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Conference akocoa::decpc_portables

Title:DECpc _Portables
Created:Wed May 08 1991
Last Modified:Fri Jun 06 1997
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:2423
Total number of notes:11059

3.0. "DECpc 320sx Notebook" by RANGER::PEASLEE () Wed May 08 1991 19:54

3.1Short DescriptionRANGER::PEASLEEThu May 09 1991 13:4712
3.2What kind of power is needed / PRICE ??FRSCS::FRERICHWed May 15 1991 14:3517
3.3wainting for the machine !!!STU03::RENZThu May 16 1991 06:229
3.4Thanks for answer; then I've to wait....FRSCS::FRERICHThu May 16 1991 06:360
3.5WHERE ARE THEY???????SEDSWS::HEGARTYMon May 20 1991 17:487
3.6When?ISLNDS::SCHMIDTTue May 21 1991 03:0511
3.7german junkies listen !!!!!STU03::RENZTue May 21 1991 10:4014
3.8special for helmut !!STU03::RENZTue May 21 1991 10:434
3.9Is "fresh out" thru July accurate? If so, locally or globally?FSOA::PSOHAMACRO-32 is self-documentingTue May 21 1991 15:2412
3.10What I heard at SOCSTAR::BECKPaul BeckTue May 21 1991 15:336
3.11What I heardRANGER::PEASLEEFri May 31 1991 16:436
3.12o god ,i'm no millionaire!!!STU03::RENZTue Jun 04 1991 07:2210
3.13Used in the Field NOWANGLIN::SIDESWed Sep 16 1992 16:5211
3.14Tell me more !!!!GENIE::MORRISThu Sep 17 1992 14:224
3.15DEC has it now! (but you can't have it)REPAIR::RICKETTSI practise safe hexFri Sep 18 1992 07:0919