| The following will go through the various fonts on the system.
Example is from Advanced Decwindows cours.
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef VMS
#include <decw$include/DwtAppl.h>
#include <decw$cursor.h>
#include <X11/DwtAppl.h>
#include <X11/decwcursor.h>
static char *font_name[27] =
"decw$c_check_cursor" };
#define MAXARGS 4
static XtCallbackProc LabelCreated();
static XtCallbackProc ButtonArmed(), ButtonActivated();
/* DECwindows Resource Manager (DRM) data structures */
static DRMHierarchy hierarchy; /* DRM hierarchy id */
Make sure the UID file has the proper name
static char *namvec[] = {"dwcursor.uid"};
/* DRM file list */
static DRMCode class;
Register any new callbacks
static DRMRegisterArg regvec[] = {
{"ButtonArmed", (caddr_t) ButtonArmed},
{"ButtonActivated", (caddr_t) ButtonActivated},
{"LabelCreated", (caddr_t) LabelCreated}
/* macros for counting things in file and name lists */
#define nFiles(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(char *))
#define nRegs(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(DRMRegisterArg))
Widget label;
Widget top_level, main_widget;
Display *display;
Window window;
Colormap cmap;
XColor red, white, dummy;
int screen;
int cursor_num;
Font cursorfont;
Cursor mycursor;
main(argc, argv)
unsigned int argc;
char *argv[];
int status, n;
Arg args[MAXARGS];
/* Initialize the DECwindows Resource Manager */
/* Initialize the toolkit, and create the top-level widget */
top_level = XtInitialize("Lab6 Solution", "Example", NULL, 0, &argc, argv);
n = 0;
XtSetArg(args[n], DwtNx, 340);
XtSetArg(args[n], DwtNy, 288);
XtSetArg(args[n], XtNallowShellResize, True);
XtSetValues(top_level, args, n);
/* Define the DRM hierarchy */
status = DwtOpenHierarchy(nFiles(namvec),
/* number of files */
namvec, /* file names */
NULL, /* no extensions */
&hierarchy); /* pointer to hierarchy id */
if (status != DRMSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open DRM hierarchy\n");
/* Register callback routines */
DwtRegisterDRMNames(regvec, nRegs(regvec));
Make sure you're fetching the top widget in the .uil widget tree
/* Ask DRM to create the pushbutton widget */
status = DwtFetchWidget(hierarchy, /* DRM hierarchy id */
"mainWidget", /* index of widget to fetch */
top_level, /* parent widget */
&main_widget, /* returned widget id */
&class); /* returned widget class */
if (status != DRMSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't fetch widget\n");
Modify XtManageChild so you are managing the widget you fetched
/* Include fetched widget in its parent's managed set */
XtMainLoop(); /* Never returns */
static XtCallbackProc LabelCreated(widget, tag, reason)
Widget widget;
char *tag;
DwtAnyCallbackStruct *reason;
label = widget;
static XtCallbackProc ButtonArmed(widget, tag, reason)
Widget widget;
char *tag;
DwtAnyCallbackStruct *reason;
Arg arg;
/* change string in label to reflect new cursor */
XtSetArg(arg, DwtNlabel, DwtLatin1String(font_name[cursor_num/2]));
XtSetValues(label, &arg, 1);
static XtCallbackProc ButtonActivated(widget, tag, reason)
Widget widget;
char *tag;
DwtAnyCallbackStruct *reason;
mycursor = XCreateGlyphCursor(display, cursorfont, cursorfont,
cursor_num, cursor_num + 1, &red,
XDefineCursor(display, window, mycursor);
cursor_num = cursor_num + 2;
/* don't do pencil cursor, because it blows up the server */
if (cursor_num == 22) cursor_num = cursor_num + 2;
if (cursor_num == 38) cursor_num = cursor_num + 2;
/* nothing between 46 and 52 seems to work */
if (cursor_num >= 46) exit();
display = XtDisplay(top_level);
window = XtWindow(top_level);
screen = DefaultScreen(display);
cmap = DefaultColormap(display, screen);
XAllocNamedColor(display, cmap, "white", &white, &dummy);
XAllocNamedColor(display, cmap, "red", &red, &dummy);
cursorfont = XLoadFont(display, "DECW$CURSOR");