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Conference bulova::decw_jan-89_to_nov-90

Title:DECWINDOWS 26-JAN-89 to 29-NOV-90
Notice:See 1639.0 for VMS V5.3 kit; 2043.0 for 5.4 IFT kit
Created:Mon Oct 30 1989
Last Modified:Mon Dec 31 1990
Last Successful Update:Fri Jun 06 1997
Number of topics:3726
Total number of notes:19516

871.0. "Listbox colours ?" by COMICS::AUSTIN () Fri Jun 02 1989 09:33

    Could anyone clarify whether it would be possible to have entries
    in a list box appearing in different colours. 
    Any help would be gratefully received.
    Simon Austin  (UKTSC)

871.1I don't think so...GSPMO::WESTI'm just visiting this planet.Fri Jun 02 1989 12:4618
>>>    Could anyone clarify whether it would be possible to have entries
>>>    in a list box appearing in different colours. 
  If what I found out about fonts for list_box also applies to colors,
  and I believe that it does, then the answer is NO.

  I was told that the entries in the list box widget are actually GADGETS
  which pretty much means that you can not modify their attributes.

  If this is not correct then please say so, I too would like to be able
  to do some things like this with list boxes.

					-=> Jim <=-

871.2LEOVAX::TREGGIARIFri Jun 02 1989 13:1911
It is true that inside a ListBox is a menu with gadget children that you
cannot affect directly (at least in V1; I'm don't know if anything has
changed for V2).  But you should be able to affect it *indirectly* via
XRM (i.e. an application defaults file or an decw$xdefaults.dat file).
You should be able to use lines such as:

listboxname*DwtMenu.font : fontname
listboxname*DwtMenu.foreground : red


871.3DONQ::KENNEDYMon Jun 05 1989 13:477
    If a ListBox is what appears when you click an option on the menu
    bar, then take a look at the DecWindows Calendar. Click "OPTIONS"
    and then click "MARK [->".

871.4ahemCASEE::LACROIXGone with the windMon Jun 05 1989 14:079
>    If a ListBox is what appears when you click an option on the menu
>    bar, then take a look at the DecWindows Calendar. Click "OPTIONS"
>    and then click "MARK [->".

    What you see is just an ordinary pulldown menu with ordinary pushbutton
    widgets, not a list box!
