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Conference iosg::all-in-1_v30

Title:*OLD* ALL-IN-1 (tm) Support Conference
Notice:Closed - See Note 4331.l to move to IOSG::ALL-IN-1
Created:Thu Jan 30 1992
Last Modified:Tue Jan 23 1996
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:4343
Total number of notes:18308

467.0. "Moving accounts" by PRIAM::OESTREICHER (Lloyd - DTN 352-3251) Sat Apr 11 1992 02:04

I have a customer that wants to move about 1500 accounts
to another system.

He has benchmarked the PAT and MAS for a user with 500
messages to take about 35 minutes.  One the destination system,
it took 1 hour, 45 minutes to create the new account and restore
the file cabinet.

He's taking some objection to moving 1500 accounts in this manner!

1. Are these times wildly out of whack?
2. Are there more efficient methods to move multiple users to another

They are running ALL-IN-1 V2.3 on an 8550 under VMS 5.4-3.
467.1NCCODE::HARRISooopppsSun Apr 12 1992 08:439
    i just finished moving 30 users on a 2.4 system.  your times (1 hour 45
    minutes) do not seem out of whack.  on accounts that had around 500
    documents/messages it took 45min to an hour to do the PAT and a bit
    longer to do the MAs-MAN on the other end.  
    one thing you might want to do though is create the account on the new
    system ahead of time.
467.2Transfer User not in the bulk transfer businessIOSG::TALLETTJust one more fix, then we can ship...Mon Apr 13 1992 12:3720
    Hi there!
    	Transfer User is really intended for moving a few accounts
    	around, not bulk transfer. Your times sound to be about right.
    	If you have a large percentage of your users to move onto a new
    	system, the usual suggestion is to copy your entire system onto
    	the new machine and delete off the users you don't want.
    	By the way, a word of warning, if PAT fails on V2.4 it leaves
    	the source account in a badly munged state. Make sure you have
    	good backups before you start. V3.0 doesn't suffer from this
    	Creating the accounts in advance is a good idea, I hadn't thought
    	of that one. Don't let anyone use the new accounts until you have
    	loaded them though, as you can't merge two accounts together.
467.3A lead?SHALOT::NICODEMWho told you I'm paranoid???Tue Apr 14 1992 19:439
	There have been some endeavors in the past that deal with "mass moves",
or even merges of large systems.  Some general things apply in all cases, but
for the most part, you have to deal with each situation on a site-by-site basis.

	The person who has done a lot of this work already for major customers
is Wendy Ellis @ATO.  You might want to get in touch with her, and see what
suggestions (and/or tools) she has.

467.4ATO ceased to exist several years ago, try @ALF instead!!AIMTEC::PORTER_TTerry Porter, ALL-IN-1 Support, Atlanta CSCWed Apr 15 1992 00:120
467.5rathole alert ...ATLANA::SHERMANDebt Free!Wed Apr 15 1992 17:5614
    Actually, Terry, "ATO" is alive and well in the Mid-town facility at
    One Georgia Center, with 166 Digital employees and who-knows-how-many
    temporaries ... 8^)

    So as to _not_ rathole this discussion, if you'd like an explanation
    of facility-code-based addressing within Digital, give me a holler and
    I'll tell you more than you'll probably ever want to know ... 8^)

    BTW, there are several folks here who have been involved in "mass" moving
    of ALL-IN-1 accounts.


467.6Sorry,AIMTEC::PORTER_TTerry Porter, ALL-IN-1 Support, Atlanta CSCWed Apr 15 1992 20:527
My mistake, I assumed ATO was the old CSC location code and that it changed 
to ALF when the CSC moved. All this happened before I joined the CSC, hence 
my incomplete knowledge.

Anyway, the intent was to point out that Wendy Ellis is @ALF not @ATO.

467.7Further rathole alert ...ATLANA::SHERMANDebt Free!Wed Apr 15 1992 22:4020
   Hi Terry,

   The other point was/is that Wendy Ellis is equally addressable @ATO or
   @ALF (or @CEO <Charlotte, North Carolina>, or @TMO <Tampa, Florida> or 
   @BHO <Birmingham, Alabama> or @MMO <Memphis, Tennessee>, etc. etc.).

   One of my jobs is to ensure that any employee with a pay site (facility)
   code within the geographic boundaries of the former Southern Area will 
   receive electronic mail addressed (correctly or incorrectly) to any of 
   the facility codes valid within the former Southern Area.

   Even Mr. DDV gets his mail, correctly addressed "@ORO" <Orlando, Florida>
   when we all know that he mosttimes is elsewhere ... 8^)



   P.S.  I recall that you were one of the first of the 'British migration'
         to have the pleasure of joining us at ALF ... belated "Welcome!"
467.8The hole is closedAIMTEC::WICKS_AMore Ship dates than actual ShipsThu Apr 16 1992 21:0716
    To close the ratholes.
    IPO was the old site code for the Atlanta CSC. 
    Don Vickers still has an account and office at the CSC just in case
    he stops by on his travels (:==:)
    Many of the CSC's managers still give out their mail address as @IPO 
    oblivious to the fact they have moved - or maybe they're still sitting 
    there?? But Ron like the U.S Postal Service always tries to get the
    mail to them somehow!
    Andrew.D.Wicks (The entire "Welsh" contingent)
467.9But wait, there's more (rat hole alert 3)BUFFER::VICKERSIf it helps a customer, DO ITThu Apr 16 1992 23:0717
    Fortunately for me I travel far less than I used to do.  

    As Ron says, he did save my mail going into the black hole in OPA.  I
    have the distinction of getting my mail in Massachusetts even when
    people send it to Orlando where it is believed I live thanks to Ron's
    good work.  I wish that it were possible to have other people in
    Digital who cared enough about providing service as does Ron.  Had
    there been people like that running the system from which I was deleted
    then Ron would not have had to have taken the special actions he did.

    Andrew is nice to point out that they are saving my stuff at the CSC. 
    Of course, the last time I was there it seemed that someone else was
    using 'my' office.  Unless Andrew is believing that 'my' office is the
    one with the stalls.

    Have fun,
467.10The contingency plan!AIMTEC::WICKS_AMore Ship dates than actual ShipsFri Apr 17 1992 00:4814
    We've built a new office for you - raised podium and all that stuff so 
    that people may look up to you (:==:) and ask you difficult v3.0 questions
    and return to their phones enlightened when you come and help us out in 
    the summer or autumn.
    P.S come July 1st you may have your pick of offices!