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Conference decwet::networker

Notice:kits - 12-14, problem reporting - 41.*, basics 1-100
Created:Thu Oct 10 1996
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:750
Total number of notes:3361

489.0. "Cannot find server in different domain from W95 client" by HERON::INKINEN () Fri Mar 14 1997 07:36

I have a strange problem - installed Networker on a W95 system and when starting
the Winworker it says "Searching for a NetWorker server" and after a few minutes
it says "You are not the client of any NetWorker server".

But I have defined the PC as a client on the server and on the PC I specified
the server during the installation. I have verified that the correct server is
listed in the ../legato/res/servers file. It seems to me that this file is not
used at all...

My PC is milap.vbe.dec.com and the server is mijb.vbo.dec.com so they are in
different domains and this might have something to do with the problem because
if I start Winadmin on the PC it finds two servers but only in domain
vbe.dec.com and if I explicitly specify mijb.vbo.dec.com I can access the server.

But with the Winworker the problem remains. On the server the client is defined
with an alias milap as well and of course in the /etc/hosts.

Any idea?

489.1off the top of my headDECWET::LENOXBeep, beep!Fri Mar 14 1997 11:1713
Have you tried putting the server and ip address
in the client's lmhosts file?

Not being a win95 person, I would guess that the
name of the server is probably assumed to be in
the same domain and you've confused it.  On NT
one can set domain search order and stuff, you
may need to do something like that on the client
if you want to figure out what is going on.  Using
-s will always be faster, I'd recommend it for now...

489.2the server is definedHERON::INKINENThu Mar 20 1997 13:358
The server's IP address is defined in the lmhosts on the client (with alias
nsrhost as well) so I really cannot see any problem in the configuration.

Hasn't anybody tried a W95 client in a different domain?

489.3DECWET::LENOXPerpetual motion, that's my toddler!Thu Mar 20 1997 14:4011
We could ask Legato, if you like.  We don't have many Legato clients
setup here for testing purposes anymore (there are lots of clients,
a limited amount of resources, and we don't own that code).  We
also don't have two domains at one location/site for such purposes.

Even if we ask Legato, since there is a workaround (using -s or
change server), it won't rank very important to them.  They may
have some suggestions for your tcp/ip configuration.  If you give
a run down on how your tcp/ip is configured, that may provide us
enough info to perhaps help you.
489.4Network setupHERON::INKINENWed Mar 26 1997 11:0837
Here is some info - hope it is enough

Client (W95)

	IP address
	Subnet mask

	DNS enabled
	DNS server
	Domain suffix search order:

	WINS resolution enabled
	primary WINS server

	lmhosts contains:       localhost   mijb.vbo.dec.com   mijb nsrhost    jbpriv.vbo.dec.com jbpriv	essnt2.shr.dec.com essnt2    decsto.vbo.dec.com decsto


mijb.vbo.dec.com is the Networker server

Unfortunately I am stuck with this server and cannot change

If you think I ought to contact Legato to get help then please give me some
contact information.

489.5see note 525. and 531. alsoBACHUS::DIDDENFri Mar 28 1997 05:1311
    just for the record, even if you are in the same domain ( as in my
    case ) it can not seem to find out its client name, over here it always
    seems to find out that the nameserver itself is the clientname and then
    says that that client is not configured on the NetWorker server which
    is very true as I have not defined the nameserver but the clientname.
    Have you come up with anything in the meantime ????
    	/* Microsoft Windows* , just another pain in the glass ... */