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Conference decwet::networker

Notice:kits - 12-14, problem reporting - 41.*, basics 1-100
Created:Thu Oct 10 1996
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:750
Total number of notes:3361

383.0. "Questions about NWRECOVER and POOLS" by NETRIX::"verdick@axptwo.uto.dec.com" (Gerrit Verdick) Wed Feb 05 1997 04:35


I have seen two "problems" and I'm not sure if this is expected
behavior or not. Please tell me if it is as expected or not.

1.	We have a client A and NSR server B. We start NWRECOVER
	on B and select the client A with Change --> Client...
	Then I select some files and start the recover.
	The files are restored on server B and NOT on the
	client A. I have to start NWRECOVER on client A to 
	to restore the files on client A.

	Is this normal and documented ?

2.	We have setup a POOL called week. There is also a POOL
	default. We have setup a client and group to use the
	tapes labeled for the POOL week. If we start this group
	from the server (START GROUP) it backups the client to
	the tapes from the POOL week. So that ok.
	If we now start a backup from the client,
	then the backup is running and the data is saved on
	the tape from de default POOL. So not the the tape for
	the week POOL.

	Is this normal and somewhere documented ?


Gerrit Verdick

[Posted by WWW Notes gateway]
383.1DECWET::LENOXAttack the future!Wed Feb 05 1997 11:1715
Both behaviors are normal and documented, although probably not well
enough for one to immediately catch onto things.

The first behavior is because currently one can only pull files toward
the machine one starts the recover on, not push them to another machine.
This question comes up from time to time, you'd probably see more
dicussion of it in the old notes conference.

Pool behavior depends on how the pool is defined.  Note there are
differences between a group and a client (client can be in multiple
groups) and there are differences between saves started from the
server and client initiated saves.  There are also many discussions
of pools and how pools operate in the networker/decnsr notes 
383.2I can see clearly now...the brain is goneBACHUS::DIDDENThu Feb 06 1997 08:5913
    I have an additional recommendation for the second question asked in
    the basenote.
    I you do it this way you will not have that behaviour when doing
    manual saves ( that's what you mean ... correct me if I'm wrong! )
    In the POOL definition remove the group selection and add
    all clients pertaining to that group ( or even pool if you want )
    in the client selection in the POOLs admin window.
    Specifying a group name in the POOLs window is a way to explicitly
    separate NetWorker server initiated backup from manual ones.
383.3suggestion: use -b or -g in manual (ad hoc) saveDECWET::EVANSBe a Point Of Light!Thu Feb 06 1997 14:309
    In the POOL definition remove the group selection and add
    all clients pertaining to that group ( or even pool if you want )
    in the client selection in the POOLs admin window.
    Specifying a group name in the POOLs window is a way to explicitly
    separate NetWorker server initiated backup from manual ones.

I think you could do that, but you  could also set the group ID or pool ID
 save -b<pool>  or save -g<group> and it would work too.