T.R | Title | User | Personal Name | Date | Lines |
828.1 | Try this... | 8345::WEST | I'm just visiting this planet. | Wed May 24 1989 04:17 | 9 |
Try using XSetInputFocus.
This should do what you want.
-=> Jim <=-
828.2 | where does Display come from? | 6240::FARMER | | Wed May 24 1989 13:32 | 12 |
| I figured it would come to that. If I pulled up my windows
with the following:
toplevel_widget = XtInitialize (...);
DwtOpenHierarchy (...);
DwtFetchWidget (...);
where do I get Display from to pass to XSetInputFocus?
828.3 | | FLUME::dike | | Wed May 24 1989 13:33 | 2 |
| XtDisplay(top_level_widget)
828.4 | Window also.. | 29930::ZANZERKIA | | Wed May 24 1989 15:21 | 4 |
| And if you need window try..
828.5 | still not quite working | 6240::FARMER | | Wed May 24 1989 18:07 | 18 |
| I'm using everything y'all've recommended, and I'm still not
getting input focus. Here's the code in response to the
creation of a command window widget:
static void create_proc(w, tag, reason)
Widget w;
int *tag;
unsigned long *reason;
XSetInputFocus (XtDisplay (w), XtWindow (w), RevertToParent, CurrentTime);
I also tried adding:
Arg ArgList [1];
XtSetArg (ArgList [0], DwtNtakeFocus, TRUE);
XtSetValues (w, ArgList, 1);
828.6 | A guess... | 43153::GOURLAY | Alastair Gourlay | Wed May 24 1989 18:31 | 9 |
Have you tried XtCallAcceptFocus (widget, &CurrentTime);
If a more relevant time than CurrentTime is available
(from a ButtonPress event perhaps ?) then it should be used.
828.7 | | RAB::DESAI | Jatin Desai | Wed May 24 1989 19:24 | 9 |
| re: .-2
Seems like you are using XtWindow in a create callback of a widget. This type
of thing is usually a no-no. What you really want is to use code in .-2
in a map callback as opposed to create callback. Also, as .-1 mentioned
XtCallAcceptFocus is the way to go.
Hope this helps.
828.8 | XtCallAcceptFocus doesn't work either | 6240::FARMER | | Wed May 24 1989 19:25 | 10 |
| XtCallAcceptFocus doesn't work either. Has anyone actually
done this before? (I'm sure someone has). I'd really like to
see some real, working code.... I've read the manuals and
gotten to all the same routines, but the documentation is very
sparse on discussing any related conditions that may be
inhibiting the actions I'm asking for.
828.9 | still not there yet | 6240::FARMER | | Wed May 24 1989 19:42 | 33 |
| Ok - I moved XtCallAcceptFocus out of the create callback.
Now, in the main routine, I get "BadMatch", which has something
to do with the window not being "viewable". All I'm trying to
do is load a window hierarchy that includes a command window
and give the command window focus. easy, right?
DwtInitializeDRM ();
toplevel_widget = XtInitialize ("Welcome to DECSIM",
if (DRMSuccess !=
DwtOpenHierarchy (db_filename_num,
s_error ("can't open hierarchy");
DwtRegisterDRMNames (reglist, reglist_num);
if (DRMSuccess !=
DwtFetchWidget (s_DRMHierarchy,
s_error("cant fetch main window");
XtManageChild (main_window_widget);
XtRealizeWidget (toplevel_widget);
XtCallAcceptFocus (widget_array [k_command_window], &CurrentTime);
XtMainLoop ();
828.10 | | RAB::DESAI | Jatin Desai | Wed May 24 1989 21:25 | 6 |
| re: .-1
As I said: do it in the 'map callback' and you should be OK.
828.11 | | LEOVAX::TREGGIARI | | Thu May 25 1989 00:19 | 16 |
| Your problem is that you can't call XSetInputFocus (or
XtCallAcceptFocus) until the window
is mapped. There is a delay between the time that you call
XtRealizeWidget and the time that the window is mapped because the
window manager gets into the act and "decorates" the window.
