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Conference iosg::all-in-1_v30

Title:*OLD* ALL-IN-1 (tm) Support Conference
Notice:Closed - See Note 4331.l to move to IOSG::ALL-IN-1
Created:Thu Jan 30 1992
Last Modified:Tue Jan 23 1996
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:4343
Total number of notes:18308

166.0. "File Cabinet server object does not exist" by HAND::BUGDEN (Steve Bugden) Wed Mar 04 1992 17:28

    I'm running ALL-IN-1 PBL122D (US) ENGLISH 24-JAN-1992 on VMS 5.4-2.
    I've created a drawer from the ALL-IN-1 manager's account and given
    access to my own user account. I can create a document from my account 
    but on exiting the document I get the following error :
            File Cabinet object does not exist
    GOLD W only gives : %OAFC-I-CARDIDNF, File Cabinet object does not exist
    According to the oafc$server.log file I have File Cabinet Server
    Version 1.0 running.
    Any Ideas ?
166.1Just a wild guess ...AIMTEC::PORTER_TTerry Porter, ALL-IN-1 Support, Atlanta CSCWed Mar 04 1992 18:3219
The error you are getting is coming from the FCS, which requires system file
protection to access the drawer files. Check that the following files have
at lease S:RWED file protection...

*.DIR (the document directories DOC0 thru DOC9 and MSG)
The document body file (if it got created)

The file protection for newly created document body files is determined by
a default protection ACE on the DOC% directory files, unfortunately these ACEs
get dropped the first time you modify the allowed access to the drawer and the
default file protections reverts back to the user's RMS defaults. Check that
the default protection includes S:RWED.


166.2problem still existsHAND::BUGDENSteve BugdenWed Mar 04 1992 20:286
    	I've done what you suggested in 166.1, unfortunately I still have
    the problem.
166.3Add the drawer to your file cabinetCHRLIE::HUSTONWed Mar 04 1992 23:3518
    Not being entirely sure what the ordering of FCS calls that A1 makes
    in this case I would guess that you never added the drawer to your
    file cabinet.
    You say you created it from the ALL-IN-1 managers account and granted
    access to your account. In order to access it from your account you
    would have to add the drawer to your file cabinet.
    >        File Cabinet object does not exist
    >GOLD W only gives : %OAFC-I-CARDIDNF, File Cabinet object does not exist
    This means that when the actual create was attempted that the parent
    did not exist (the drawer) in your file cabinet.
166.4Drawer added to file cabinetHAND::BUGDENSteve BugdenThu Mar 05 1992 13:1516
    The drawer was already added to my file cabinet and is listed when I use 
    the IAD option from the Drawer Management menu. The error I get has 
    changed however. Yesterday, before and after changing the file protections
    (suggested in .1) I was able to create a document successfully but always 
    got the error message as described in .0. Today I can not create a 
    document instead I get an error message 'No document was created'. Gold W
    gives the following :
     %OAFC-I-CARDIDNF, File Cabinet object does not exist
     %OA-I-LASTLINE, The document could not be reserved (Document not edited)
     %OA-I-LASTLINE, No document was created
166.5A thoughtSCOTTC::MARSHALLPearl-white, but slightly shop-soiledThu Mar 05 1992 14:414
Just because the drawer appears in IAD does not mean that it is in your
file cabinet...  To see which drawers are in your file cabinet, do FC ID.

