T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
3431.1 | | DECWIN::FISHER | I like my species the way it is" "A narrow view... | Wed Oct 10 1990 20:35 | 5 |
| I fear there is no good solution to this problem. The bad solution is to spawn
a subprocess to do all the DW work, let it die if the connection dies, and then
spawn another one.
3431.2 | Bad news... | AIDA::CARCANO | Matteo Carcano, Italian ACT Milan | Thu Oct 11 1990 10:35 | 23 |
| Thanks for the reply, anyway.
Unfortunately this solution cannot be applied by the customers.
He has a single client process opening N displays on N different VT1000.
Once a single VT1000 is turned off he wants the other N-1 VT1000s to keep
working independently of the single connection aborted.
I know that a "pure X" solution doesn't exist. The first thing that comes in
mind is to re-design the application having a 1-1 correspondance between a
client process and a single server. But it's probably too late...
Does anyone know how (if it can be done) to trap the "timeout expired" message
that the LAT transport layer passes up to Xlib? (this is how I imagine that
the session aborted message is generated).
Is there any way for the "host" system to know that a VT1000 connected to it
has been turned off?
Is ther any documentation around on the LAT transport layer attached by Xlib
when the server is a VT1000?
Any ideas, suggestions, or examples are very very welcome.
Thanks a lot,
3431.3 | Possible in the not to distant future? | IO::MCCARTNEY | James T. McCartney III - DTN 381-2244 ZK02-2/N24 | Thu Oct 11 1990 16:21 | 8 |
Is the DXSetIOErrorMode() call still going into DECWindows?
If so that would at least provide a DEC solution...
3431.4 | | STAR::HARDY | | Fri Oct 12 1990 20:28 | 10 |
>Is the DXSetIOErrorMode() call still going into DECWindows?
Yes. This provides a limited capability to continue if
an application loses one of its connections. It does not
help applications which have only one connection and wish to
continue. You'll need DW V3 to try it. DW V3 should be
going to internal field test in the near future.
3431.5 | A brief description? | ORTICA::CARCANO | | Tue Oct 16 1990 08:10 | 6 |
| Could you please give a brief and "unofficial" description of the
DXSetIOErrorMode() routine?