Also style guide "conformant" applications are not supposed to
grab input focus at startup. If you still think you should be
doing it, you need to add some mechanism to know when the window
has been mapped. I don't think a 'map callback' will help because
it is called before the window is mapped. You could add a toolkit
event handler for MapNotify (I think it's called...) and call
XtCallAcceptFocus from it.
828.12 | them darn events... | 8345::WEST | I'm just visiting this planet. | Thu May 25 1989 04:48 | 12 |
| RE: -1
I've been told/shown that you should wait for an Expose event. I've been
confused before on this issue.
What should *really* be used; an Expose event or MapNotify event??
Either way should do the trick however.
-=> Jim <=-
828.13 | | 2520::TREGGIARI | | Thu May 25 1989 16:13 | 11 |
| > What should *really* be used; an Expose event or MapNotify event??
MapNotify should arrive first, but exposes will follow quickly...
> Either way should do the trick however.
828.14 | still not there | 6240::FARMER | | Thu May 25 1989 16:21 | 16 |
| The Map callback routine for the command window is not ever
being called; and the command window does not get MapNotify or
Expose callbacks (these are X events, right?). I am using UIL
and DW, not X. Is there a way to simply fetch a widget and
give it focus? I have tried everything that everyone has
suggested here and nothing is working. I appreciate all the
help, but I guess I'm miscommunicating what I'm trying to do...
828.15 | More.... | 2554::MCOLLINS | | Thu May 25 1989 18:38 | 26 |
The problem is that you are going against the grain. It is not easy to
manipulate focus. The Style Guide laid down a set of rules and the toolkit
implements those rules. Doing so is not trival as you are finding out.
I would suggest that you seriously consider not building your application
so that it goes against the Style Guide.
Most of the complexity comes from the need to have a mapped window prior to
setting focus to it. In general only the widget knows when it has been
mapped, widget try to hide this from users since it usually is of no interest.
As .13 suggested you will need to get either map notify or expose events.
Because the command window is tiled by other widgets it has no expose proc,
hence does not select for expose events. Also it has no interest in
map notify events so does not select for them. Because neither of these
events is selected for the server does not produce them. Hence listening
for them won't help, yet...
You could add translation syntax for the map notify to the command widget,
this will cause it to select for map notify events. Having selected for
them the server will produce them and they will be dispatched to your
action proc. Use XtAugmentTranslations since there is translation syntax
already on the command widget. I don't believe this can not be done via UIL.
Mike Collins
828.16 | how about popup selection widgets? | 6240::FARMER | | Thu May 25 1989 23:13 | 8 |
| ok, Mike. thanks for the explanation.
i'm still not clear on one thing. the application itself
shouldn't grab focus, but how about popup selection widgets?
they do it all the time. doesn't this cause the same problem?
828.17 | as a side issue... | 8345::WEST | I'm just visiting this planet. | Thu May 25 1989 23:58 | 14 |
Slight side step...
Take a look at the CYCLE code that is in the DW_EXAMPLES conference.
(not sure of exact note) This program emualates what VWS did with the
F5 cycle function. It changes focus of your decterm windows. This might
give you some insight of how to change/give focus to windows with the help
of the DECwindow manager.
-=> Jim <=-
828.18 | | 2520::TREGGIARI | | Fri May 26 1989 00:20 | 7 |
| re: -2. Toolkit popup dialog boxes have code to take focus if
you ask them to. They wait for the MapNotify to come back
before asking. In doesn't take long in "user-time", but
in "computer-time" it can take a while...
828.19 | | 20453::RYAN | DECwindows Mail | Fri May 26 1989 12:43 | 15 |
| re .18: But if you ask them to automatically take focus, they
use CurrentTime, which could grab the focus away from a window
the user has just given focus to. Plus, the application may want
to set the focus to a particular text widget within the dialog
box. Plus, it may be a main window widget rather than a popup
dialog box that you're trying to give focus to. Real-world
applications do have a need to set focus themselves.
What we do is an XGetWindowAttributes on the window we want
to give focus to and make sure it IsViewable before calling
XtCallAcceptFocus. It helps, but doesn't totally eliminate
those annoying BadMatch - X_SetInputFocus errors.
