T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
508.1 | | EPS::VANDENHEUVEL | Hein | Tue Apr 22 1997 12:48 | 32 |
> His file has 3 segmented keys and fdl asks him for low and high bound for keys.
I believe the question you are referring to is:
Key 0 Length SEG0 (1-255)[-] :
At that point EDIT/FDL is trying to get a full description of the keys,
notably a list of length/position pairs. It does so by askig for a
series of segment length, followed by a series of positions.
There is NO mention of 'low and high bound' that I am aware of.
Is your customer confused with an other product where perhaps
key segments are indicated by a start-byte-offset - end-byte-offset?
> later fdl asks segment lengths again.
Right, to ge tthe length of the next segment for the same key.
When there are no more segments, enter 0 as the help suggests?
Carefully re-read that second length question. It indicates SEG1, not SEG0
Key 0 Length SEG1
All this ofcourse only is important if you asked for segments for thatkey:
Key 0 Segmentation desired (Yes/No)[No] : y
508.2 | Fdl editor | NNTPD::"dunski@mcsmus.bro.dec.com" | Alain Dunski | Wed Apr 23 1997 07:57 | 90 |
| Hy Heine,
I didn't see this before but i can reproduce it.
Here it is:
OpenVMS FDL Editor
Add to insert one line into the FDL definition
Delete to remove one line from the FDL definition
Exit to leave the FDL Editor after creating the FDL file
Help to obtain information about the FDL Editor
Invoke to initiate a script of related questions
Modify to change an existing line in the FDL definition
Quit to abort the FDL Editor with no FDL file creation
Set to specify FDL Editor characteristics
View to display the current FDL Definition
Main Editor Function (Keyword)[Help] : i
Script Title Selection
Add_Key modeling and addition of a new index's parameters
Delete_Key removal of the highest index's parameters
Indexed modeling of parameters for an entire Indexed file
Optimize tuning of all indices' parameters using file
Relative selection of parameters for a Relative file
Sequential selection of parameters for a Sequential file
Touchup remodeling of parameters for a particular index
Editing Script Title (Keyword)[-] : i
Target disk volume Cluster Size (1-2Giga)[3] :
Number of Keys to Define (1-255)[1] : 3
Key 0 Graph Type Selection
Line Bucket Size vs Index Depth as a 2 dimensional plot
Fill Bucket Size vs Load Fill Percent vs Index Depth
Key Bucket Size vs Key Length vs Index Depth
Record Bucket Size vs Record Size vs Index Depth
Init Bucket Size vs Initial Load Record Count vs Index Depth
Add Bucket Size vs Additional Record Count vs Index Depth
Graph type to display (Keyword)[Line] : k
Number of Records that will be Initially Loaded
into the File (0-2Giga)[-] : 0
Number of Additional Records to be Added After
the Initial File Load (0-2Giga)[0] : 0
(Fixed Variable)
Record Format (Keyword)[Var] : f
Record Size (1-32224)[-] : 40
(Bin2 Bin4 Bin8 Int2 Int4 Int8 Decimal String Collated
Dbin2 Dbin4 Dbin8 Dint2 Dint4 Dint8 Ddecimal Dstring Dcollated)
Key 0 Data Type (Keyword)[Str] : str
Key 0 Segmentation desired (Yes/No)[No] : y
Low bound: Key 0 Length (1-40)[1] :
High bound: Key 0 Length (1-40)[40] :
Key 0 Position SEG0 (0-40)[0] :
Key 0 Duplicates allowed (Yes/No)[No] :
File Prolog Version (0-3)[3] :
Data Key Compression desired (Yes/No)[Yes] :
Data Record Compression desired (Yes/No)[Yes] :
Index Compression desired (Yes/No)[Yes] :
Working ...
Does anybody know something about that ?
Kind regards
[Posted by WWW Notes gateway]
508.3 | | EPS::VANDENHEUVEL | Hein | Wed Apr 23 1997 13:43 | 22 |
Ok, I see it now. Your customer ASKED for that:
> Key Bucket Size vs Key Length vs Index Depth
> Graph type to display (Keyword)[Line] : k
See, they asked EDIT/FDL to plot bucket size suggestions versus
key length and it will do do by varying the key length between
an upper and lower bound. It is just there for the graph.
Not a very useful graph if you ask me but hey, if they want
it, they can get it, guiding fdl with the range to use for one axis.
If they do not understand the question now, then they should probably
not ask for the graph but stick to the classic 'LINE' graph.
508.4 | fdl editor | NNTPD::"dunski@mcsmus.bro.dec.com" | Alain | Wed Apr 23 1997 15:12 | 8 |
| Hey Heine,
Ok , I undersand now
Many thanks
[Posted by WWW Notes gateway]