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Conference iosg::all-in-1_v30

Title:*OLD* ALL-IN-1 (tm) Support Conference
Notice:Closed - See Note 4331.l to move to IOSG::ALL-IN-1
Created:Thu Jan 30 1992
Last Modified:Tue Jan 23 1996
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:4343
Total number of notes:18308

1901.0. "MASS11 attachments, and forground formatting" by KAOFS::D_STREET () Fri Dec 04 1992 18:09

     I have a client who is getting "Problem with copy function" errors on
    their 2.4 system when they try to print a mail message while reading
    it. (ie. read a few pages, then print without going back to the EM
    menu) The thing that seems to be causing this is the fact that the
    attachments are MASS11 files. The copy function and errors look like
      copy #print_file "WPSPLUSTMP.WPL"
    		print_file = oa$share28:zulacfnjl.m11
     %OA-E-NOCOPY, Problem with copy function - file
     -RMS-F-CRR, cannot connect RAB
     Earlier in the script I see some logic that goes like this:
     Sure enough, it goes to WPSPLUS. Can the MASS11 stuff be treated like
    WPSPLUS stuff for printing?
     Any help would be appreciated....			Derek Street.
1901.1mass-11 to Wpslus, not without conversionDOOZER::TURNBULLSnacks and treats PleaseMon Dec 07 1992 16:0323
    I'll give this a try.
    Certainly MASS-11 files are formatted very differently from WPSPLUS,
    at the large customer site I'm currently seconded to they have
    purchased KEYPAK conversion utilities to convert from MASS-11 to
    DX format in order to send mail (reasonably) transparently from
    MASS-11 to ALL-IN-1.
    I would expect an unconverted MASS-11 mail to simply read ( and print)
    as garbage from ALL-IN-1, you can send MASS-11 to ALL-IN-1 as ASCII
    but then there should not be problems printing.       
    Either way the documents have a handling type of ASCII when mailed to 
    WPSPLUS from MASS-11.          
    The copy function errors suggests that these attachments have a
    handling type of WPSPLUS, so is your client using a customisation
    /conversion utility to import/convert the MASS-11 documents?
    Is the customer using a utility to convert MASS-11
1901.2What I see when I try itAIMTEC::WICKS_ASoon: warm beer, football, rainMon Dec 07 1992 22:5023
    I think Mark is right - the handling should definitely be MASS11 - no
    wonder you're getting RMS RAB errors it would appear that you have a
    MASS-11 document masquerading as WPS-PLUS or vice versa. 
    I just printed a MASS-11 doc and here's the relevant bit of the trace 
    52         ! [SCP/TRACE] .if FORMAT.STDFORMAT[#PRINT_FORMAT] eqs OA$Y then 
    .goto ...
    52         ! GET Symbol: #PRINT_FORMAT
    52         !      Value: MASS11
    52         ! DSAB Name: FORMAT                          Requests :    
    53         ! GET Symbol: FORMAT.STDFORMAT[#PRINT_FORMAT]
    53         !      Value: Y
    Is MASS-11 installed on the receiving system? I don't see the COPY
    function getting invoked at all in my trace,
1901.3sent cust to MASS11 supplier...KAOFS::D_STREETMon Dec 21 1992 23:598
    I have directed the customer to the supplier of MASS11. They provide
    the modifications for the regular print option, so they should also
    provide one for the "print while reading" option.
    						Thanks for the help....