828.20 | I did it! | RICARD::LAFORGUE | It works better if you plug it! | Fri Jun 16 1989 08:22 | 140 |
| Here is a kludge to make it work: create a MainWindow containing a
work window (DwtWindow). This work window is able to call a callback
routine on the Expose event. And in this callback routine you
can do a XSetInputFocus to a text widget of your application.
This will grab the focus automatically once the application is started,
without any click on any move of the mouse.
Here is an example with the high level routines. I tested it on a Ultrix
system, it works.
By the way, it shows also how to change the focus from one text widget
to another by simply hitting the Return key.
/* hellotext.c 1.5 89/06/16 */
/* simplest example of pushbuttom, text widget action table and
input focus , using the High level routines */
/* author: Bernard Laforgue Digital @VBO */
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef VMS
#include <decw$include/DECwDwtApplProg.h>
#include <X11/DECwDwtApplProg.h>
static void window_exposed();
static void helloworld_button_activate();
static void return_key();
static DwtCallback callback_arg[2];
static char translation[] = "<Key>0xff0d: return_key()\n\
<Key>0xff8d: return_key()";
static XtActionsRec action_table[] = {
{"return_key", (XtActionProc)return_key},
Widget label, button, text1, text2;
int main(argc, argv)
unsigned int argc;
char **argv;
Widget toplevel, helloworldmain, dialogw, workw;
Arg arglist[2];
/******** Set up the User Interface **********/
toplevel = XtInitialize("hellotext","Helloclass", NULL, 0, &argc, argv);
XtSetArg (arglist[0], XtNallowShellResize, TRUE) ;
XtSetValues (toplevel, arglist, 1) ;
helloworldmain = DwtMainWindow( toplevel, "mainwin", 0, 0, 170, 155);
dialogw = DwtDialogBox( helloworldmain, "dialogw", TRUE,0,0,
DwtLatin1String("Hi v1.5"), DwtWorkarea, 0, 0);
label = DwtLabel( dialogw, "label", 0, 0,
"Type in the lines or\nPress button once\nto change label;\ntwice to exit."
), 0);
XtAddActions(action_table, 1);
text1 = DwtSText(dialogw, "text", 0, 40, 20, 1, "line 1: ");
DwtSTextSetEditable (text1, TRUE);
XtOverrideTranslations(text1, XtParseTranslationTable(translation));
text2 = DwtSText(dialogw, "text", 0, 55, 20, 1, "line 2: ");
DwtSTextSetEditable (text2, TRUE);
XtOverrideTranslations(text2, XtParseTranslationTable(translation));
callback_arg[0].proc = helloworld_button_activate;
callback_arg[0].tag = 0;
callback_arg[1].proc = NULL;
button = DwtPushButton( dialogw, "button", 15, 70,
DwtLatin1String("Hello\nWorld!"), callback_arg, 0);
XtManageChild( button);
/* dummy work area, just to get an expose event */
callback_arg[0].proc = window_exposed;
workw = DwtWindow(helloworldmain, "workw", 0, 0, 10, 2, callback_arg);
XtManageChild( workw);
XtManageChild( dialogw); /* must be here to override workw */
XtManageChild( helloworldmain);
XtRealizeWidget( toplevel);
/* XtInstallAccelerators(text, button); */
return (0);
static void window_exposed( widget, tag, callback_data)
Widget widget;
char *tag;
DwtAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data;
/* set the input focus to the first text widget */
/* this will grab the focus automatically to this aplication,
at its creation without anay action on the mouse */
XSetInputFocus(XtDisplay(text1), XtWindow(text1),
RevertToParent, CurrentTime);
static void helloworld_button_activate( widget, tag, callback_data)
Widget widget;
char *tag;
DwtAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data;
Arg arglist[2];
static int call_count = 0;
call_count += 1 ;
switch ( call_count)
case 1:
XtSetArg( arglist[0], DwtNlabel,
XtSetValues( widget, arglist, 1);
XtSetArg( arglist[0], DwtNlabel,
DwtLatin1String("Press button to exit."));
XtSetValues( label, arglist, 1);
break ;
case 2:
break ;
static void return_key (widget, tag, callback_data)
Widget widget;
char *tag;
DwtAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data;
char *content;
Arg arglist[1];
Widget w;
/* copies the content of the text to the pushbutton */
content = DwtSTextGetString(widget);
XtSetArg( arglist[0], DwtNlabel,
XtSetValues(button, arglist, 1);
/* set the input focus to the other text widget */
w = (widget==text1)? text2 : text1;
XSetInputFocus(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), RevertToParent, CurrentTime);
828.21 | | LEOVAX::TREGGIARI | | Fri Jun 16 1989 10:07 | 16 |
| Instead of calling XSetInputFocus directly, you should call
XtCallAcceptFocus (widget, time). There are two reasons I can think
1. The widget will call XSetInputFocus but may do other
desirable things as well. For example, telling its parent
so that the parent remembers which widget currently has the focus,
and can give it back if the window manager tells the application
to take focus.
