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Conference utrop1::linkworks_v3

Title:LinkWorks V3.0 Notes Conference
Notice:LNX_APO = APO issues, LINKWORKS_V3 = V3.0 issues
Created:Tue Jun 28 1994
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2269
Total number of notes:8338

2123.0. "ORA-12598 with Unix 4.0, Oracle" by UFHIS::SHUEBNER (www.muc.de/~sh) Thu Feb 13 1997 17:16

    Hello !
    I tried to install LNX 3.0.8 (with all the patches needed for Unix 4.0)
    at a Customer site. Customer has Unix 4.0, Oracle with 64 bit and
    parallel option enabled. I created the tablespaces on distributed raw
    The customer also has Truecluster Software installed.
    /usr/lnx308 is a link to /usr/users/lnx308 where /usr/users is exported
    as an ASE-NFS-Service. (Oracle is also located on this NFS-subtree.)
    After I started instmgmt and later entered the Oracle-SID, instmgmt
    terminates with the error-message:
    /usr/op/servers/dbint: ORA-12598: Unable to open message file
    In sqlnet.log I found this entry:
    Fatal OSN connect error 12598, connecting to:
    	TNS for DEC OSF/1 AXP: Version - Production
    	Unix Domain Socket IPC NT Protocol Adaptor for DEC OSF/1 AXP:
    Version - Production
    	Oracle Bequeath NT Protocol Adapter for DEC OSF/1 AXP: Version - Production
      Time: 13-FEB-97 11:39:16
      Tracing not turned on.
      Tns error struct:
        nr err code: 12206
        TNS-12206: TNS:received a TNS error during navigation
        ns main err code: 12598
        TNS-12598: TNS:banner registration failed
        ns secondary err code: 12659
        nt main err code: 0
        nt secondary err code: 0
        nt OS err code: 0
    It seems to me that some sort of network problem occurs, but I have
    absolutely no idea how to fix this...
    Any clues ?
2123.1Oracle Problemnluto1.uto.dec.com::utomassink1.uto.dec.com::MASSINK_JFri Feb 14 1997 19:117
Hi Stephan,

I have given you a answer via the telephone and the answering service.

Regards Jan Massink

Have a nice weekend and a lot a succes with ORACLE
2123.2for infoRTOMS::HUEBNERSwww.muc.de/~shTue Mar 04 1997 14:4214
    The customer solved the problem with the Oracle-Hotline:
    Comment out the setting SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES=(ALL)
    in $ORACLE_BASE/product/7.3.2/network/admin/sqlnet.ora
    Seems like Linkworks doesnt like this authentication.
    Another problem I had later was that LNX couldnt connect to
    the database, because somehow the LNX-Users omuser,omdba and
    omgbusr were not included in group dba during installation.