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Conference bulova::decw_jan-89_to_nov-90

Title:DECWINDOWS 26-JAN-89 to 29-NOV-90
Notice:See 1639.0 for VMS V5.3 kit; 2043.0 for 5.4 IFT kit
Created:Mon Oct 30 1989
Last Modified:Mon Dec 31 1990
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:3726
Total number of notes:19516

3305.0. "X$SET_FON_PATH => application stops" by MUNICH::STEFAN () Wed Sep 05 1990 07:12

	Could anyone help me ?

		When I use the call X$SET_FON_PATH in an VAXbinding
		FORTRAN program the application stops forever.

	It would be very nice if someone has a small example program
	which shows how X$SET_FON_PATH works.
3305.1extra trailing comma?STAR::HARDYWed Sep 05 1990 13:186
    	Does the string you pass in contain a trailing comma?  If so,
    remove it.  Also, don't expect X$SET_FONT_PATH to be quick.  It opens
    all the font files in the search path.
3305.2STAR::KLEINSORGEFred Kleinsorge, VMS DevelopmentMon Sep 17 1990 17:226
    I tried the VAX binding and *never* got it to work, no permutation I
    used made a lick of difference - it either corrupted the font path,
    hung forever, or crashed the program.  The MIT binding worked everytime.