the PSPA graphs as one of the TOP IMAGE DISK
    OPERATIONS. However, we originally read it as TOP disk i/o, but infact
    it shows on the Top disk i/o per second..telling us it was only fast.
    Our surprise was only how must i/o it actually does do, when all we're
    doing is logging in. . If we understand, we can then choose to address
    or ignore the issue. Cheers.
554.1Is The Goal A Fast Login?XDELTA::HOFFMANSteve, OpenVMS EngineeringThu May 01 1997 16:0720
    Please point the customer at the platform-specific Internals and
    Data Structures Manual (IDSM), available from Digital Press, as the
    processing performed bty LOGINOUT is documented there.  In the
    unlikely event that detail beyond the IDSM is needed, sell them
    the OpenVMS source listings CD-ROMs.

    While the customer may be focusing on LOGINOUT, we need additional
    background as to why there are a large number of process creations
    occuring (and if this can be lowered), what sort of disk and locking
    activity is present, what sort of shape the authorization file format
    is in, etc.  And, of course, we need to know what the problem the
    customer is seeing is -- is there an actual customer-perceived system
    performance problem, or is the customer responding to some data...

    (Given the "nanoseconds" comment, it looks like the goal is a fast
    login to DCL.  If so, one of the simplest fixes often involves having
    sufficent memory and sufficiently available CPU cycles... Or both.)

    There have been previous discussions of speeding LOGINOUT.
554.2How bad is that UAFEVMS::KILGALLENZK0 4x13, DTN 381-2879Thu May 01 1997 20:1711
>                                       <<< Note 554.0 by CHEFS::WILLIAMSA "I wanna be Luke" >>>

>     faulty , or anything.....I suppose the question is... What does it
>     do...Obviously looks at the UAF...what else... the I/O is not LOW so we
>     were looking at what can be done to improve this if anything. The

"Looking at the UAF" could be very slow if the UAF is very large and has
never been optimized.  The UAF is an ordinary indexed file, susceptible
to ANALYZE/RMS and other techniques during off hours.  Using such methods
during production is a bad idea since utility programs typically will not
leave the UAF open for access by logins during the period.
554.3CHEFS::WILLIAMSAI wanna be LukeFri May 02 1997 10:2612
    Re .1 & .2
    Thanks both for your comments. I have made comment to the customer
    about the size of the UAF file, it IS quite large, 4000 odd users most
    of which have long been dead. Unfortunately this particular customer
    (part of an FM deal) would like me to do his research for him, hence
    his comment about 'no we know it isn't a fault, but...'. Sending him
    off to the manual should provide him with the detail, although I
    suspect it'll strangely be dropped now I've told him to go look
    himself!!! Thanks anyway.
554.4Static files optimize wellEVMS::KILGALLENZK0 4x13, DTN 381-2879Fri May 02 1997 12:3310
>                                       <<< Note 554.3 by CHEFS::WILLIAMSA "I wanna be Luke" >>>

>     Thanks both for your comments. I have made comment to the customer
>     about the size of the UAF file, it IS quite large, 4000 odd users most
>     of which have long been dead.

There is nothing wrong with a large file full of dead records (if that is
how the customer wants to manage the file) and it should be highly susceptible
to RMS optimization since the great bulk of the records will stay put, thus
preserving the optimization effort.
554.5some more ideasSTAR::CROLLFri May 02 1997 13:0637
Here are a couple suggestions:

move SYSUAF, RIGHTSLIST, etc. to a RAMdisk.  This requires
creating the RAMdisk and copying all the relevant files
across at boot, prior to letting people log in or getting
batch jobs started.  There are other files that will benefit
from being on a RAMdisk -- and I know this has been discussed
before in earlier editions of this conference.

Write a program that uses LIB$SET_SYMBOL and LIB$SET_LOGICAL
to define process-specific symbols and logical names.  It's
fastest if you embed the symbol values directly in the
program source, but, obviously, you trade off a fair amount
of flexibility for speed using this approach.

Pull unused characters out of SYLOGIN.COM:  extra spaces and
tabs, for example.  To see what I mean, take a look at
SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN.COM -- it's compressed by removing all
unnecessary spaces and comments.  This speeds things up some,
and if your customer is really worried about nanoseconds,
this'll help.

Finally, reduce the complexity of SYLOGIN.COM.  There is a
great temptation to stuff all sorts of things into
SYLOGIN.COM -- it's a great catch-all place for virtually all
kinds of user process set up stuff.  But, unless every user
needs every bit of setup, there are opportunities to remove
things from SYLOGIN that aren't global, and force individual
users to put this stuff in their local LOGIN.COM, not burden
everybody with it.

(Do I do any of this stuff on the (small!) system I manage?
Nope.  But then, I only log in about once a month or so, so
saving a couple of microseconds (it's only a VAX, after all)
doesn't matter that much.....)

554.6Avoid SET COMMAND commandsMILORD::BISHOPThe punishment that brought us peace was upon HimFri May 02 1997 13:215
    and make sure there are no 'SET COMMAND' commands in SYLOGIN.
    Update DCLTABLES instead. Not only does this takes time, but it
    means that each process has a private copy of the tables.
    - Richard.
554.7Offer Consulting Services...XDELTA::HOFFMANSteve, OpenVMS EngineeringFri May 02 1997 14:1221
   Having over 4000 users in a SYSUAF is not unusually large -- several
   sites I have dealt with will load and unload that many users several
   times a year.

   Before moving to a RAM disk or other (good) suggestions, I'd run a
   profile on the SYSUAF, seeing if the indexed file structure should
   be tweaked -- make a copy, then see what ANALYZE/RMS_FILE[/FDL] and
   EDIT/FDL/ANALYSIS have to say about the SYSUAF file structure.
   (I'd consider moving to RMS global buffers before I considered a RAM
   (in-memory) disk or a RAM (solid-state) disk, due to the volatility
   of the data and due to the cost, respectively.  And I'd consider
   adding more memory -- the "buy more memory" comment is not a joke.)

   But as you say, offer some documentation pointers and also offer some
   consulting services...

   And -- if retained -- I'd spend some time characterising just what
   performance attributes needed improvement.  (One potentially apocryphal
   tale tells of a customer site that successfully optimized the null loop.)

554.8EPS::VANDENHEUVELHeinSat May 03 1997 06:2321
.5> move SYSUAF, RIGHTSLIST, etc. to a RAMdisk.  This requires
.5> creating the RAMdisk and copying all the relevant files
    IMHO this is very bad advise. Outragously bad. Irresponsible.
    You open the system up to terrible vulnerabilty for data loss
    and it can never ever be made to work reliably in a cluster.
    All this while there is a more efficient, less memory intensive,
    well documents and and completely reliable technique available:
    Used RMS GLOBAL BUFFERS for all those files!
    That way multiple processes can use the sam copy of the data
    instead of them all copying from the in-memory file to the
    private rms buffers, and updates will be immediatly written
    through to disk. Only buckets that are touched will end up in
    memory and normally you can select a smaller portion of the
    file whilest still achieving 95% or better hit rates.