2. MOTIF uses a different "client-side" mechanism for handling
focus. Calling XSetInputFocus directly will mess that up
(so if you ever plan to port your application...).
828.22 | I did it on VMS too! | RICARD::LAFORGUE | It works better if you plug it! | Fri Jun 16 1989 12:27 | 16 |
| re: .20
Sorry, the example I gave in .20 does not work on VMS, you must
replace the line:
and it will be OK. (I tested it while Leo wrote the reply .21)
Actually, XFree should always by used for data allocated by X and
DECwindows, on both systems. My apologize for this mistake.
re: .21
Ok Leo, I gonna try it.
828.23 | | AITG::DERAMO | Daniel V. {AITG,ZFC}:: D'Eramo | Fri Jun 16 1989 20:06 | 5 |
| Do you want it to take the input focus after every expose event
or just after the first one?
828.24 | XtCallAcceptFocus does not work | BISTRO::LAFORGUE | It works better if you plug it! | Mon Jun 19 1989 11:56 | 29 |
| re: .21
I tried on Ultrix to replace
XsetInputFocus(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), RevertToParent, CurrentTime);
XtCallAcceptFocus(w, CurrentTime);
and I didn't managed to link:
cc -o hellotext.x hellotext.o -ldwt -lXt -lX11
I tried first without -lXt, same result. Is there a new library to give
in the link command or is it a known bug of UWS 2.0?
Second question: can I use CurrentTime as second argument of
XtCallAcceptFocus? Else, what sould I use? time((long *)0) ?
I tried both on VMS, I managed to link but I got Access violation.
re: .-1
Good point. I think what Cliff needed was just after the first one.
It would be a good idea to set a flag to avoid to take the input focus
on each event.
Actually I just wanted to test the feasibility to take the input
focus at start time. I haven't yey used it in a real application.
It is true that it violates the style guide and can cause you some
surprise, say if you start it in background and you continue to type
in your DECterm window. Suddenly when the window is mapped, what you're
typing is going into the new window and maybe this was not what you
828.25 | | LEOVAX::TREGGIARI | | Wed Jun 21 1989 16:52 | 27 |
| > I tried on Ultrix to replace
> XsetInputFocus(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), RevertToParent, CurrentTime);
> by
> XtCallAcceptFocus(w, CurrentTime);
> and I didn't managed to link:
> cc -o hellotext.x hellotext.o -ldwt -lXt -lX11
> Undefined:
> _XtCallAcceptFocus
I've seen someone else complain about this in a notes file recently, so
maybe it wasn't in UWS 2.0. A work-around is to get the address of the
accept_focus procedure from the widget class record, and call it.
> Second question: can I use CurrentTime as second argument of
> XtCallAcceptFocus? Else, what sould I use? time((long *)0) ?
> I tried both on VMS, I managed to link but I got Access violation.
Yes, you can use CurrentTime, but the time is not passed by value but
by reference. So you need to declare a variable of type Time, assign
CurrentTime to it and pass the address of the variable. For example:
Time time = CurrentTime;
XtCallAcceptFocus (w, &time);
828.26 | | CASEE::LACROIX | Gone with the wind | Fri Jun 23 1989 15:20 | 9 |
| Re XtCallAcceptFocus not available:
That's the problem I'm currently banging my head against...
XtCallAcceptFocus is unheard of for UWS 2.0 on VAXen, but is available
on UWS 2.1 for PMAXen. I could always hack something, but that would
mean touching the files, which I can't do. TGIF.