T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
2292.1 | Question: will this mean a big problem for your customer? | DECWIN::JMSYNGE | James M Synge, VMS Development | Fri Feb 16 1990 21:00 | 7 |
| Indeed this is a bug. It has been QARed already.
The READ path in the transport layer should be re-entrant, but due to
this bug, it screws up its internal state. I'm afraid this isn't
likely to be fixed until AFTER V5.4.
2292.2 | Very ugly bug | TOOLEY::B_WACKER | | Tue Feb 20 1990 19:18 | 6 |
| Non-ast reentrancy of Xlib is a big problem for this customer and it
has been CLD'd to get high priority.
I hope something can be done to fix it before 5.4 because our official
line is that Xlib is ast reentrant and that the read side of the
transport isn't seems like an enormous exposure for us.
2292.3 | Must be fixed quickly !! | WSINT::GOLDBERG | Marshall R. Goldberg, Workstations | Thu Feb 22 1990 16:24 | 6 |
Failure to fix this problem quickly will greatly damage Digital's
DOS/PC Solutions strategy.
2292.4 | QAR it! | STAR::VATNE | Peter Vatne, VMS Development | Thu Feb 22 1990 16:35 | 4 |
| > Failure to fix this problem quickly will greatly damage Digital's
> DOS/PC Solutions strategy.
If you feel this is important, I suggest you QAR this.
2292.5 | cld'd | TOOLEY::B_WACKER | | Fri Feb 23 1990 13:10 | 4 |
| >If you feel this is important, I suggest you QAR this.
It was quar'd. This comes from a customer and since it is critical it
was CLD'd.
2292.6 | NOTES is not a formal customer problem resolution mechanism | PSW::WINALSKI | Careful with that VAX, Eugene | Fri Feb 23 1990 19:09 | 9 |
| RE: .5
>It was quar'd. This comes from a customer and since it is critical it
>was CLD'd.
The CLD process gives you a direct channel to the responsible developers. Why
aren't you using that instead of whining in NOTES conferences?
2292.7 | | WSINT::GOLDBERG | Marshall R. Goldberg, Workstations | Tue Feb 27 1990 15:12 | 12 |
Considering the less than satisfactory response when this bug was first
reported, why not post it in this notes file and let everyone know
about it? Doesn't seem unreasonable to me. Very much appreciate
past resonses to our problems here; people have been wonderful.
Isn't best we share this information with as wide an audience as
2292.8 | Please understand the process | STAR::VATNE | Peter Vatne, VMS Development | Tue Feb 27 1990 16:54 | 22 |
| It is reasonable to post problems in this notes file for general discussion.
What makes developers mad is when the problem described in the notes files
appears to be a serious problem affecting customers, and yet there is no
indication that the problem has been sent through regular channels. Perhaps
the problem has been properly escalated. But if you post the description
in this notes file, please so indicate!
Another problem is that it is not clear to us whether TOOLEY::B_WACKER and
WSINT::GOLDBERG are working on the same customer problem or not. If these
problems are for two different customers, then two separate QARs should be
entered. The priority for one customer's problem may be different from
another customer's problem, even though they stem from the same bug.
Finally, statements like "must be fixed quickly!!" have no use in this
notes file, as audience here is the general Digital community, not the
developers. I have no idea why "failure to fix this problem quickly will
greatly damage Digital's DOS/PS Solutions strategy." The correct procedure
is to explain in a QAR in detail exactly what this means. Only then will
solving the problem get the proper priority it deserves.
Thank you.
2292.9 | clarification | TOOLEY::B_WACKER | | Wed Feb 28 1990 14:46 | 34 |
| >there is no indication that the problem has been sent through regular
Back a couple of notes I said it had been CLD'd (and got accused of
whining), so it was indicated.
>Another problem is that it is not clear to us whether TOOLEY::B_WACKER
>and WSINT::GOLDBERG are working on the same customer problem or not.
It is the same problem for the same customer. Goldberg is something
like contract administrator/liason. I'm with CSC/CS.
If you're interested there's an article in Digital News, February 19,
on page 62 about the coprocessor product that is affected.
>...have no use in this notes file
Agreed, but Goldberg doesn't frequent here and doesn't know that.
>audience here is the general Digital community, not the developers.
In my experience the "official" channels are woefully slow and often
breed misunderstanding. SPR's average 6-9 months to get a response.
CSSE is often over-committed and not much help. Until the other
channels are dramatically improved notes is what gets the job done,
and even informal participation by developers is crucial to what
success we do have.
I put a little more back in here after I had enough to work the
customer issue because I thought the DW community needed to be aware
that Xlib may not be as ast reentrant as we believe. If I've broken
notes etiquette in the process please send me mail and I'll fix it.
2292.10 | | PSW::WINALSKI | Careful with that VAX, Eugene | Wed Feb 28 1990 19:47 | 14 |
| RE: .9
>Until the other
>channels are dramatically improved notes is what gets the job done,
That is precisely Peter Vatne's point. NOTES conferences DON'T get the job
done, where "the job" is getting problems reported to the developer and fixed in
a reliable, timely fashion.
If, as you say, you have a CLD open on this problem, then you already have a
channel open to the developers responsible for fixing this problem. Make your
comments about the urgency of the problem known through those channels.
2292.11 | rathole alert | TOOLEY::B_WACKER | | Thu Mar 01 1990 18:46 | 23 |
| >NOTES conferences DON'T get the job done, where "the job" is getting
>problems reported to the developer and fixed in a reliable, timely
In this and many cases the first thing is to figure out if there
really is a problem. Notes and all you gurus who read them are
invaluable in this respect. From the hinterlands the QAR system is
impossible to search, so notes also tend to flush known problems and
sometimes provide already fixed next release knowledge unavailable
elsewhere. I don't think any CSC specialist thinks notes will get
anything fixed.
