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Conference bulova::decw_jan-89_to_nov-90

Title:DECWINDOWS 26-JAN-89 to 29-NOV-90
Notice:See 1639.0 for VMS V5.3 kit; 2043.0 for 5.4 IFT kit
Created:Mon Oct 30 1989
Last Modified:Mon Dec 31 1990
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:3726
Total number of notes:19516

3703.0. "implement FMS/DECFORM like appl. under DECWindows" by TAV02::GAN () Wed Nov 21 1990 11:17

One of our customers is trying to build some kind
of FMS under x. That mean a screen data entry.

He implemented it using one big SIMPLE TEXT widget
with a translation table, which translate each keystroke
including arrow keys into actions, such as highlighting
areas (for fields); entering text; jumping from one "field"
to the other etc.

His implementation is very CPU intensive and work very slow.
He want to know if he is going in a dead-end way:

Is that a good way to implement it?

Is there any trick to improve it's performance?

Is an implementation of many many widgets, one for each field is a better
way from performance point of view?

	Thanks in advance
	Ofer Gan
3703.1Text widget performanceLEOVAX::TREGGIARIWed Nov 21 1990 12:5627
> He implemented it using one big SIMPLE TEXT widget
> with a translation table, which translate each keystroke
> including arrow keys into actions, such as highlighting
> areas (for fields); 

The translation manager is not very efficient about handling
key events with a large translation table.  For each key
event, it will check the translation lines in serial order
to find out which one to use.  We have made some changes
in our R4 Intrinsics to improve this, but that's not going
to help you right away.  Another more complicated, but
definitely faster, way to handle this would be to use an
Intrinsics event handler instead of the translation manager
(i.e. take all the keys events out of the Text widgets translations,
 and call XtAddEventHandler to add an event handler which would handle
 all key events).

> Is an implementation of many many widgets, one for each field is a better
> way from performance point of view?

It would be better for "interactive performance", but would
add more time to startup and would use more virtual memory.
However, if the size of the translation table is the problem,
it probably wouldn't help much.

3703.2DSSDEV::BIBEAULTGrizzly BearWed Nov 21 1990 14:016
    I would think that the use of individual widgets would give you the best
    interactive performance and the most flexibility. In fact, that's exactly
    what DECforms itself is planning to do in its workstation implementation.

3703.3T h a n k s ! ! !TAV02::GANWed Nov 21 1990 14:463
Thanks a lot for your answer!!!

	Ofer Gan
3703.4Sledge hammer for a nitTOOLEY::B_WACKERWed Nov 21 1990 15:136
Since you're doing all the hard work yourself and not really using the 
stext widget features why not just use a window and draw string?  It
would be a lot faster and not that much more work over what you are
already doing. 