166.6FC ID lists drawerHAND::BUGDENSteve BugdenThu Mar 05 1992 15:373
    OK, when I do an FC ID the drawer is listed.
166.7Old version?IOSG::TALLETTMit Schuh bish hiThu Mar 05 1992 19:587
    Hi Steve!
    	Are you sure you have the latest version of the filecab server
    	in SYS$SYSTEM? No old versions sitting in SYS$SPECIFIC?
166.8No OAFC$SERVER.EXE in SYS$SPECIFICHAND::BUGDENSteve BugdenThu Mar 05 1992 21:048
    Hi Paul,
    	I have a OAFC$SERVER.EXE dated 27-FEB-1992 in SYS$SYSTEM but
    nothing like that in SYS$SPECIFIC.
    Any others that I should look for ?
    If you do an anal/image on the oafc$server.exe what is the linker
    ID (hopefully OAFC V1.0) ??
166.10ID = OAFC V1.0HAND::BUGDENSteve BugdenFri Mar 06 1992 12:433
    The image file identification is "OAFC V1.0"
166.11Running out of ideas...IOSG::STANDAGEOink...Oink...MoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooFri Mar 06 1992 13:2936
    Here's some more things to check out :
    Ensure that the latest versions are not superseeded by earlier ones in
    Both these images should be INSTALLed as follows :
    OAFC$CLIENT_SHR.EXE     Open     Shar          Lnkbl
    OAFC$MTS_PRIV_SHR.EXE   Open     Shar     Prot Lnkbl
    If any changes are needed then remember to stop and restart the server
    to pick up what's been done.
    NOTE: If you've relinked the server, then OAFC$SERVER.EXE and
          OAFC$MTS_PRIV_SHR.EXE will remain in OA$BUILD_SHARE and
          you'll have to manually copy and INSTALL.
166.12Lets try this...CHRLIE::HUSTONFri Mar 06 1992 18:0222
    I currently don't have much of an idea as to what is causing your 
    problem, but can you do the following:
    From the manage servers menu, turn on server tracing for ALL USERS.
    Try the document create again, please start from the time you
    enter ALL-IN-1.
    Turn server tracing off and run the trace file through the 
    trace formatter (in sys$system:oafc$print_trace_log.exe, assign
    sys$output to a file and run the trace formatter)
    Post the trace log here or mail it to me.
    This will show what FCS calls are being made and what they are 
    really trying to do.
166.13missing file HAND::BUGDENSteve BugdenMon Mar 09 1992 16:5617
        I've made the checks you suggested in .11 and everything is correct.
            I turned the server tracing on using the EST option (I don't
    know how to do this for all users). I ran the oafc$print_trace_log.exe to
    produce a file containing the following :
             Error opening the file OA$DATA_SHARE:OAFC$SERVER_LOG.DAT
    This file doesn't exist in OA$DATA_SHARE: I couldn't find this file in
    the kit so I'm not sure if it's supposed to be created at some point.
166.14Need to pass the trace file nameCHRLIE::HUSTONMon Mar 09 1992 17:1029
    The error is nothing to worry about. The trace format utility is a 
    rather dumb utility. It was basically written just as a starting 
    point. Anyone who wants to write another, better utility is welcome
    to, we publish the record layout of the trace file.
    What you need to do (this is buried someplace in the users manual
    for the FCS) is:
    1) Set the trace formatter as a foreign symbol:
    2) Pass the trace file as a parameter to the formatter.
    	$ TRACE_FORMAT whatever_your_trace_file_is
    THe default name for the trace file is:
    By the looks of things thats not what yours is called. 
    to find the trace file name, turn on server tracing and under the
    manage servers menu, ask for the trace file name.  Run this through
    the formatter.
166.15ALL-IN-2 !?IOSG::MAURICEIOSG ain't a place to raise a kidMon Mar 09 1992 17:3616
    I've been able to reproduce this problem on our development systems,
    where we have more than ALL-IN-1 system running. Because we have more
    than one ALL-IN-1 system there are different settings of OA$DATA_SHARE,
    and so more than one PARTITION file. If I run ALL-IN-1 interactively
    using one definition of OA$DATA_SHARE, and run the File Cabinet Server
    using another definition then when I create a drawer an entry gets
    added to a PARTITION file that will never be seen by the server. When I
    try to reserve (say) a document in this drawer, the FCS comes up with
    the File Cabinet object does not exist message.
    So are you running more than one ALL-IN-1 system? Do you have more
    than one PARTITION file?
166.16Trace detailsHAND::BUGDENSteve BugdenMon Mar 09 1992 19:2375
            Please find the trace details below :
            We only have one ALL-IN-1 system running. We only have the
    following partition files on OA$DATA_SHARE.
    Trace details . . . 

SESSION ID:  3641216
OAFC FUNCTION: OafcSetServer                 
TRACE EVENT: Task Complete       
EVENT TIME:  9-MAR-1992 15:45:58.79 
STATUS: 55803913

SESSION ID:  3641216
OAFC FUNCTION: OafcShowServer                
TRACE EVENT: Task Start          
EVENT TIME:  9-MAR-1992 15:45:59.98 

SESSION ID:  3641216
OAFC FUNCTION: OafcShowServer                
TRACE EVENT: Task Complete       
EVENT TIME:  9-MAR-1992 15:46:00.12 
STATUS: 55803913

SESSION ID:  3641216
OAFC FUNCTION: OafcShowServer                
TRACE EVENT: Task Start          
EVENT TIME:  9-MAR-1992 15:46:30.22 

SESSION ID:  3641216
OAFC FUNCTION: OafcShowServer                
TRACE EVENT: Task Complete       
EVENT TIME:  9-MAR-1992 15:46:30.49 
STATUS: 55803913

SESSION ID:  3641216
OAFC FUNCTION: OafcShowServer                
TRACE EVENT: Task Start          
EVENT TIME:  9-MAR-1992 15:47:00.28 

SESSION ID:  3641216
OAFC FUNCTION: OafcShowServer                
TRACE EVENT: Task Complete       
EVENT TIME:  9-MAR-1992 15:47:00.37 
STATUS: 55803913

SESSION ID:  3641216
OAFC FUNCTION: OafcSetServer                 
TRACE EVENT: Task Start          
EVENT TIME:  9-MAR-1992 15:47:01.31 
166.17BL90 upgrade problemIOSG::MAURICEIOSG ain't a place to raise a kidMon Mar 09 1992 20:229
    Problem solved! Steve's system started life before BL90 and his update
    to BL90 missed the manual post-installation step to run script
    OAFC_LOCAL_PHASE_IV_NAMES.SCP (well hidden in the small print!).
    Now this script has run and all seems to be well again. 
166.18looked familiarIOSG::STANDAGEOink...Oink...MoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooTue Mar 10 1992 15:2416
    OUCH !!!
    I *KNEW* I'd seen this before !!
    The Atlanta people had the same problem on DIMUND over Christmas,
    it took a while for me to suss it out then !
    Oh well, I guess I'm just getting too old for this kinda thing...
166.19Another OA-I-CARDIDNF errorKERNEL::VANRIXTELEEmma van RixtelFri Jan 21 1994 20:3324
    I have a customer who is running ALL-IN-1 V3.0-1 and some of his users
    are getting exactly the same error, but after they file a document (?)
    This is happening for all documents in a couple of folders in a shared
    drawer. The documents are straight forward WPS-PLUS documents, which
    when filed after being editing, after the filing complete message they
    see.. (after gold w)
    %OA-I-CARDIDNF File cabinet object does not exist
    Other folders in the same drawer are unaffected. I have got him to go
    away and check things suggested in .1 but seeing as the original
    problem was seen whilst trying to create a shared drawer, I don't know
    how relevant this is.
    Nonetheless, I have got him to check out a few things, will let you
    know what he says.
166.20see 3821.3 for fixKERNEL::VANRIXTELEEmma van RixtelMon Jan 31 1994 17:172