>Make your comments about the urgency of the problem known through
>those channels.
I don't think I made such comments and I already apologized for
Goldberg's unfamiliarity with the whole system. I feel like I'm being
blamed for another's actions and since I have a vested interest in
this conference, the product, and relations with the developers I
repeat my request to direct your remarks through mail to the concerned
party and not beleaguer it further here.
Bruce (not Marshall)
2292.12 | Moderator opinion | DECWIN::FISHER | Burns Fisher 381-1466, ZKO3-4/W23 | Tue Mar 06 1990 17:05 | 27 |
| Two comments with two different hats on:
1. with my devo hat on: We have gotten the CLD (the same day the
original note was written, it turns out) and are working on it.
2. with my moderator hat on top of the devo hat: I don't see anything
in this note that has not been in 100 other notes and has not been
stamped on. In my opinion, it is fine to discuss problems in here and
to vent frustrations etc etc. The crucial thing to recognize is that
this conference is a hit-or-miss thing. You may happen to catch the
eye of a devo who will go off and investigate the problem and come up
with a workaround or a fix quickly. However, on the other hand, we are
not measured on how many notes we answer. We are measured and
monitored on how we deal with QARs/SPRs/CLDs.
In addition, I don't think there is any apology due for anything said.
I don't believe there were any breaches of ettiquite (sp?). However,
from a practical standpoint, you should know that as developers reading
a conference, it is real easy to filter out "this problem is critical"
or to get annoyed when seeing it for the nth time. The reason is that
nearly everyone says their problem is critical. We have no way to
weigh one critical problem against another. In this particular case,
we have raised the priority of the problem quite high based on both the
CLD and the fact that in looking at the problem, we realized that it
probably affects a large number of people.
2292.13 | TLA -- three letter acronym | HPSRAD::KOMAR | You can't fool Nature | Tue Mar 13 1990 18:08 | 10 |
I wonder what CLD stands for in this context.
QAR :== Quality Assurance Report
SPR :== System Performance Report
[ CLD :== Command line definition ]? :-)
2292.14 | | STAR::KLEINSORGE | Fred Kleinsorge, VMS Development | Tue Mar 13 1990 20:38 | 21 |
| Customer Level D??? or some such nonsense. What the letters stand for
is not as important as what it is...
A CLD is a mechanism by which a customer can unilaterally elevate a
problem that is having a substantial impact on the operation of their
system (i.e. an impact on their business). CLDs can only be closed
by the customer and cannot be closed by engineering, SWS or CSSE and
can be closed by a patch sent to the customer, or anything else that
makes the customer happy.
CLD's appear to be a compromise between the black hole called a SPR
and KO call.
While intended for serious business impact problems (as I've been told) the
CLD is now the weapon of choice by customers who are used to zero response
via the "normal" problem reporting mechanisms.
2292.15 | My view of a "CLD" | LNKUGL::BOWMAN | Bob Bowman, CSC/CS SPACE Team | Wed Mar 14 1990 02:04 | 31 |
| A CLD is the mechanism originally created by Field Service (now
Customer Service) which allows a local unit manager responsible for a
particular customer installation (i.e. they have purchased a support
contract and the resources to service this contract are supplied by the
local office unit manager). The unit manager may choose to escalate
critical customer situations which may require corporate level
resources for resolution by logging a call with the "Central/Critical
Log Desk". This CLD is part of the process called MAP (Management
Action Planning) which requires the local unit manager to create and
follow thru on an action plan which is designed to resolve the customer
Although originally designed to escalate down hardware situations, it
was adopted for the software arena when FS became responsible for
remedial software issues.
We now have (again) an agreement (at least for VMS components) that a
priority 1 or 2 SPR will be treated at corporate levels with the same
priority as a CLD. For a time this was not the case, and therefore
customers and the field began using the CLD process when a priority 1/2
SPR would have been used before. Hopefully the corporation is beginning
to get the kinks worked out of the process.
A CLD can only be closed by the originater (called the Problem Manager)
and that is normally only done when the customer has been satisfied to
the extent that Digital is able to do so.
Bob Bowman
Consultant, CSC/CS
(Part of the team responsible for handling
Software Problem escalations...but not CLDs)
2292.16 | | EEMELI::PEURA | Pekka Peura, CSG-Helsinki | Sun Mar 18 1990 19:57 | 12 |
| re: .-1
> A CLD can only be closed by the originater (called the Problem Manager)
> and that is normally only done when the customer has been satisfied to
> the extent that Digital is able to do so.
This is the theory. However often CSSE/and/or/Engineering close
CLDs without any confirmation that either the customer or Problem
manager are satisfied with the proposed solution. But i guess this
is a rathole that does not belong here.
2292.17 | Same or similar problem? | SCAM::DIAL | | Fri Sep 07 1990 18:45 | 21 |
2292.18 | synchronize in ast routine | STAR::HARDY | | Wed Sep 12 1990 17:21 | 22 |
> 1. Is this likely to be the same problem described in reply 0?
Same problem.
> 2. Are there other problems relating to ASTs and event handling to
> watch out for?
Prior to V5.4, if both non-ast processing and AST processing are
both waiting for an event or reply, they can incur this problem.
> 3. Does removing the synchronize really cure the problem?
Since the synchronize performs a wait for a reply, yes. If you
added another form of event or reply wait to your AST processing,
the problem would return.
This bug is fixed in V5.4.